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Judy is a web content author, writer, and content strategist who creates media content including in-depth articles and writing content for business owners. She uses her creativity and technical ability to produce powerful writing and design that prompts her client's followers to engage. Judy believes that writing is one of the best arts of expression. Judy garnered reinventing herself after years in the medical field working as a medical technician, customer service representative, and an independent sales consultant for over 20 years. She currently mentors' teenage mothers and single parents in transition. At the present time Judy is working toward a master's degree in English. She has literary works in progress that she is eager to delight her readers with. Judy is a recent graduate with a bachelor's degree in business administration/management. When Judy is not studying, writing, or mentoring, she enjoys spending time with family and friends, traveling, exploring nature trails, listening to jazz & R&B, making arts & crafts, movies, and spending relaxing times at the beach.
Academia, Theories, & Rhetoric
Apr 16, 2022 2 years agoSpeaker to audience the following conceptions are similar as value enters the argument equation for the audience to consider. For every argument, an audience can choose from freedom, equality, fairness, and patriotic approaches. This idea is similar to Bizzell, Herzberg, and Reames (2020) beliefs. Values play an essential part when advocating a social issue. For facts stated correctly, every problem is parallel to a set of values in America. Lens (2005) asserts that when defining an argument, an argument bases itself on a "hierarchy of values per the audience in disagreement about which values are more important." When this takes place, advocates modify the order of the values and take the stance of the advocate's priorities. (Lens, 2005). Lawyer (2013) suggests that a presenter should aim at structuring a language for the audience to inspire at the time of presentation. Bizzell et al.; (2020) concede that most people are predisposed to move in a way that seems logical to them. They will not apply the solution if they cannot recognize it as appropriate to them, stating that values are always present in all arguments, circumventing science, and politics.
National Dress Up Your Pet Day
Jan 20, 2022 3 years agoIf you were just hanging out on a typical day, people would stare at you and your dog in the street dressed alike. But on National Dress Up Your Pet Day, matching outfits are welcomed, and trendy. This day was started in 2009 by celebrity pet lifestyle expert and animal behaviorist Collen Paige. The day helps to celebrate pets and supports the pet fashion community. Make sure your pet expresses their personality every year!
Cupid Draws Back His Bow - A Pitch for Business
Jan 20, 2022 3 years agoDuring Valentine's Day, lovers exchange greetings and gifts to show their affection. The day is also a time to share gifts with friends and family. Ever wonder why Valentine's Day is celebrated at such a cold time of year? It should be noted that this was not the actual weather celebrated by the first people who started the tradition. As the story is told, St. Valentine was a legendary priest of the Roman Catholic faith. As part of the Valentine celebrations, which began during the Roman era in 496 AD, cards with decorative cupids, hearts, and roses were presented. The Valentine's Basket collection is designed for those celebrating this holiday. Some baskets come with wine, glasses, roses, and chocolates and others come with a throw, two mugs, and hot chocolate packets. We can create a gift basket to fit your loved one's needs, whether you are going on a romantic ski trip or spending a quiet evening at home. The rose is the universal flower that is grown in a number of shades. Knowing what the color of the rose means adds a special touch of emotion to custom designed baskets given as gifts. RED The red rose beautifully signifies love and passion. It is given as a classic on Valentine's Day. YELLOW The yellow rose is a signature sign of friendship and golden care. Warmth. GREEN The green rose expresses a sign of growth an abundant life. BLUE The blue rose is a sign of freedom in expressing. Uniqueness and mystery. PINK The pink rose represents elegance and sweetness. Royalty and femininity.
Super Vegan Pizza and Pastry Shops
Dec 30, 2021 3 years agoManoosh Pizzeria is found west of Sydney Australia. It is nestled in South Wales in a suburb called Marrickville. Manoosh Pizzeria is home to the Baklava (SV) pastry. It is delightfully filled with peanuts with coconut syrup to flavor. History contends that this pastry has origins from Turkey. The exact location is unknown. Added history notes that Baklava recipes were reserved for special occasions. Visitors and returning patrons of Manoosh Pizzeria enjoy menu items made for kids, plus there are pizzas for every type of pizza lover! Hours of operation are Monday-Thursday and Sunday 11:00 -22:30. Friday and Saturday 11:00- 23:15.