Was today just a normal day for you?

Was today just a normal day for you? I laid in bed for a long time before I could even get up. I stared at the ceiling above. My mind raced. The spinning room around me was motionless. I jumped out of bed as I can feel the contents of my stomach rise up to my throat. I quickly throw myself over the toilet. The vomit rushes through uncontrollably. This continues until my body feels drained and nothing more comes out. I pull my weakened self to the sink for a drink of water. Then I shuffle through the halls to bed. My stomach hurts. My throat burns. And the moment I find comfort and fall asleep the aching wakes me. I rub my not nearly rounding belly and think to myself in the end it will all be worth it. In and out of sleep. Back and forth to the bathroom. Barely keeping anything down for longer then a minute. Sun up comes and I can only stomach saltines and camomile. The pain I bare sends me to the doctors who tell me, my pain isn't life but death. They schedule me for surgery, a sure thing to remove the pain. I would suffer a week more hopeless, crying, suffering alone. I had allowed stress to destroy me. To destroy us. I'm sorry!

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