
Zilola Uralova

Customs institute of the State Customs Committee

Jizzakh, Uzbekistan

I am Zilola Uralova, from Uzbekistan where is famous for its fabulous nature, historical cities like Samarkand, Bukhara, Khiva and Kokand as well as everyone is very hospitable and spends their days with a radiant smile to each other. I study in Customs institute of the State Customs committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan. I have no extended, but supportive family. I am an economist but really interested in literature. Because one of the great thinker said that literature educates the nation.

Actions are tied to intention

Jul 22, 2020 4 years ago

Nowadays most of people cannot live in harmony because of Covid-19 pandemic in the world. Moreover, children, who even do not understand the aim of life, are dying all over the world. The coronavirus pandemic is the defining global health crisis of that time and the greatest challenge humankind has faced since World War Two. The virus has spread to every continent except Antarctica. Nevertheless, impact of coronavirus to our life is much more than a health crisis. Not only dozens of the world's greatest cities, but also small cities all over the world are deserting as people stay indoors, either by choice or by government order. Shops, theatres, schools, universities, restaurants and parks were closed across the world. People are losing their jobs and income, with no way knowing when normality will return. Remember, small island nations, heavily dependent on tourism, have empty hotels and deserted beaches. Consequences of stress and restrictions, social, economic and political crisis are arising in the world. But we have one thing - TNAHKFULNESS! In my childhood, my grandparents said that thankfulness is the most powerful tool to achieve our goals and make our life beautiful. In that pandemic period, people are learning how to be thankful for their life to God and hoped goodness, tried to make our life friendly. Thankfulness to Allah gave us great power that can change the world in a good way. Yes, thankfulness is the best power to make our life beautiful and colorful! The most essential thing in this period is to have good intention and we must to strive and go forward. As the great thinker and king of medicine Abu Ali ibn Sino (Avicenna) said that panic is half a disease, peace of mind is half a health. And patience is the beginning of healing. That's why, no one must to panic because of the virus. On the contrary, all people should be calm and engaged in the exercises, hobbies that they like and most importantly, stay at home and follow the rules of quarantine. Even in the current dangerous situation, the heroes of our time, who put their lives at risk and sincerely fulfill their duty, are meticulous doctors and courageous military men, customs officers, deserve high esteem. Faithful to their own medical vows, the health guards today literally struggle without fear with an invisible enemy for the health of humans. I want to give an example of this with a real life story. I knew one wonderful doctor who was a well-qualified and master of her field. She was in her forties. She was the best example of endurance because she served people and helps to be healthy until her last breath. She died of coronavirus infection. But people never forget their heroine, her name and kindness. Today, the economy and social life of countries in the conditions of global outbreak of pandemic in the world community is damaged by numerous restrictions. But there are such heroes that not everyone knows about their courage. Because they serve on the borders of the country. There are another heroes of this period they are customs officers. The persons who collide with the greatest possible risk of entering through the borders of the country are customs officers. At the same time now the abolition of export and import operations and the closure of state borders will greatly damage the economic potential of the state and the way of life of citizens. Effective customs service will serve to provide people with adequate food, hygiene products, medicines and other products. Despite the fact that many customs officers are also infected with coronavirus, all customs officers are working to ensure the economic security of our homeland, I am also proud that I am a future customs officer and will definitely serve my motherland in any situation. I called my essay ACTIONS ARE TIED TO INTENTION. Why? Our prophet Muhammad sollallohu alayhi va sallam said that Actions are tied to intention. When we have good intention, our actions and life will be harmony with our intentions. That's why, let us hope together for our Global village – for our Earth “We will live in 2021 without any viruses; we will live healthy and happy”. And this will be the great step to the prosperous future of mankind!

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