
Julie Ann Trentin

Creative Writer/ Author/ Entrepreneur/Artist

Hamilton, Canada

Good Day Everyone!

My name is Julie Ann Trentin and I am currently 48 years young and live in beautiful Canada.

Over the last 4 years I have delved into my writing abilities and have written a few books. However, in earlier years I have a wonderful poem published and you can find "What is Love" in the Consuming Flame by the International Poetry Society; page 50 and is written under the name "Julie Scott" as I was married at that time. I am very proud of my accomplishment.

I started writing at the age of eight when I discovered I could rhyme words together very easily. With that I started to make four line songs and poems. I fell in love with words and what I could create with them.

My new novel Viktor is coming soon to the Friesen Press bookstore and eBooks this summer 2020. Friesen Press called this exciting tale an "epic good versus evil" romantic love story about a young vampire who must fight to save his family lineage. Get your copy in any language for the ones you love. 14+

Check out my blogger on google blogger for helpful hints to help you become the writer you've always dreamed you could be! Be well!


Like flowers in the garden they stand tall and proud,

Waiting for raindrops to fall from the clouds,

Curly blonde ringlets and baby blue eyes,

My Sunflowers dance with the wind and the sky.

-Ask me for this poem in it's entirety.

I hope you all find yourselves in great Spirits.


My skills include - writing romantic words of expression, for YOUR loved one or maybe some magical words for your God Daughter or God Son?

- creative expression on a variety of topics.

- creative expression for your business needs,

- I am flexible

- I am excellent with colors and putting schemes together.

- Great food critic

- I can take great pictures.(You'd have to supply the camera!)

- I love to write poetry and I would be happy to write for you.

- I am a creative writer looking for work.

- I am a published Artist.

-I am available for work anytime.

- For a small fee I will create two chapters. I will start your story and you

finish it. Email me for details! I'm here to help.

-I appreciate your business.

For helpful writing tips check out: worksofjulie.blogspot.com. Thank You

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2020

Julie Ann,



Today Is the Day!

Nov 25, 2019 5 years ago

Today, I read a small introduction to a webinar I am taking through Friesen Press and it told me that I am an Authorpreneur. The term is very unique to me and it made me feel like my life long writing career has become just that, a legitimized career. I have been an Entrepreneur since the age of four with my first lemonade stand out side my parents house. I've always known I was a business minded person and today my writing career has really solidified it's position in my life. I am so overjoyed because the job part finally feels real and to be so open to the world is such an amazing and overwhelming feeling. I am humbled by this new experience. This is truly an amazing moment. In the next post, I'll have some examples of my work for You. My exciting novel "Viktor, Into the Light" will be coming out in the summer of 2020 and my Thanks goes to Friesen Press for making this lifelong dream come true. Viktor, called an "epic" good versus evil story by Friesen Press excites me to tell you about it. He's sexy and moral. He discovers a few things about his family and longs for one of his own. Look for it in the Friesen Press bookstore or eBooks and give a copy to your staff, friends, mother, sister, or your aunties. Viktor is a satisfying read for anyone 14+. Well, I'll post some examples of my work for you now. See you in the next post. Julie Ann

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On the Road to Publishing

Nov 16, 2019 5 years ago

Oh my gosh! I am almost there! I have just chosen the cover for my book Viktor which is estimated to be out sometime in the summer of 2020. Time is flying by or have you not noticed?? LOL It is so great to be publishing. I have waited forty years to do this and I am ever so excited. My fantasy fiction novel is about a young vampire who has fallen in love. He desires a normal life and wife and kids and the whole nine yards. He is moral and loving; but, he must fight for all that is good. He is loved by many and wanted by all. In his fight for his life he must save himself and everyone else for if he doesn't; all will fall into hell. I'm proud to say so far that Friesen Press is helping me to Self publish this book. I am so excited and thrilled to be able to see my work in a real book. This is amazing to me and something everyone should try and do. This past summer I retrieved myself another Chi. She is adorable and her name is D'aff N'aia. She compliments my Bonzo quite nicely. Quite the little monkey she is; I might add, yet her lovely demeanor is very loving. Right now she is teething and biting my hands up to shreds. She loves my knuckles and has taken a liking to chomping on them at any chance she gets. She cries whenever she can't see you and has dug up the dirt in my plants. I love that she airrates; but the mess!!!LOL puppies! She's also discovered she likes coffee! Yes, when she kisses me she can taste it on my lips. She is very smart and has come to using her paws to pull my lips apart and get in a few laps. Her nails are so sharp when she paws you, that you cannot help but open your mouth! You're laughing too hard not too and she just jumps in there and starts lapping up the remnants! I swear she's too smart for her own good! Well, she's not getting any more than that! She's definitely hyper already without coffee in the mix! Honestly, she is too cute! Well, at some point this winter I must carry on with "In the Garden of Life". It has been waiting for me. Doing the re-writes for Viktor has taken me away from writing it; but now, I have the time to dedicate to this children's novel about two bees in the garden. I'm trying to make it a magical story and yet I'm not polished at all on magic! Time to study!! Honestly, I haven't a clue how this story will turn out and yet I am excited to write it. Time will tell! Looking forward to hearing from you, Best Regards, Jules

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My Dream Is Coming True

Oct 25, 2019 5 years ago

Good Day, Wow wee has time just flown by. This summer I spent my time re-writing my manuscript for the editors. My book Viktor, Into the Light will be out sometime in the summer of 2020 and I am delighted to share this exciting moment in my life with you. I am just thrilled that my dream is on the precipice of coming true! Publishing one of my books and having it made into a real book is so exciting for me.I have waited 40 years for this moment in my life and now it is finally happening for me! This is just wonderful! The whole experience of writing Viktor has been quite magical and inspirational. Since 2014 I have written 5 books, with Viktor being my first for publication. I hope you all have something exciting going on in your lives that just brings you pure joy! Have a wonderful time dancing through life. Look for my book; it will make a great gift for someone you love. Thank you for your time! God Bless, Julie Ann

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Meet my boy!

Jul 20, 2019 5 years ago

Good Evening Everyone! I hope you like the picture. This is my little guy Bonzo. He is 4 years old and very smart. He's very loving and compassionate towards me. He is quite the tea lover (Earl Grey and English Breakfast seem to be his favorites)and soon he will meet his new mate D'Aff N'aia. I am hoping to get her through the summer sometime and will surely post when she's here. I can't wait for her. She will be spoiled too! Best Regards, Julie Ann

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The benefit of writing is allowing your mind to speak and unburden your soul to bring yourself to new emotional heights once the emotional burdens of thoughts are lifted. Writing is a wonderful way to unload the mind of useless chatter at three in the morning and play friend to yourself. Writing allows one to communicate their thoughts and exercise themselves Spiritually thus allowing healing to occur and can help bring closure in many situations. Calming the mind helps to refocus your thoughts when times are deeply stressed or simply to convey a spontaneous creative thought for use at another time. Writing out your thoughts can be both relieving and satisfying. This also allows one to reconnect with themselves; opening themselves up to self confidence and self nurturing by allowing their mind to freely express its most secret self as it is most liberating and promotes emotional well-being. Another benefit of writing is that it provides a mentally physical job or hobby for someone incapable of physical exercise or daily movement. Having a way to express oneself is a great way to combat against depression and mood swings and is not limited to any one kind of person. Writing is for everyone. Writing may provide keeping a language alive. Through writing you may build bonds of friendship or earn awards thus promoting your own mental health. Writing soothes the mind and balances your psyche. Another benefit of writing is that another perspective may be sought out or brought to light. This engages conversation. Writing is a mutual alliance with your soul and mind joining both in a place where emotions are equal and transforming; creating spiritual healing in some cases or you're just flourishing out in some kind of story telling. In either case, writing anything; even if it sounds silly, is an excellent deterrent for other health problems like dementia and Alzheimer's. Writing is a great way to exercise the recesses of the mind and in that, you may find emotional well being and better understanding of one's self. Writing sets you free to explore your world and it's surrounding without bias. You can love or hate anything and in that comes the ability to identify with the pros and cons of reality possibly transforming that into your greatest work of art. Writing is soulful and expressive leading one to experience Spiritual Peace. Writing is creative art. Writing is essential to success in life. Lastly, writing is the best tool for communicating with others whether it's in the sand or on paper. Every line is valuable. Every word needed. So remind your mother, brother, sister and friends to write for their life, loves and hates. For in that we all Live.

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