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I am a specialist in Information Technology with degrees in computer science. I love reading, freelance writing. I love sports. I am married with children

Memories of My College Days
Nov 30, 2017 7 years agoCollege is all fun. After High School comes the great urge to forge ahead in life. There is a sense of insufficiency until one gets into college. But it is not just college, one wants to get into the famous ones that excel in sports, academic work, or overall life fame. This accounts for why some high school graduates spend much time to prepare. Scintillating and fascinating colleges such as Harvard, Yale, Stanford, Columbia, and the likes are the obvious choices. When I was preparing for college, I was tempted to believe that the name and reputation of a particular college constitute the charisma required to succeed in life. Now after several of college, I recollect with nostalgia that college life is simply preparatory to many challenges of life. But I regret nothing because I exploited all the possibilities around me. I had enough fun. I was aggressive and enterprising. I evolved ways of approaching my female colleagues within the laws of the institution. My college was Murray State University in state of Kentucky in the United States. I travelled by road on a greyhound bus from by base in New York City to the city of Murray in January 1973. That was my longest road trip through the heartland of the United States. It was a journey that spanned several hours. On arriving at the college I fulfilled all necessary protocols and in no time I got absorbed in the student population. As I alighted from the taxi to the men's hall the first excitement I had was the array of students with various t-shirts with various inscriptions: Phi Kappa Phi, Phi Eta Sigma, Phi Beta Kappa, Alpha Phi Omega. What were all these? Two young men approached me and handed me handbills. It was an invitation to join his fraternity – Alpha Phi Omega. I received the handbill and promised to consider his request after settling down. Another student, this time a female welcomed me and asked if I would be interested in the Phi Kappa Phi fraternity which she described as the oldest college fraternity. I was excited and replied in the affirmative. As a fresher I was enthralled by the sight of many students milling around me. They all were friendly. I cannot recollect all the numerous questions I had to answer. As I checked in to my allotted hostel, the expansive land mass of the campus, the beautifully kept lawns and flowers and the prevailing serenity around all convinced that I was in the right place. The following week I started attending classes after going through the registration process. One interesting aspect was the presence of students from many countries, namely: Hon Kong, Japan, China, India , Egypt, and other African countries. I noticed that about 90% of many classes were Americans. Some foreign students had challenges in understanding English clearly. But the greatest excitement lied in sports and social affairs. Murray State University was surrounded by other colleges from Tennessee and Ohio. Basketball was highly exciting as we all enjoyed the tournaments within the OVC – Ohio Valley Conference. institutions. Everyone looked up to watching very keen competitions among the colleges. The smartly dressed female cheerleaders on the sidelines of the pitch added fun to every game as they cheered vociferously throughout every game. Those girls also supported the home team in every football match. To crown the excitements there were regular gala nights where students socialized and relaxed with music and entertainment after every football or basketball game. However one of the greatest excitements was the annual fiesta tagged homecoming. Homecoming was an annual event when all the students, male and female who graduated returned to campus and staged beauty and sport competitions . The competitions were preceded with lectures and reunion with different departments. The homecoming was usually sponsored from the students' union purse. Highlights included fashion parade, preparation of feast by all different nationals on campus for a dinner, and finally the crowning of a homecoming queen. Homecoming as we were told, was an enduring tradition. It normally attracted visitors from the Murray community and even beyond. All of the above were side attractions that spiced the academic work. Every session ended with highly inspiring convocation ceremony. This was where eminent professors from greater universities were hosted. Such was a time for stock taking and the rededication of every student to work as one listened to inspiring speeches of dons from Harvard, Carnegie-Melon, and other great institutions. Each academic year ended with glowing memories even when students had carry-over courses. There were no dull moments. The normal parting gift was the annual yearbook, a compendium of major activities of the closing year. In retrospect, I remain happy to have achieved one of my boyhood dreams. Seemingly, the college days should continue, but every good thing would end some day, and it did!