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"There is no greater joy than to share what you love with those who appreciate it."βBernard Jan
Bernard Jan is the pen name of an award-winning, multi-genre novelist and a poet from Croatia, and he has released five books in English.
Readers' Favorite Honorable Mention Award 2021
Readers' Favorite Gold Medalist 2020
Readers' Favorite Bronze Medalist 2019
A World Without Color is a true story of the last three days he spent with his cat, while Look for Me Under the Rainbow in a unique and gentle way sheds light on the plight of harp seal pups in Canada. It warms the heart of all readers concerned about our planet and its treasures. January River is a heartwarming cross-genre novel about five friends, one dog, and one river carrying a secret that will upheave their world. Cruel Summer is a gripping young adult cross-genre novel about an abused teenager from New Manhattan who only wants to skate, but they have other plans for him, and Postcards From Beyond Reality: The Selected Poems of Michael Daniels is a young adult poetry book written in character as the hero from his novel Cruel Summer.
His first two books were written at the beginning of the war in Croatia in 1991 amidst air alerts and illusory attempts when he wanted to believe and think that life is normal, that everything is all right with the world. He has published five novels, two novellas, and one book of poems in Croatian. Four of his books, including the book of poems, were translated into English.
Bernard Jan is passionate about (reading) books, music, movies, skateboarding, inline skating, animals, ecology, helping others.
His desire to help others came to the fore during his years advocating environmental protection and advocacy of animal rights. He did volunteer work for the refugees because suffering does not know any borders. When it comes within your reach in your home, you simply have to do something.
As part of his animal advocacy activities, it has been a great honor and pleasure to translate "Eternal Treblinka: Our Treatment of Animals and the Holocaust" by Charles Patterson into Croatian. His other two books translated into Croatian are "Donβt Believe Everything You Think: Why Your Thinking Is The Beginning & End Of Suffering" by Joseph Nguyen and "The Himalayan Masters: A Living Tradition" by Pandit Rajmani Tigunait.
For more information, please visit his website www.bernardjan.com and connect with him through the links here https://linktr.ee/bernardjan.

All-Books Sale for a Happier New Year
Jan 04, 2023 2 years agoWith all my books at the discounted price of ONLY $0.99, I wish everyone all the best for the happier, kinder, healthier, more successful, and promising 2023! This discount is a gift to all my subscribers, readers, reviewers, and supporters, to all of you who loved one or more of my books, and to their future fans. DISCOUNT DATES Wednesday, January 4, 2023, 8:00 AM PST through Wednesday, January 11, 2023, 8:00 AM PST Postcards From Beyond Reality: The Selected Poems of Michael Daniels Cruel Summer January River Look for Me Under the Rainbow Wednesday, January 4, 2023, 8:00 AM PST through Tuesday, January 10, 2023, 12:00 AM PST A World Without Color Please share the news about my discounts with your friends and on your social media. You can either copy and paste the sample posts I wrote for each of my books below or write something on your own. Everything counts! SOCIAL MEDIA POSTS Postcards From Beyond Reality: The Selected Poems of Michael Daniels Sample 1 In this #poetry book, you'll discover the cries of a heart longing to be understood. Get your $0.99 discounted #eBook here π https://amzn.to/3G23yNB Sample 2 When a #skateboarder dips his pen into #poetry, what will his passion create? Get your $0.99 discounted #eBook here π https://amzn.to/3G23yNB Cruel Summer Sample 1 A young skater craving independence. A brutal stepfather bent on controlling him. Is friendship enough to help him when tragedy strikes? Get your $0.99 discounted #eBook here π https://amzn.to/3uZbWHf Sample 2 He is a teenage boy with dreams. But someone he knows has monstrous plans for him. Can true friendship save him when his life is in peril? Get your $0.99 discounted #eBook here π https://amzn.to/3uZbWHf January River Sample 1 Five friends. One dog. One river carrying a secret that will upheave their world. Get your $0.99 discounted eBook here π https://amzn.to/3jcanTL Sample 2 A boyhood tragedy. A man haunted by a secret. Will a quest for forgiveness release him from the ghosts of his past? Get your $0.99 discounted eBook here π https://amzn.to/3jcanTL Look for Me Under the Rainbow Sample 1 A curious seal pup exploring the blinding whiteness of icebergs. A young activist on a mission to save animals. Will Helen save Danny before the hunt begins? Get your $0.99 discounted eBook here π https://amzn.to/2F0NQzD Sample 2 An adorable seal pup exploring life on icebergs. A young activist on a mission to help animals. Will she save him before the hunt begins? Get your $0.99 discounted eBook here π https://amzn.to/2F0NQzD A World Without Color Sample 1 He was much more than just a cat. He was his everything. His brother, his friend, his universe. And then he was gone. Get your $0.99 discounted eBook here π https://amzn.to/3j63JOF Sample 2 Heart wrenching cat story. Memories of love, loss, and pain. And the incredible struggle to survive when survival seems impossible. Get your $0.99 discounted eBook here π https://amzn.to/3j63JOF Thank you for your love and support! May the new year 2023 be the happiest for you! BJ Subscribe to my mailing list. Follow me on Twitter. Original post at https://www.bernardjan.com/post/all-books-sale-for-a-happier-new-year
My New Landing Page
Sep 03, 2022 2 years agoDo you like multi-genre, friendship-themed, emotional, and passionate stories? Are you captured by lyrical, poetic, and cinematic writing? Is love for animals and all colors something you deeply care about, too? Then look no further! YA and mature readers, this is the place for you! SUBSCRIBE TO MY MAILING LIST This is from my new landing page. Check it out and, if you are not on my mailing list, please subscribe now! By subscribing to my newsletter and mailing list, you will receive free (e)books, updates, book release details, book reviews and other promotional material and related valuable information like interviews with other authors and artists, invitations to free webinars and much more. I never send spam and will never pass on your details. Don't forget, you can unsubscribe at any time. Thank you and welcome! BJ Original article: https://www.bernardjan.com/post/my-new-landing-page
Postcards From Beyond Reality Paperback and Launch Days
Mar 18, 2022 2 years agoOn March 17, sooner than I expected, my paperback is also on Amazon. Three days before my eBook launch day on March 20, when you can download it and read it! Here are the links of English-speaking marketplaces where you can order Postcards From Beyond Reality: The Selected Poems of Michael Daniels and/or leave your honest review. Please don't forget that, because your reviews not only help Postcards to find its way to new readers but also help other readers to get value from your reading experience and honest thoughts and decide if my poetry book is the right book for them. Amazon.com paperback and eBook Amazon Australia paperback and eBook Amazon Canada paperback and eBook Amazon UK paperback and eBook Goodreads paperback and eBook BookBub eBook Jessica Bell designed an eBook and a paperback cover for my YA poetry book I wrote in character as the hero from my novel Cruel Summer, Michael Daniels. They look spectacular and reflect Michael's inner mind, which was teeming with the stark contrast of darkness and light. I will enroll Postcards From Beyond Reality: The Selected Poems of Michael Daniels eBook in KDP Select where you can read it for free, so don't miss that opportunity. Thank you all who helped me bring Michael's poetry book to life. I cannot mention all of you here, but you have my gratitude and sincere thanks in the Acknowledgements section in the book. If you are a representative of the media, please click here for the press release. Postcards From Beyond Reality: The Selected Poems of Michael Daniels and I are available for reviews, book tours, interviews. BJ Subscribe to my mailing list. Follow me on Twitter. Original post at https://www.bernardjan.com/post/postcards-from-beyond-reality-paperback-and-launch-days
Postcards From Beyond Reality Blurb and eBook Cover Reveal
Mar 09, 2022 3 years agoThe time has come for me to share my new happiness, my new eBook release announcement with you! Postcards From Beyond Reality: The Selected Poems of Michael Daniels is a young adult poetry book I wrote as a companion that is a sibling book to my novel Cruel Summer. Originally published in Croatian in a periodical Forum in 2003, Postcards From Beyond Reality: The Selected Poems of Michael Daniels will be released on Amazon on March 20, 2022 as an eBook and a few days later as a paperback! But you can pre-order it now! In this book of poetry, I dived into the mind of a teenage protagonist Michael Daniels from my novel Cruel Summer, writing about his dreams, longings, desires, traumas, passions. If that isn't intriguing enough, I hope my book description will be. *** His life has been a cocktail of melancholy, sorrow, and desire. When a skateboarder dips his pen into poetry, what will his passion create? After a lifetime of abuse and the tragic loss of his mother, NYC teen Michael Daniels needed an outlet. Despite his cheerful nature, his inner mind was teeming with the stark contrast of darkness and light. So, in this volume full of imagery and symbolism, his underground rhymes reflect days full of extreme sports, failed relationships, and nostalgic memories. Written by Bernard Jan in character as the hero from his novel Cruel Summer, this channeled view of the world is an extravaganza of extremes. And in its groundbreaking perspectives, you'll discover the cries of a heart longing to be understood. Buy this book of poetry and feel Michael's passion through these unusual literary postcards. *** I want to thank the authors from the Best Page Forward team who helped me with my blurb and Jessica Bell for the amazing book cover I am also presenting here. I hope you will embrace this book and treat it with love and affection. Please show some love to the Best Page Forward team and Jessica Bell by visiting their pages. And don't forget to pre-order my book on one of the links below and leave your honest review once I release it on March 20! Amazon.com Amazon Australia Amazon Canada Amazon UK Goodreads BookBub If you are a representative of the media, please click here for the press release. Thank you! BJ Subscribe to my mailing list. Follow me on Twitter. Original blog post: https://www.bernardjan.com/post/postcards-from-beyond-reality-blurb-and-ebook-cover-reveal
A Holiday All-Books Sale
Dec 25, 2021 3 years agoI did it! For the first time. I discounted all my books to ONLY $0.99! It is my gift to all my readers, reviewers, and supporters, to all of you who loved one or more of my stories, and to all of you who will yet become their fans. Check out the dates and links below for these fantastic discounts. Sunday, December 26, 2021, 8:00 AM PST through Sunday, January 2, 2022, 12:00 AM PST Cruel Summer January River Look for Me Under the Rainbow A World Without Color Grab this unique opportunity and don't look any further. Thank you for your love and support, and please don't forget to leave your honest reviews. It can be just a one or two-sentence honest thought or impression. May the new 2022 year bring you everything you wished for and 2021 denied to you, and even more! Happy Holidays! BJ Original post: https://www.bernardjan.com/post/a-holiday-all-books-sale