

Changing a society for better lifestyle


Edna, as an agent of change, is into seeing that in the society where she lives ,everyone more so girls ,youths , young mothers and women are empowered economically. This empowerment centers around blue-collar jobs mainly on social entrepreneurship. She also helps youths to identify their potential, purpose, identity and destiny through 1: 1 mentorship, coaching and counselling.

A Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI) , Living Effectively Mentor-ship Program (LEMP) and Akhuwat Fellowship Program (AFP) alumni.

Workshops attended: SINAPIS Aspire Programme to empower entrepreneurs

Boost with Facebook by WYLDE International for digital marketing skills

Ongoza with Brand Positioning

Jumia Kenya – How to determine prices and drive sales

Kenya Leadership and integrity Forum (with EACC)

Disability Mainstreaming

Environmental Sustainability and Innovation

Among books read as hobbies : Excuse Me, Your Dream is Calling you by John Mbugua ,Hey! Do Nothing, Be Nothing by Dr. Ngonye J. M , the Devil's favourite demons by Douglas Waudo


God is my Strength!!!

Sep 10, 2020 4 years ago

It was a very long and tiresome night full of headaches. I kept on tossing on my bed. In a nutshell, I had insomnia. My night was full of awful flashbacks... Kobe Bryant, the world-renown basketball player died in a helicopter crash alongside his daughter. What was the reaction of the wife to this tragedy?. "It was devastating", the widow said. Another appalling incident was when a mother and her four-year-old daughter who were in a car, drowned into Likoni ferry- Indian Ocean. The reaction of her husband was so clear,' God is my strength", said John Wambua. These are the same words that I echoe today. May God give me strength in all my life predicaments!

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Apr 21, 2020 4 years ago

No matter what you do or how good you are to people, they will always talk negatively about you behind your back! They will always criticize everything that you do including the shape of your teeth. Dear, you only live once here on Earth- we are here for a season and a reason! So, do not waste your precious time criticizing and hating, instead, get over yourself and live your life.

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Dubai, United Arab Emirates