I am From Essay

I am from a 14 inch baby doll that smelt like fresh laundry out of the dryer, and a brown stuffed cat that I took everywhere and never let out of my sight. From cruising in the decked out pink barbie jeep, jamming out to the barbie radio while seeing how fast it could go or falling asleep at the wheel and having my uncle turn the wheel so we would go in circles for hours. I am from a two story tan house that overlooked an inflated swimming pool and a large tree in which we would tie string up and swing from. And a big purple dinosaur that danced around and sang, the mystery machine in which the gang drove places to solve mysteries, and three doodlebops which were oddly colored, TV shows in which I was fascinated by. I am from long rides through the mountains only to end the day watching the sky linger in crimson. And from long talks at the Thanksgiving dinner table, to hurry and eat our pumpkin pie so we could go to Walmart to go Black Friday shopping, and then girls day to spend lots of money on crap we didn't need. I am from dashing emerald green eyes, the color that brings hope and life no matter what has happened. Light brown hair that always brings flashbacks to the ocean water making its way over the sand. Stubborn attitude that always makes deciding impossible. From a loving, caring redhead grandma that will do anything for me with a comedian like grandpa that always has something funny to say. And dutch oven, the food that everyone in my family loves, don't know if it's the fact we cook it in the mountains or just the smell of it. I am from a strong willed, opinionated, overbearing family. And a tiny little hamster that we would put in a hamster ball to take outside and laugh as he rolled around on the grass, with grandma telling us to watch him so a bird wouldn't take and eat him. And from the family who loves sewing quilts, the family who doesn't have good sportsmanship, the family who always has to help out with everything, and the family who laughs and never disappoints. I am from Aunt Rachie, the one who grossed us out in California while on vacation. I am from Denmark, the people who love licorice, Switzerland, an obsession for skiing, and the love for sprinkles on toast from the Netherlands. And going to Sea World in love with dolphins, only to find out I couldn't feed them because I thought they were going to bite off my hands. From reading books, and doing activities with my imaginary students, only to dream of becoming a school teacher, I am from hot chocolate in the summer, jeep rides late at night, wrestling matches at my house, bonfires at the river, and fast Roberto's run for lunch. And from having disc shooter battles, hiding behind chairs and tables and then popping up at the right moment to hit another person. I am from rides in a laundry basket, giggling and laughing as we made our way around the house. I am from those little moments that made life feel like everything was worth living.

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