đź“™ Book two of my series has complete it's editing/revision and is available to read, so grab your copy now! đź“™ Available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Inkitt, Inkshares, Lulu and Wattpad with formats available in Kindle, Nook, hardcover and free copy đź“™ Happy reading, everyone!
It all begins at 666 West Alchemy Road... Discover the "Secrets of Ravenstone" as a young woman of demonic origins travels to the mysterious Isle of Castillion, where she encounters supernatural and paranormal characters and is introduced to creatures of legend that dwell beneath the island. Follow her dangerous journey, as she's chosen by an ancient orb-stone that has yet to reveal its own secrets. ....................**********....................**********....................**********....................**********........ Book One in my urban fantasy/paranormal romance book series. If you enjoy vampires (that don't sparkle or eat solid foods) lycans (Underworld inspired), jinn, demons, dragons, hellhounds, magic and more, then this could be the series for you!
Here is the beautiful book cover that Friesen press created for Viktor. Isn't it awesome?! I love it! I hope you like it too!
Today, I read a small introduction to a webinar I am taking through Friesen Press and it told me that I am an Authorpreneur. The term is very unique to me and it made me feel like my life long writing career has become just that, a legitimized career. I have been an Entrepreneur since the age of four with my first lemonade stand out side my parents house. I've always known I was a business minded person and today my writing career has really solidified it's position in my life. I am so overjoyed because the job part finally feels real and to be so open to the world is such an amazing and overwhelming feeling. I am humbled by this new experience. This is truly an amazing moment. In the next post, I'll have some examples of my work for You. My exciting novel "Viktor, Into the Light" will be coming out in the summer of 2020 and my Thanks goes to Friesen Press for making this lifelong dream come true. Viktor, called an "epic" good versus evil story by Friesen Press excites me to tell you about it. He's sexy and moral. He discovers a few things about his family and longs for one of his own. Look for it in the Friesen Press bookstore or eBooks and give a copy to your staff, friends, mother, sister, or your aunties. Viktor is a satisfying read for anyone 14+. Well, I'll post some examples of my work for you now. See you in the next post. Julie Ann
Oh my gosh! I am almost there! I have just chosen the cover for my book Viktor which is estimated to be out sometime in the summer of 2020. Time is flying by or have you not noticed?? LOL It is so great to be publishing. I have waited forty years to do this and I am ever so excited. My fantasy fiction novel is about a young vampire who has fallen in love. He desires a normal life and wife and kids and the whole nine yards. He is moral and loving; but, he must fight for all that is good. He is loved by many and wanted by all. In his fight for his life he must save himself and everyone else for if he doesn't; all will fall into hell. I'm proud to say so far that Friesen Press is helping me to Self publish this book. I am so excited and thrilled to be able to see my work in a real book. This is amazing to me and something everyone should try and do. This past summer I retrieved myself another Chi. She is adorable and her name is D'aff N'aia. She compliments my Bonzo quite nicely. Quite the little monkey she is; I might add, yet her lovely demeanor is very loving. Right now she is teething and biting my hands up to shreds. She loves my knuckles and has taken a liking to chomping on them at any chance she gets. She cries whenever she can't see you and has dug up the dirt in my plants. I love that she airrates; but the mess!!!LOL puppies! She's also discovered she likes coffee! Yes, when she kisses me she can taste it on my lips. She is very smart and has come to using her paws to pull my lips apart and get in a few laps. Her nails are so sharp when she paws you, that you cannot help but open your mouth! You're laughing too hard not too and she just jumps in there and starts lapping up the remnants! I swear she's too smart for her own good! Well, she's not getting any more than that! She's definitely hyper already without coffee in the mix! Honestly, she is too cute! Well, at some point this winter I must carry on with "In the Garden of Life". It has been waiting for me. Doing the re-writes for Viktor has taken me away from writing it; but now, I have the time to dedicate to this children's novel about two bees in the garden. I'm trying to make it a magical story and yet I'm not polished at all on magic! Time to study!! Honestly, I haven't a clue how this story will turn out and yet I am excited to write it. Time will tell! Looking forward to hearing from you, Best Regards, Jules
Good Day, Wow wee has time just flown by. This summer I spent my time re-writing my manuscript for the editors. My book Viktor, Into the Light will be out sometime in the summer of 2020 and I am delighted to share this exciting moment in my life with you. I am just thrilled that my dream is on the precipice of coming true! Publishing one of my books and having it made into a real book is so exciting for me.I have waited 40 years for this moment in my life and now it is finally happening for me! This is just wonderful! The whole experience of writing Viktor has been quite magical and inspirational. Since 2014 I have written 5 books, with Viktor being my first for publication. I hope you all have something exciting going on in your lives that just brings you pure joy! Have a wonderful time dancing through life. Look for my book; it will make a great gift for someone you love. Thank you for your time! God Bless, Julie Ann
Blythe Heart, a very normal name for a very normal girl, living on a very normal street in a very normal town. But she wasn't going to be a normal girl for long. When the vampire prince and his fellow best friends pop up into town, everything will go in a chaotic turn. But it seems it's more chaotic for Blyths who just happens to be in the wrong place at the wrong time with the wrong people.
I feel Soso because I had to literally break it off with my relationship with that tibetan Lama that I had for a month. I found out that he was victimizing other girls on VF. I unfortunately had to have his account and info deleted and forwarded to the police. It was the most traumatic thing I had to deal with because I still loved him. But I had to make sure that he never fucked the peverbial “dog” again. I don't know will become of this “Lama” But with the tough love from my mother and friends I was able move on. What really made me move on was the fact that fifteen years ago I girl using the same site that I found this monk... she killed her self. I don't want that happen again so I said to my self “fuck VF.” I want be a forensic scientist to help make sure that what happened to me and the other girl doesn't happen again and that I will fight to have Tantra and tantric sex would be outlawed. Again to protect the vulnerable.