You, Me, and They...

TREES! What do you think trees can speak? Do they feel? Are they alive? Yes, yes, and yes. One of my vivid memories of my childhood is that I have always fallen in love with nature! I used to read books in the shadow of trees on sunny summer evenings, and this place was located near my house. I hate to remember that dark day of my entire life, when someone bought this place and cut down all the trees there. It made me blue, and I could not stop crying because those trees were alive. It was even more painful that I could not do anything to save these trees. I was so little. I was invisible. I had not money to buy them or give them a safe and free life ever. There are over 3.04 trillion trees on the planet. However, 27,000 of them are cut down daily to make toilet paper. This translates to about 9.8 million trees annually. One single recycled edition of the New York Times newspaper could save 75,000 trees. Having graduated school, I participated in "Save the Nature," which was a conference funded by the local ecology committee, and I was so excited to contribute a little to reversing our planet. This volunteer phase inspired me to come up with an idea: launching the college's newspaper for the purpose of changing the wrong mindset of youngsters towards the environment. I gave a brief summary of my project in front of the head of the department at our college. They tested my resolve with some tricky questions; however, I was so confident about organizing the college's newspaper because I knew exactly "why" I was going to do this project. Since my school years, I had known that my peers did not consider the environment; they used to throw out different refuses everywhere. It raised a question in my mind as to why they were less concerned about the nature. Due to my little study, I found out they did not have any specific knowledge about environmental issues and their negative impacts on not only flora and fauna but also humans' well-being. I was willing to make them understand the ecological problems by writing critical and analytical articles about them. My hugely influential article was called ‘Who is destroying their own home?', As a consequence, my coursemates started putting different waste in garbage containers and also wanted to join me to preserve the ecology of our neighborhood. I confirmed that the words are magical, powerful, and persuasive. Plastic bags and other plastic garbage thrown into the ocean kill as many as 1 million sea creatures every year. 1 MILLION… I cannot even imagine how we are CRUEL and SELFISH. Have you ever thought about your contribution to plastic pollution in the marine environment? Do you frequently buy a bottle of water? It is made from plastic. If you take water every day, you will buy an average of 365 or 366 plastic bottles annually. It is a scary fact that a plastic bottle can take up to 450 years to decompose. Only around 20 percent of these water bottles are recycled, and the vast majority end up in landfills. The core topics of governance, social, environmental, and economic performance are covered in sustainability reporting. In order to achieve sustainable growth, it is important to ensure that change is managed properly. In order to invest their money in initiatives that turn out to be socially and environmentally conscientious, it is intended to give them the ability to discern between different projects. To be more precise, the governance part examines the company's management, internal controls, audits, and other aspects while the environmental part examines how a company operates in an environmentally responsible manner. The social part also considers how a company manages relationships with its customers, suppliers, and employees. Any company is free to recycle, utilize environmentally friendly products and materials, start social projects, or employ other sustainable business practices. The sustainability practices an organization employs in a given day, week, or even year are influenced by a variety of circumstances. Moreover, if we look at the exact facts about environmental issues, we are already crossing a line that is truly dangerous. Who is the main cause of these urgent problems? YOU, ME, and THEY... That is why we should solve these problems TOGETHER!

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Professional Engineer, Coal Miner, Author

Norfolk, USA