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Shobana Gomes is a Poet and Writer from Malaysia. Her poetry and prose have been published in various prestigious newsletters and magazines. Her books under ancient and classical literature (Author of the Past, Where the Rain Falls and Goddess of the Himavan) have reached No.1 on Kindle's new releases.
Shobana loves writing about love, beauty, nature and life. Her book of poetry, Soulful Rhapsody, published in Kindle Edition in Feb 2024 as a tribute to Valentine's Day, speaks eloquently about the many facets of lovers and love.
Her children's books are written and published as her Gift a Child initiative, a project she is working on to improve and reach greater heights for children around the world. She is the proud essayist of Children of War, which has won 2 prestigious storytelling contests so far.
Welter@University of Baltimore (Dec 2023 - online essay contest)
Biopage Storytelling Contest (Feb 2024)
When not writing, Shobana creates poetic memorabilia and quotes for special occasions. You can follow her on her YouTube, Pinterest, X and Linkedin accounts @shobanagomes.
"Treasure those poetic moments of your life, you will never experience them twice."

Christmas Tales & Wishes on Kindle for Only $0.99 (Dec. 1-5)
Dec 01, 2024 3 months agoA royal book of princely stories in Christmas Tales and Wishes. Only $0.99 on Kindle from the 1st to 5th of December. Don't miss out on reading the heartwarming stories, and a tribute in a poem. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0DLL8V73M
A word on Autonomy
Oct 24, 2024 5 months agoCountries that thrive often advocate autonomy. Autonomy allows the leaders and their people to live with choices - the choices to make the right decisions, the freedom to live them, and the will to be responsible for their actions. Begin with our children. Begin at home. Teach them the values that impart courage, love, friendship, and knowledge. Then, as the children grow, they become responsible adults. When there are responsible adults in this world, they will care for every human on the planet. Selfishness and greed have created much disrepute in this world. It is about time to change the world for the better. https://shobanasmusings.blogspot.com/2024/10/a-word-on-autonomy.html-shobana- The wonders and joys of Christmas are relived in Christmas Tales & Wishes. There's a story for everyone in this book; Mom, Dad, & Child. A Christmas Publication: Here's an excerpt. The lights on the pine trees surrounding our cottage sparkled as they lined the pathway, right up to the doorway to our house. They glittered and shone in the whitest of apparitions, though none of the decorations could outshine the sheer luminance of a jewelled sky above. The snow, crystallised as the jewels of the sky, fell to the ground in cascades of delicate movements. Every flake I caught in my gloved palms, melting as it disappeared, held me in awe. One by one, they dripped below, freezing upon the ground they touched. If you'd like a copy sent to you, please email me at shobanagomes@gmail.com, and I will get back with the cost and delivery date. Thank you. If you'd like your books reviewed at discounted rates, please check the link here, https://reviewservicebyshobana.blogspot.com and email me. Thank you. -shobana-
I bought you flowers
Oct 04, 2024 5 months agoIt was that time again To buy you flowers Though There's never a need for a special day a moment or an occasion to show you my love with a handful of flowers. I did have a thought though To fill the house with yellow roses A picture of you came to mind and I made it a garden. I know you would love the yellow roses and the scent of the roses sublime No other perfume will stray into the garden of roses. I can imagine the shine in your eyes I can imagine them filled with love I know that words will fail you But your smile will linger long in my mind to make me feel special. (For Jacky) -shobana-
That Golden Peace (A Poem)
Aug 05, 2024 7 months agoI recount the days of old, When the streets were filled with laughter, When the hours were yours and yours alone, To do as you please, to wander. The lush gardens were filled with roses, The bees buzzed, The butterflies had time to break free from their cocoons, and turn into beauties that filled nature's paradise. The Mountain Dew turned into honey and filled the land with much manna, so the children could be fed, and grow in numbers. The time was yours and yours alone. Then the ways of the world turned away from innocence, And the proud gathered dusts of gold, Forgetting that nothing was as precious, As the peace they let slip unknowing, That golden peace, once inherited by their children, once upon a time, torn away, now beggars rummaging for food, dishevelled and dirtied, The children's cries are louder than the bombings, O, what sadness has befallen the world? Now, there is much heartbreak, the children are besieged in fear, They are fed no more, The mountains are filled with terror, The roars of the wild beasts are heard instead. There is much fighting and the stark rays of doom now fill the gardens, The bees and butterflies have disappeared, The children breathe the dust of war as they grow, to remember their lost right to peace. No more is laughter found, not even in the creaks behind closed doors, no more does the land belong - to you, A stranger walks the streets, as if, it was his and his alone. It is an arduous task I see, To revive your land and make it yours once more. Have you lost what was once yours? It is indeed easy to lose your heritage, to a world that glitters in gold. That Golden Peace that you have forsaken, Will remain in the past, history - a longing for peace in the shadows. -shobana-
Raised by God
Jun 09, 2024 9 months agoIt is a beautiful Sunday morning here in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. However, while the sun shines gloriously now, rain is predicted in the early hours of the evening, as has been the case the past few weeks. Sometimes, the thunderstorms are ferocious, lightning flashes across the skies threateningly, and floods low-lying areas. I just published a part-memoir, literary fiction titled, Raised by God, on Amazon. It is one of the books I am proud to have written, and which brought back precious memories of my past. What is the story about? https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0D6K1F75C The book "Raised by God" recounts the story of a girl born to a beautiful, young mother. Description: Shortly after birth, her Grandfather, a high school headmaster, registered her birth at the registrar's office. However, the parents found that the surname was mis-spelt in the document. They request that the grandfather correct it at the registrar. However, he refuses, stating, "No, leave it as it is spelt in the document. The child is set apart from the rest." As she grows up, she learns that she is special. She goes through many trials, faces dangerous situations, and is saved miraculously. When she was born, Seraphim beamed her radiance, while the host of angels accompanying her proclaimed, “Now you have to live the life of a mortal before God shows himself to you, and then, what remarkable tidings await you.” The story takes a dramatic turn when the family is involved in a car accident. Miraculously, an Angel of God rescues the child, who dies and is brought back to life. On Kindle. A paperback version is available on @Amazon. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0D6K1F75C The book delves into themes of family, identity, and the transformative power of faith in the face of adversity. Amidst the fear, trials and tribulations, the child grows up with the presence of God lighting every path she treads in life. Have a great weekend everyone, and Happy Reading. Shobana Kitty, School & Me. With my heart pounding, I entered the church and stood before Our Lady's Grotto. There was no one there except for me. I was about to make the sign of the cross when I saw a ray of light, like a halo, radiating the statue of the Virgin Mary. I stared hard at the statue, unable to comprehend the light. I saw how beautiful Our Lady looked at that moment. Her face glowed and shone. I stood there for a few more minutes, staring at her immaculate face. The statue seemed to come alive. I had never seen a face as beautiful as hers. The bright light was a brilliant white and blinded me for a second. The Virgin Mother smiled and looked immaculately pure and serene. Awed by her beauty, I stared hard at her face, before saying, “You are so beautiful.” Raised by God is a must-read. Get your copy. Read on Kindle. Free on Kindle Unlimited.