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Primrose Morrison
Avid day dreamer, newly wed & slightly insane
Connecticut, United States of America
If I'm honest I'm not sure how to introduce myself. I guess I'm still one of those persons still trying to figure out who he/she is.
I recently got married in may of 2017 and now have a wonderful stepson and husband. I'm still currently in college studying to be an early childhood teacher but my dream and ultimate passion is writing.
I'm also one of those persons who want to jot down every event of their day just to have those special moments but still has a hard time picking up a pen to do it.
But one day I know that I will be able to write and go where the wind takes me.

Dear You (Destroyer of My World)
Apr 22, 2018 6 years agoDear you, you know yourself. There is something I have been holding in for a few years now & I think it's time I let it out. You destroyed me, you destroyed the person I was & the person I would become. You broke down my walls & invaded my life so quietly that I couldn't fight back, you killed me over & over again & when I thought you were finished you come back. I remember the first time you came around as if it were yesterday. You pushed me down, unable to stand & hold my head up. You took away my childhood, you took away my teenage years. I think it's time I name you, CANCER. You stole my world, you took my little brother & now you're back for my niece. I remember back then how I prayed & cried for the tables to turn. I begged you to let him be but YOU DIDN'T LISTEN but to hell with you if you think you're having anyone else in my family. I'm not going to ask you to take me this time, I'm past that point. Now I want to kill you. I want to cut you out & burn you. My life is already limited so I won't beg you & I know that even if I ask you'll only do what you want not caring how it affects others. I wish I could kick you, I wish I could murder you actually but I know that can't happen because you're sort of invincible but I know something that you are probably realizing now. My niece has a strong mother & she won't let you have her. So go jump in front of a truck. This family will not let you have her. I may not be as strong as I want to be & me venting out to you, something that isn't even, worthy of a body, doesn't change anything. The tears may form in my eyes & as much as I try to stop them from falling they still stream down but that won't change my decision, you can't have her but you can give him back. I think I need to regain my composure then again why should I have any towards you, destroyer of my world? My hatred for you runs deeper than the time I have on earth. You just never seem to be satisfied, you just take then leave, not caring about the pain you cause. I wish you were tangible enough for me to punch you, then again I don't like fights but for you, I'd make an exception. I'd break my promise to the brother you took from me just for you. I promised him I'd never get into a fight because he hated fights & until this day I've kept that promise but oh for you, I think he would make an exception. I want you dead just as you've done to him but I hope you never rise again. Over the years I've imagined all the things I would say to you if I ever got the chance but right now I'm lost for words because that all-knowing, numbing feeling that I've gotten used to is taking me over again. I wish you could feel it, but then again maybe you were the creator of it. I wonder if you came for me how I'd feel. I guess I would cry & ask why but at the end of the day at least I'd get a glimpse of my brother right? But just know I'm not ready to go yet. I've seemed to have gotten soft on you, probably because my emotions ditched me at the moment, I would leave this & come back but I don't want to deal with you after this. I'll find some way to take you down, in my mind I've done it a thousand times & if that's the only way I can, then I'll do it a thousand & one more until you're truly gone. Do you know how long I've been blaming myself for not being able to protect him, not being able to cure him of you? 11 long years & to this day it still feels like it all started yesterday. But as I cross this shaky, old bridge, I look forward, down, back & up because they belong to me. Up because it reminds me of where he is; down because I keep falling; forward because someday I might reach somewhere & back because it holds my memories, my pain, my lessons & my hope. It all belongs to me & you can't have it because this is the end & if I have to come back to you again I will but it won't be pretty, I'll be emotionless by then. I love her as well & that's why you can't have her because on this swaying bridge that you can't walk on you'll always be at the end.
The Hunted Creeature
Apr 22, 2018 6 years agoGracefully she walked over to some juicy blur berries that were hanging there, just beckoning to her. Juices sensually flowed down her throat blending in with the calmness of the forest.Snap! She sensed a human approaching. It was hunting season, therefore hunters were usually in the season. Remembering this, she started to run. The trees and flowers seemed to make one big rainbow blur, as she rushed past them. More and more hunters kept appearing behind her. The hunters were tall and fierce with guns and arrows, with their black, golden, spotted bloodhound dogs along their side, barking fiercely and savagely at the deer racing before them. The hunted creature ran through the thick forest and screamed as the thorns cut into its flesh. The scent of blood filled the forest causing the dogs to move faster towards their prey. Hot fresh blood streamed from its cuts down its side, sinking into its brown shiny fur. Faster and faster it ran, trying to lose the hunters behind but faster and faster the hunters ran. Deeper into the forest she ran missing thorny trees and shrubs. The colors of the trees got darker and unclear. As the hunters approached, they aimed right at the deer running in front of them; gently one of the hunters pulled back on the trigger of his black and sliver Bushmaster Predator Rifle. There was a thud as the deer fell to the ground up ahead. Shakily, she got up as blood poured from her side, Off she galloped not wanting to give up. Seeing this, the hunters stopped to notice her determination and with this, they let the deer go on her short but merry way. Reaching a river, she stopped and drank some water. As quickly as her blood fell on the ground, the heat of the blazing sun dried it up leaving only a dark, red spot in the dried cracked dirt. As more and more blood poured from her wound, flies, maggots, and worms started to invade it. Slowly she got up and made her way West to her family, hoping to see them one last time because she knew her time was short. Two (2) miles West, she saw her home, as the last few milligrams of blood left her body poured out, she went to see her son and daughter. Seeing them for the last time, a smile appeared on her face as she ran to them. As the last ounce of blood fell from her body, she whispered to her children, "be strong my children because I will be watching over you. I love you both." Just as quickly as she said this, she fell on the hard cracked ground with a heavy thud, her fur sticky caked with blood. Cuddling beside their dead mother's stained, dehydrated and infected body, her children cried at the sight o her but remembering what she had said to them, they took courage and looked up to the sky, knowing their mother will always be watching over them.