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Hi Guys!
My name is Afreen Shanavas and I hail from God's own Country. I'm 16 years old and have written numerous short stories, a few poems and a novel, which is, as of now, unpublished.

Dec 06, 2020 4 years agoThough her pleas were inaudible over the music blasting from my headphones, my moans were audible enough to stimulate my unrelenting curiosity. What was it that she wanted to say? Could I have prevented her death? Mom's departure was the kick which pushed me into an ever-spiraling chasm, gyrating all the way to the nexus; which was, again, me. Maybe it was nothing, but I knew that I've been sustaining on the ‘maybe' department for too long. Wasn't there an urgency to her tone? Delicately, the ethereal, transparent film of wings latched itself on to my back, flapping against the zephyr, which felt startlingly alien to a mystical set of appendages, and with a kick, I pushed myself up, ambushing a stirring billow of clouds. “Eon, my love, I wanted to ask you something,” Mom's soft voice caressed my ears. “No, I know what it is. And I don't want to answer.” “This is different, Eon. It is not what you think it is.” “Stop tricking me, Mom. Your tricks are as old as Santa.” Her chuckle revealed a set of pearls which looked startlingly ravishing behind rosy cages. A conversation which, even years after her death, kept haunting me. We are all pre-programmed to believe that life is eternal and time is everlasting. No matter whatever we are told we are inclined to believe it's that way, though somewhere, in the void, you know that it's not. A snap. A tick. That's all it takes. Now, above the town, I realize my insignificance. You are not even a speckle in the universe and you thought the world wouldn't function without you? The clouds sheathed me from the unflinching gaze of the people below, all astonished and wonder-struck. An angel in the sky, they chanted in awe. Past the fluff of white; large and small, spots and splashes, curls and balls, the daylight and life, gliding through an expanse of embellished ambience, wing tips cutting through the air, I advanced to the heavens. After-life, was indeed an idiosyncrasy for the superior intellects whose heads were muddled with science and who capsized the worth of their Creator and denied his existence altogether, only to go back to him in the end. People on Earth did a poor job of visualizing the magnificence of paradise; they did their best, I believe, for it cannot be described; the beauty too deep to be etched on papyrus. Glissading past the wonders, which, superficial to my ears and eyes, which were wandering for the plain melody of her words, I spotted a pulsating wisp of golden light. With slight tremors which vanquished by the overwhelming sense of saudade and inquisitiveness, I proceeded into the glow ball. I was sucked into oblivion; a state of tranquility which eased all my pains. “Eon?” her leathery voice pierced through my heart, knocking me into my senses. “Mom? Is that you?” “Darling, you've grown so beautiful!” the voice echoed. Sparkling tears glittered my visage. “My love, tears are for the clouds.” “The rain? Are those tears?” “Yes, my dear. Of pain.” “But life on Earth blossoms with these tears.” Mom was invisible but I felt the warmth of her smile. “We all relish on pain, Eon. It is our friend. We must not let it become our enemy.” “Mom, a question.” “The lights are leaving, Eon.” “That day, you wanted to ask me something, what was it?” The evanescence of her memory, a fleeting image in the undulating wisp. Questions still unanswered. Both wondering: what was it the other wanted to ask?
Are Paper Books better than E-books?
Jul 13, 2020 4 years ago‘It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity', is a wonderful quote by the great physicist Albert Einstein. With the quantum leap of technology, the very notion of reading has endured a transformation. Reading paper books poses as an outlandish idea in an era where e-books take the stage. This is of no wonder in a world where technology is creating an economy where attention becomes the most important currency. While everything around is getting the switch to the digital the question of e-books versus printed books is in constant debate. Reading from paper might feel more pleasurable as it enraptures the reader by its tantalizing appearance. For avid readers, holding a book in hand, the smell, nice binding and flipping through the pages is a beautiful feeling which is lacking in a digital device. Moreover, they remain as physical reminders of our intellectual journey. E-book too has pros. They help in easy reading and can be read at any angle and posture whether it's bright or dark. A number of e-books can be carried easily, which is of immense benefit to people who bears book with them. These books never get out of stock and provides an out of the world experience to the readers as there is no trouble of carrying a dictionary due to the presence of inbuilt dictionaries. The seller also provides a free sample of the book you wish to read, bestowing us an insight into the book, creating a thirst to read it. For regular commuters, e-books provide a source of entertainment, helping them to while away the monotonous time on the bus or train. Time flies when you read a book and you will be surprised to find how fast you have reached your destination. Print books are better for health. According to a Harvard Medical School study conducted last year it was found that reading a light-emitting e-book before bed interferes with your ability to sleep, with your alertness the following morning, and with your overall health. Lastly, e -books are less fair to the authors deeming budding writers unenthusiastic. Portraying paper or e-book as an ideal method of reading would be wrong as it depends from person to person. The onset of e-books or technology cannot lead to obsolescence of librarians. Librarians play an important role in shaping the idea of a reader as much as guides in e-book. She can help a budding reader to mold her thoughts and rejuvenate her imagination by detecting the interest of the reader and prescribing a book defining her state and matching her desire. The guide in an e-book can do nothing more than recommending a book not aware of the interest nor the state of the reader's mind. Even in a hybrid library which consists of a collection of both paper and e-books, a librarian is essential for many purposes which includes analyzing search results, organizing library materials, developing and using databases and to assist the faculty. E-books or printed books or a combination of both? The answer to both the questions is left lingering in the air. It is up to you to catch it depending upon your personal preference.
Jul 12, 2020 4 years agoThe mother, with the baby on her back, walked through the barren land. The hunt for water seemed never-ending. Trees were ripped of its glory; only the dry twigs remained, shaking occasionally when a breeze blew. The mother could never forget the image she saw a few days before. She was resting just like usual; she tilted her head and stared at the baby in her arms; it was weak and fragile. As she rested, she saw an eagle sprawling over another body, which lay down, too weak to get up. Circling around the body, it swooped down beside the body and waited for the human to die, but his energy was failing him. If the eagle waited for any longer, the eagle would die. Slowly, it walked to the body and started pecking at the lifeless creature. The mother looked away, not being able to bear the scene. She took her child and walked away, ignoring the slow moans of the body. Dragging her legs, she tried to get rid of the image which haunted her for days. Every night, she woke up in the middle of sleep, dreaming the eagle attacking her child. She stole glances around, ensuring the eagle wasn't chasing her. The lone human in the place, she carried her baby and journeyed in search of water. The Mother Earth was dying and so was she. The prospect of her child having to face the situation alone, empowered her to live her life. She dropped down; the day was extremely hot and she sweltered under the heat. Laying the baby in her lap, she took deep breaths, grateful at the presence of air for their sustenance. Her legs and hands were collapsing and now she wanted more than anything for the eagle to feast on her. Placing her child on the bare arid land, she lay down beside her, drifting off into sleep, no sooner than she lay down. The blazing sun welcomed her. The universe seemed to function only for her. The sun was glaring directly at her and the child. Mustering energy, she got up, looking down at her child. Tears welled in her eyes. She wasn't sure if she was hallucinating, but she saw something glistening beyond in the sunlight. Just the sight of water relished her. A surge of satisfaction swept through her. Carrying the sleeping child, she broke into a sprint, but her legs had gone limp. Hobbling, she walked determinedly, her eyes on the prize. As she drew closer, a sudden surge of dread filled her. The water was present in an infinitesimal amount. It would quench the thirst of neither the mother or the child, but would barely sustain one. She can drink it and watch her son die or she can grant it to her child, sacrificing herself, letting her child face the harsh life. Or she could split the difference and even then, it would make no change. Both of them would die together. Viewing the water, she sat beside it, her child in her arms.