Let All The Students And Teachers Pray To God On July 20th, 2020

At this point, most of our focus is COVID-19 versus Federal Government and Lockdown issues in Nigeria. I would like to suggest to all our students and teachers in Nigeria to Pray Without Ceasing to God right now to reopen schools because with God all things are possible. This will make us help the Federal Government to take the right decision at the point. Instead of putting too many blames on our leaders and thereby shifting our focus from the reality of COVID-19 pandemic confirmed cases 33, 616 is increasing even more and which is real. The solutions to our problems in Nigeria His in the Hand of God and we should ask God for intervention in our Schools as a whole. Let us think deeply about how coronavirus is spreading very fast and with the effort put in places by the government yet, we are still going through a lot of challenges that have this result to negatively impact on our academics. And also, NCDC in line with the national strategy has continued to scale up diagnostic capacity in Nigeria. Although the Federal Ministry of Education as we all know that they've published Guidelines for Schools and Learning Facilities for reopening Schools. I suggest that prayer will help this case. What is your suggestion? Everyone is free to comment on this suggestion or if any? The article was written by Olusola David, Ayibiowu on Opera News Visit:https://creativeartssolutionfoundation.blogspot.com/2020/07/let-all-students-and-teachers-pray-to.html For more information Source: opera.com Reference: www.operanewsapp.com

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