
Olusola David, Ayibiowu

President/Chairman Creative Arts Solution Foundation. Visual Artist, Author, Editor, Songwriter.

Lagos, Nigeria

In the recent years many articles, including Journal, Art Review, General Reviews in Art, Book, Photos and Videos on Wiki Loves Africa, Social Media, and has positively influences the affiliate marketing programs network online through the Creative Arts Solution Foundation blogger worldwide.

He completed his graduation in Yaba College of Technology 2000-2003 and later proceeded to the department of Creative Arts at the University of Lagos in 2007-2009, as he was interested in Visual art, he started taking part in group art exhibitions as at the of level an apprentice under late A. Shyngle. Later on he launched his first solo exhibition theme:Vision on 30th Nov-Dec 6th 2007 at National Gallery of Art, Lagos.

Early Life

Born on (Jan 24, 1974) Heals from Lagos State (Agbowa Ikosi). He started his career at Cathedral Pry Sch 1982-1988.Boy's Academy Secondary Sch, Lagos island, Yaba College of Technology, University of Lagos. Ayibiowu, initially as a studio Artist known as Solart Studios Ent and Art Creative Solutions but Later launched Creative Arts Solution Foundation of which is the President/Chairman. The foundation is a Non-Governmental Foundation formed in Dec 10, 2012. It aims to encourage the young people as well as old ones grow in art and others professional field, thereby giving opportunities to gain skills, in vocational works while increasing public awareness and its benefits to society. Later on he also shows is use of photography and its originality as it breaks free of conventional unities of body, space and time and contribute skilfully to edits in video, computer engineer, music as well as dance drama through presentation in an events and occasion.

He formed International Gallery Creative Arts and started his Affiliate Marketing Programs as a Publisher in the year 2017and by now has great positive influences some of the well known affiliate programs in collaboration with Creative Arts Solution Foundation and International Gallery Creative Arts



Granted sum amount of money through Terra Kulture from Ford Foundation for art exhibition of group of artist's on 15 March 2007

He was Commissioned to produced Paintings for the Baklang Consultants in 2006 just/Donations to mention a few company.

Paintings was donated as a residence artist, to National Gallery of Arts,Aina Onabolu Complex, National Theatre Iganmu Lagos,

He also donated Painting to VASON Visual Arts Society of Nigeria in 2012 for VASON Art Centre Project.Contributing photo's and videos to Wikimedia and Wikipedia WIKI LOVES AFRICA 2016

Celebrating Africa's Music and Dance on Wikipedia ! This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license.WIKI LOVES AFRICA 2016 Olusola David, Ayibiowu who's works of art has been showcase on a particular well known TV Station programmed on Channels TV Art House. The Presenter and Producer

Melinda Akinlami was present over the years during the one man exhibition. The Producers' Showcase went on the air. Also one of the painting could be located in their office.

In a nutshell, Journalist who covered the one man exhibitions was a proving ground like Chuuka Nnabuife, Tony Okuyeme, Emmanuel Agozino, Nnkiru Ifeajuna, Flora Onwudiwe for press released...

Donations of Photos on WIKI LOVES AFRICA 2017

Also contributed his biography on WikiArt as Olusola David, Ayibiowu.

Contributing to Care2 by signing petitions for others who need help by name Olusola David, Ayibiowu. Since Jan 1, 2018 signed petitions up to 35 and more.

Olusola David, Ayibiowu is one of those 66 Contestants 2018 of Biopage Mini-Essay Writing Contest

Year Exhibitions Theme Medium

· 2006 || ''National/International Art Exhibition'' || Expressions!! ||Oil on canvas, water colour,

· 2007 || ''National Art Exhibition'' || Democrat Artists United for Democracy ||Oil on canvas.

· 2007 || ''First Solo Art Exhibition'' || Vision ||Oil on canvas, water colour, etc.

· 2007 || 'Grant Art Exhibition '' || Celebration of Life ||Oil on canvas, water colour, etc

· 2008 || ''Solo Art Exhibition'' || Wisdom || Oil on canvas, water colour, etc.'

· 2009 || ''National Art Exhibition'' || Open House ||Oil on canvas, water colour, etc.

· 2010 || ''Group Art Exhibition'' || Art Creative Solutions ||Oil on canvas, water colour, etc.

· 2011 || ''Solo Art Exhibition'' || Purpose ||Oil on canvas, water colour, etc.

· 2012 || ''National Art Exhibition'' || Arts the Vason way ||Oil on canvas, water colour, etc.

· 2012 || ''Launching Art Exhibition'' || Creative ||Oil on canvas, water colour, etc.

· 2016 || ''Art Review'' || Enter Olusola Ayibiowu's Colour of Wisdom ||Oil on canvas

· 2017 || ''Celebrates Lagos @50'' || Lagos@50 ||Oil on canvas

On Social Media

At this point, most of our focus is COVID-19 versus Federal Government and Lockdown issues in Nigeria. I would like to suggest to all our students and teachers in Nigeria to Pray Without Ceasing to God right now to reopen schools because with God all things are possible. This will make us help the Federal Government to take the right decision at the point. Instead of putting too many blames on our leaders and thereby shifting our focus from the reality of COVID-19 pandemic confirmed cases 33, 616 is increasing even more and which is real. The solutions to our problems in Nigeria His in the Hand of God and we should ask God for intervention in our Schools as a whole. Let us think deeply about how coronavirus is spreading very fast and with the effort put in places by the government yet, we are still going through a lot of challenges that have this result to negatively impact on our academics. And also, NCDC in line with the national strategy has continued to scale up diagnostic capacity in Nigeria. Although the Federal Ministry of Education as we all know that they've published Guidelines for Schools and Learning Facilities for reopening Schools. I suggest that prayer will help this case. What is your suggestion? Everyone is free to comment on this suggestion or if any? The article was written by Olusola David, Ayibiowu on Opera News Visit:https://creativeartssolutionfoundation.blogspot.com/2020/07/let-all-students-and-teachers-pray-to.html For more information Source: opera.com Reference: www.operanewsapp.com

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The purpose of writing this article is to create awareness and to let everyone knows how to protect themselves by not falling victim to hackers on WhatsApp. On those sets of people who are yet to come to the knowledge or already had bitterly experienced in the past to share their views on our blog in a bid to be a solution to others rather than the problem. For a long time ago, according to research as it is shown that hacking is an expert at programming and solving problems with a computer. But nowadays hackers are now known for their fraudulent attitude and evil heart to impersonate someone else to defraud people by carrying out malicious attacks. Take for example the following, According to the English dictionary. Hacker (plural hackers) One who is an expert at programming and solving problems with a computer. One who uses a computer to gain unauthorized access to data, or to carry out malicious attacks. The nowadays hackers have seriously improvised advanced ways of changing WhatsApp pin and two-step verification through a conference call to hack people's telephone numbers for their own selfish and evil intentions. Hacker and Scammer Advertisements on WhatsApp So many cases of hackers on WhatsApp have drastically increased from 50% - 60% in the year 2020 during the lockdown COVID-19 pandemic. Being a witness and a phone call interview with one of the victim's admin in community development association Explained how? He said that It happened at night as the hacker invited some of the group members by calling them on one. And specially invited the group admin for a conference call and during the conference call the hacker gained access to change the pin and two-step verification by removing the admin on that platform and changed the WhatsApp setting to only the admin can post and edit. In a nutshell, nobody could remove the hacker because the hacker has succeeded in taking over the community development association WhatsApp group. If you are an admin and have experienced such attacks, kindly look for a way to send or pass messages across to all group members to separate themselves with immediate effect by removing their telephone numbers on such a WhatsApp group, etc. Visit: https://creativeartssolutionfoundation.blogspot.com/2020/05/are-you-one-of-victims-of-whatsapp.html for more information

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This article is intended to serve as a warning to the readers of social engineering in the past, present, and future worldwide. The word social engineering in the Portuguese language is Engenharia Social while the translation is the practice of tricking a user. Social Engineering To explain it better is the use of centralized planning in an attempt to manage social change and regulate the future development and behaviours of a society. For example, it might seem just clever marketing that one of the longest-running and most popular reality television shows in the world is entitled "Big Brother." The show's nod to the novel invokes the kind of benevolent surveillance that "Big Brother" was meant to signify: "We are watching you and we will take care of you." But Big Brother, as a reality show, is also an experiment in controlling and modifying behaviour. By asking participants to put their private lives on display, shows such as "Big Brother" encourage self-scrutiny and behaving according to perceived social norms or roles that challenge those perceived norms. Social engineering in other words It is an effort to influence the attitude and social behaviours on a large scale in order to produce desired characteristics in a large population by making a reference in the Bible. The clearest example of social engineering in the word of God is the well-known creation myth of the Garden of Eden. Social engineer means acting in a way to make another person act as you wish, especially through deception or by exploiting another their weaknesses. 6 When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it. 7 Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they realized they were naked; so they sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves. The old serpent is playing off of human weaknesses; human beings always want more and always fear death. In short, humans want to be closer to the divine. The serpent promises Eve that there will be no ill consequences from eating the fruit that it is in her benefit. The snake is sating eve's fears: Eve fears death and the snake, unconcerned with the reality, simply says this is not true. This deception helps Eve to hear the next bit of the pitch - that this will make humans closer to God. This corruption plays on the human tendency to share - Eve thinks eating the pomegranate or apple or whatever fruit is beneficial - and gives it to Adam. But Adam and Eve eating the fruit directly disobey God's direction to not do so. So the snake is playing of the hopes and fears of humanity. It understands a bit of the nature of humanity and plays off that nature to accomplish a goal. That mirrors our likelihood to ignore what we have been told if we don't think it is congruent with what we think is is best. Nonetheless, even from this early myth of the Bible, it is clear that 'social engineering' has been prevalent across much of humanity, and the idea that we can force outcomes by exploiting knowledge - for the better or worse - encompasses a bit of how we interact with the world and with other people. What Orwell's '1984' tells us in a nutshell? Orwell wrote Nineteen Eighty-four as a warning after years of brooding on the twin menaces of Nazism and Stalinism. Its depiction of a state where daring to think differently is rewarded with torture, where people are monitored every second of the day, and where party propaganda trumps free speech and thought is a sobering reminder of the evils of unaccountable governments. In the year 1984, however, there was much self-congratulatory coverage in the U.S. that the dystopia of the novel had not been realized. But media studies scholar Mark Miller argued how the famous slogan from the book, "Big Brother Is Watching You" had been turned to "Big Brother is you, watching" television. In other words, Oceania is governed by the all-controlling Party, which has brainwashed the population into unthinking obedience to its leader, Big Brother. The Party has created a propagandistic language known as Newspeak, which is designed to limit free thought and promote the Party's doctrines. Its words include doublethink (belief in contradictory ideas simultaneously), which is reflected in the Party's slogans: "War is peace," "Freedom is slavery," and "Ignorance is a strength." The Party maintains control through the Thought Police and continual surveillance. The three most important aspects of 1984 The setting of 1984 is a dystopia: an imagined world that is far worse than our own, as opposed to a utopia, which is an ideal place or state. Other dystopian novels include Aldous Huxley's Brave New World, Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451, and Orwell's own Visit our blog : http://tiny.cc/o2bbgz for more information

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The essential psychology, emotional, and behaviors that may drive us as human beings is self-motivation. Are you one of those people at work who's driven to lead? Or why do you think people are driven to lead? What are the basic human drives that motivate us each day to do what we do? This is one of the major psychological well-being factors that influence majorities when things are getting difficult. As your internal motivation produces in you a passion for life because it operates in the midst of your deepest desire and vision for the future. As a result of this gives you tremendous internal motivation to begin to act on your purpose and gifts and to see your vision become a reality, as you exhibit the qualities of a self-starter. You will find that you don't need to wait for someone to prompt you, or even if they eventually do. To use your gift to work towards your goals; instead, you may not wait or can't wait to get up in the morning and continue working on them as a matter of fact because you have internal motivation within you. It will be so cleared that your internal motivation and passion will foster a persevering attitude you possess within you especially in a supernatural forces, because no matter what or how long it takes you to think and develop your natural abilities, as you put your plans into action, or see results, you keep going on and keep believing and keep going forward ever. Internal Motivation Researchers have discovered that the intrinsic value of internal motivation refers to behavior that is driven by internal rewards. In other areas or perspective, the motivation that prompt people or person to engage in a particular behavior arises from within the individual or personally related to the group of people who just feel within themselves that it's natural or because it is naturally satisfying to them. Then we need to ask someone's when was the last time you did something simply for the enjoyment of the activity itself? Because there are a number of activities that fall into this category. For instance, you may play a game, write a story, you may plant a garden, paint a picture or read a book, evangelize. All these may produce a result or may not produce something or be rewarded in any way but it all depends on the ways we approached them. Instead, we do them because we like to, they make us happy. Let's consider this illustration for a moment. What's motivation you to read this article? If you are reading it because you are just interested in reading articles and simply want to learn or know more about the topic of motivation, then you are acting based on intrinsic motivation. If, however, reading this article by now; because you have to learn the information concerning motivation for a representation in a class in order to avoid getting a bad grade, then you are acting based upon extrinsic motivation. In other words, as we contrast with extrinsic motivation, that's to say it generally involves engaging in a behavior in order to earn external rewards or avoid punishment. Power drives people There is one thing to watch out for nowadays, though. While having power can make you happier, but seeking power does not make you happier. With series of finding there is quite a bit of evidence that people who spend their lives seeking power do not focus on the intrinsic joy of life. So, people who seek power are actually less happy than those who do not. The major question to ask now is there a way out of this paradox? That is, how can you have power without seeking it? From the aspects of social life that means doing things for the people around you. Will makes you experience personal fulfillment, contentment, and gratification that come serving the world through your natural gifts and inherent purpose. As long as you are effective in the things you do, and you have certainty that you aren't wasting your life but rather you are using your time, talent, experience, and energy in the best ways. People will never forget and often recognize that. In addition, to this getting thing done makes you happy. The truth is if you consistently do things in your life that help you and others achieve goals, then your journey is a happy one. Without any doubt over time, you will find that you will rise to a position of power within your network. And that definitely will make you happy. Nowadays research shows that there is a popular image that people who are in positions of power are really unfulfilled. Maybe perhaps they carry the weight of the world on their shoulders Bottom Line, Most of the important changes you've made in your life, that is, especially those that persist continually over time, then you'll likely find that many of them involved a rather high level of emotional drive arousal. It's precisely these kinds of strong emotional reactions that can act as a catalyst to increase motivation and commitment.

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What to Do For Humanity?

Jan 09, 2018 7 years ago

From the onset, the questions about the nature of humanity have always been a thing that comes from the mind of human beings as a group. Talking about the traits of human characters; humane qualities and the aspect of our life. What long-standing aspiration do you have? What Vision, ideas or dreams do you today? What do you constantly imagine yourself doing? Meaning that is your motivation for doing it for positive or selfish interest? What do you imagine yourself becoming? What do you likely or really desire to do that you may not have told anybody about it. That is, it may be something you think about a lot while you're awake or at your workplace and may be wishing to do something else for humanity instead of your current job. Probably it is something you lie awake at night and imagine yourself building, writing articles, journals, books, drawing, paintings, constructing, baking, doctor, lawyer, or performing arts etc. You have dreamed of doing this ever since you were born or were a child. Although you may ask yourself this questions, “What would I prefer to be or to do?” What kind or type of gifts or skills, talent, would I use and develop in order to accomplish or to be or do this for humanity? For example, just like when you ask a question that “Who invented bomb?” Relating to many other inventions, the development of the Atom Bomb was not a one-man project. Meaning that several people discovered and developed certain aspects of the bomb, and even before the first bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, scientists across the world were working on nuclear projects. Albert Einstein's Involvement Meanwhile, many people refer to Albert Einstein as the inventor of the bomb, but this is actually very far from the true. That is, apart from coming up with the Relativity Theory E=mc2, stating that a small amount of matter could release a lot of energy, Albert Einstein's only involvement in the development of this weapon of mass destruction was to sign a letter, urging the U.S. to develop the bomb. This was a decision Einstein, as a pacifist, had great regrets about. Physicists Eugene Wigner and Leo Szilard convinced Einstein to sign the letter because they knew that Germany had managed to split the uranium atom and they were fearing that Germany was already working on an atomic bomb. The British Maud committee created a report that suggested that it should theoretically be highly possible to create a deliverable atomic bomb. This report was presented to President Roosevelt, and the American government decided to pour more funds into the Manhattan Project. Oppenheimer was the leader of the scientific team in the Manhattan project and is often called the “father of the atomic bomb.” Yet again, he was not the sole inventor of the bomb, but its invention was the result of the collaboration among his team members, many of which were also exiles from Europe. Thomas Edison's On the other hand, you might also think of what to do or wish you could do to accomplish for humanity? Is it the creation of a new invention like The electric light wasn't Thomas Edison's first invention, nor was he the first to create an alternative to gaslight. Electric lights already existed on a streetlight scale when, on this day in 1879, Edison tested the one he's famous for. Though he didn't come up with the whole concept, his light bulb was the first that proved practical, and affordable, for home illumination. The trick had been choosing a filament that would be durable but inexpensive, and the team at Edison's “invention factory” in Menlo Park, New Jersey, tested more than 6,000 possible materials before finding one that fit the bill: carbonized bamboo. Do you want to fix a specific problem or bring about a certain reform in our world todays? Also do you want to provide a haven where people may obtain much-needed rest and comfortable relaxation in the midst of their busy schedule? You may not necessarily need to build a physical structure, such as an architect. But you may want to build up the social structure of your nation, and that may be the gifting and areas of your personal and tremendous contribution for humanity.

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