
Heiress Omoh

I simplify complex writing and book publishing processes

Port Harcourt , Nigeria

Heiress Omoh, is a certified content writer, book project consultant/manager, and human capacity builder. She is a firm believer in Christ Jesus and a kingdom ambassador who believes in the restoration of lives, hopes, dreams, and destinies.

She is a purpose-driven lady who is passionate about impacting lives and advocating personal growth, development, and productivity. Through her teachings, she has helped hundreds of young people to live their best lives yet.

She is a young engagement facilitator with Jobberman Nigeria and the author of over 10 digital products and has written several published, and unpublished articles and other life-changing masterpieces across various social media platforms.

She's the convener of The Extraordinary Tribe, a platform where persons who believe in God and their contribution to this world converge to receive inspiration and guiding principles. She is also the founder of TET Readers Club, a platform that helps to stimulate reading appetite among teenagers and youths as well as the lead sponsor of the Read Right Campaign, an annual enlightenment campaign where hundreds of her book, DHRC is given for FREE to primary and secondary school students across the Nation.

By educational qualifications, she is a graduate in Public Administration and has also taken certification pieces of training on institutions like Garden City Premier Business School, Alpha Global Leadership Academy, MOGi Leadership Institute, Personal and Career Development Academy, Jobberman, Coursera, Saylor, LinkedIn, and Get Up Youth Africa amongst others.

As an ardent knowledge seeker, she consistently seeks to maximise various opportunities to grow, develop and become productive in her world while encouraging other young people to do the same.


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Aug 01, 2023 1 year ago

Sometimes, life gets complicated, and you may find yourself wondering if you're enough and if you can pull through the phase of life you're in. Worse is when you can't explain how exactly you feel. Maybe nobody would understand. If they do, will they pardon the imperfections that now litter your life? Will you be enough? Would you meet up with the expectations they have for you when you can no longer meet your own expectations? Right behind closed doors, you question your identity, thinking that you are just some random part of something happening in the world. It is just hard to believe that you are not just some part but something more - perhaps a light meant to shine. But walking through those dark, silent moments, you wonder if you are enough and if you still have what it takes to shine the light they say you are. You want to give yourself a second chance but you feel you should just remain where you are and not dare to be more because people are already familiar with who you have always been. They may not accept the new version of you that's cringing inside - begging for expression. Well, what if all it takes to get to the next level is to realize that you have to be like a phoenix bird - a mythical bird that recreates itself from the ashes of its old self - and let out the expanded version of yourself begging within you for expression? Truth is, you do not have to stay in a skin that no longer serves the assignment of the Almighty for your life. You do not have to own up to habits, thought patterns, and associations that no longer serve you just because you want to feel like a part of the world. You need to let yourself evolve because to embrace the new, one has to be willing to shed some old; otherwise, growth won't happen. You do not need the entire universe to approve of you. All you need is the readiness to dare, shake off yourself, and put out a new horizon. The universe will be fine. You may not know how much you have hindered yourself from shining your light by sticking with the old patterns, but I wish you'd walk away from this content realizing that there is more to your existence and that if you don't let yourself reemerge, this world may never get to experience the unique perspective you have to offer. Be your own phoenix today. Dare to reinvent because you were made for such a time as this and you may never know how blessed your world is to have you if you never give yourself a chance to be that new version of yourself begging for expression. One thing is certain, though stepping out on a new light isn't always without resistance, at the end, you'll be glad that you dared to be you.

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Jul 25, 2023 1 year ago

I didn't know when I blurted, "Jennifer, what are you doing here?" At first, I wasn't sure she was the one. I mean, what would she be doing in the female cell of the prison? I would have sworn that she also came for the prison outreach that morning if it wasn't for the distinctive prison outfit she wore. Thankfully, she saved me the stress of further accommodating those wandering thoughts when she responded, "Omoh, I know you don't believe it but it is Jennifer. I am paying the price for a crime I have no idea of the cost." "Wait, Jennifer. I am lost. The last time I saw you was in the higher institution three years ago when we were writing our final exams. Please, what happened?" "It is a long story and I am not sure where to start from but people are wicked. The heart of men is desperately evil." "Please, tell me something. Anything. I just want to know. My team will soon be leaving but I promise I will come again. For now, just tell me this isn't true." "Hmmm! I wish I could say it is not true but it is and I have been here for the past two years", she said and sighed with tears streaming from her eyes. I wish I could tell her to stop but I thought to myself that coming to the prison that day may have been for this purpose. So, I allowed her to cry and pleaded with her to give me the details. "Omoh, even if I tell you, what difference will it make?" By now, I was aching to know what happened, "Sis, you may just be the reason I came here today and I am not leaving until you speak to me." She hesitated but continued, "Back in school, there was this lady in our lodge who used to patronize my business. She ordered snacks often and sometimes paid in advance. One day, she asked for a favor I couldn't decline. She needed to receive funds with my account, but unknown to me, she was involved in internet fraud. When I received the money, she asked that we go to the bank to withdraw it. I agreed, thinking she'd come with me to defend me if needed. But at the bank, things took a dark turn. The branch manager said they traced a fraudulent transaction to my account. I tried explaining the money wasn't mine, but I couldn't reach the lady; she had disappeared." "Geez!", I couldn't believe it. "The person whose money was taken pressed charges, and my family did everything they could to no avail. I got a five-year sentence." To think that an innocent act of helping someone landed Jennifer in prison. "I am so sorry, Jenny. I will reach out to every human rights activist and I won't rest until we get you the justice you deserve." "Don't bother yourself. Maybe I was destined for prison. Where do I start?" From her response, I could tell she had given up but I wasn't going to take NO for an answer so I said to her, "Jennifer, when you get out, all you need to do is to rise from your ashes and start anew." "What will people say?" "Girl, I need you to worry less about that. Let's get you justice first. The money was returned and your account is frozen, right?" "Yes" "Okay. You will hear from me soon". After much effort, Jennifer's case was revisited, and proper investigations were made. She finally got her justice, and when I saw her that day in court, she said to me, "Thank you. You're a godsend. Now I know why you contested to be an advocate in school then. You've not stopped being one." As I hugged her, I said, "The greatest appreciation you can offer me right now is to rise from your ashes and birth that new version of yourself I can feel within me. Your innocence vindicated you and now you are free. Don't live like a prisoner anymore. Rewrite the new version of you that you want this world to read. I know you have learnt your lessons and I hope that we all can be more sensitive to avoid being victims of negative circumstances."

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