Not the End

When happiness whispers don't be afraid to beckon its call. Run with your heart facing outwards, You will go on, you have the soul. Take the wild ways not the right ways. You should heed the advice you dream of in between twilight and sleep. Hear your heart assuredly tell you that all will be more than fine, You will be wonderful. Sing yourself a song using only the good notes And in the intricate episodes, when you smile inwardly to your beautiful self, Shake off the guilt like a dandelion shakes its seeds And realise happiness is your heritage as much as Spring bequeaths unto summer. In the windmills of your mind you see mocha hearts, sepia tainted memories of children's shoes and strawberry fields, Laughter shading the soft hum of the midday heat. Heed the women before you and listen to the brag of your own heart; You are, you forever will be, let your mind mend, It is all all right, it is not the end. The only weight you need to feel is the one being lifted off your shoulders, and replaced with another body next to yours. There are no lucky ones. Only the undulating optimism of love, of hope. Contentment arrives at the doors of the humble, the vulnerable, The ones whose hearts plead more at the perishing of others Than the affliction in their own. Affection lacks originality so don't dwell on your verbal incompetence, But instead take pleasure in the blessing that whatever you say will be yours, As words belong to you

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