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My entire life, I've moved two miles to the other end of the same property... from the upland area to the swampland of the Guadalupe River Delta. After getting out of college, I decided I didn't want to spend the rest of my life in an office or classroom, so I got on a shrimp boat. I was a commercial fisherman for about twenty years.
I married at twenty-one to my college sweetheart. We raised three wonderful children. After thirty-eight years of marriage, one day my wife just walked away. I told her to not let the door hit her in the butt. That may sound a bit extreme, but it was time for her to leave. I didn't say it in a mean way. She found someone else and our marriage was over. The irony is that we get along better now than we ever have. I wouldn't change anything because we did get three wonderful kids out of the process.
After my fishing business played out due to overfishing and government regulations, I started a general contracting business. This was a good fit for me as I'd worked extremely hard up to this point and could do almost anything. This career ultimately failed shortly after a death-defying injury in December 2000. A legal settlement allowed me to retire, but people like me who have worked hard all their lives don't really retire, but I didn't know what was in store for me.
In January 2015, I woke up in the middle of the night with a story in my head. I couldn't get the visions out of my mind and couldn't go back to sleep, so I got on the computer and started writing the dream down. I'd written two previous books, one to try to save my commercial fishing career (Dangerous Waters) and a second rant (How to Be a Smart SOB Like Me), which I call my autobiography after my ex left and my contracting business had failed. I didn't consider myself an author at this point and I didn't intend writing another book.
In September 2015, I published my first novel, "Into Autumn", based on the 'dream' in the middle of the night. I left a few things hanging, so I had to write a sequel. When I finished book two, "Into Spring", the story was not finished and I came up with the idea for my Four Seasons Series. After "Into Spring" which made finalist in the Independent Author's Network's 'Book of the Year', I was energized into writing more and finally considered myself an author.
Many people told me my books would make great movies. This gave me the idea of writing screenplays for each of the novels. I wrote the scripts for the first two books of the series and wrote scripts for the last two novels in the Series after I finished them. I entered the screenplays into competitions and was fortunate to do well in them. I became hopeful for a movie deal, but though there has been interest in them, no movie yet.
After the Series and screenplays, I wrote another non-fiction book, "Tales From the Riverside" about life in my Texas swamp. This book finished 1st Place in the New Apple Book Awards and the Texas Author's Book Awards. One reader wrote that the most important thing he learned was "how tough this guy really is". But I believe the reason it won the awards is that it also shows my tender side. Some unique old family recipes are included.
My latest creation is a children's book (ages 9-12+), "The Adventures of Ollie Orangutan". Ollie is a loveable ape but life is going to change. He will have to learn to adapt. It was published on May 19th in 2020.
I consider myself a unique author due to my unique lifestyle and extreme experiences. I hope you will particularly take a look at my YouTube channel. Here, you will learn more about me than anywhere else through my videos, trailers, and readings. If you would like to know even more, "Tales From the Riverside" should be your next destination.
Currently, I am working on writing and producing music based on my books. The first song, City Gal, based on book one of my Series is currently at the top of the list in my videos on my YouTube Channel. The person singing was on The Voice in 2020. There will be more songs in the future.

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