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Jen is a 15-year old writer specializing in fiction and song lyrics. After discovering a love of music and writing at an early age, she began searching for a way to present herself in a creative way using storytelling as a way to express herself. When she's not hard at work on her next story or song, she enjoys reading, singing, acting, taking and designing photos, and hanging with her friends.
Jun 26, 2019 5 years agoThe air around her smelled of ink, paper, and pencil lead. She scribbled her thoughts down but not even then could she even begin to fully understand. The people around her understood so why didn't she. It was like they had created a contract that contained an unsaid rule that everyone around her must never say anything and allow her to destroy the light inside on her own so they wouldn't leave evidence of their crime against her. It didn't take long for the light to almost completely diminish itself entirely. So while the world around her was filled with color, she herself slowly became as gray as the sky before a storm. Though sound was rare in her color drained mind, it still managed to be made by sinking into her invisible world of song. They never heard it fore it was there somewhere deep in her soul, somewhere where the light hadn't yet been extinguished. That little light was the only thing left in her. The only thing that kept her from completely disappearing. The light kept her from giving up on herself and gave her the slightest bit of hope that one day things would get better. Two years later, you can now find that same girl with a smile on her face and a friend or two by her side. It took some time but that little light soon became a flame that regained its strength creating a fire. A fire that she hopes to share with those who have let their light burn too low so they too can become the star they are meant to be. You don't have to be lonely like that little girl was. You don't have to be lonely like I was.
The Wicked
Jun 06, 2019 5 years agoThe dark swirled around her taunting her. “You are capable of more evil than you know my dear…” The voice whispered from somewhere in the dark abis. “No, I'm not! Just leave me alone!” Rose shouted back shutting her eyes tightly trying to block the other voice out but she failed as it continued to jeer at her. “Do you remember…?” The voice hissed causing a flash of images of past horrific events in their victim's life. Rose felt tears start to roll down her cheeks as she fell to the floor in defeat and folding her knees to her chest. “Give up?” The voice questioned in a demonic tone. “No…” Rose replied forcing her voice to steady itself. Suddenly another girl appeared in front of her with black and green hair, bright green eyes, and an evil grin spread across her face. “Well, then it looks like we'll meet again soon my dear....” The girl stated threateningly before disappearing into the darkness and an evil laugh spreads throughout the room. Rose sat up in her bed quickly, her heart pounding as if she had just ran a marathon and her cheeks stained with tear tracks. “Stupid North…” she mumbled to herself in the silence of her bedroom. She kicked her legs over the side of the bed and got up before pulling the blinds open, allowing for the cool night air to flood the room. The sky was an opaque black and cloudy so no stars could be seen. She looked down at her hands that had formed into fists. This had been the third time this week that the stupid nightmare had occurred leaving her sleep deprived and frightened to even try to take a nap. The door squeaked open shadowing her with the light of the hallway. “Rose?” She heard a deep voice say from her doorway, “What are you doing awake?” “Just a nightmare…” She mumbled in return but didn't turn to face her visitor. “Oh, is it still the same one?” Rose nodded slowly as she heard the person step farther into her room but she still didn't turn to face them. “You want to talk about it?” She felt a hand touch her shoulder gently as if at the touch she might disappear forever. “No, Mark I'm good.” She replied her voice returning to hestiant state as she declined his offer of conversation. “Rose, come here.” He whispered taking his hand away from her shoulder and sitting down on the bed. She finally turned around and took a seat next to him and tried to hide the tears forming in her eyes. Mark placed his arm lightly on her shoulders but stayed silent not sure how to approach the situation though he knew she needed help. “Rose?” He said in a hushed tone. “Yes, Mark?” Her voice cracked from trying to hold back her tears. “It's ok to cry.” Rose pondered his words for a second then finally let it go and started sobbing. Mark pulled her a little closer attempting to confort her. “I'm s...sor..sorry Ma..Mark…” She stuttered through her tears. Mark looked at her confused that she was apologizing to him. “What, why?” He said bewildered by the girl's sudden apology. “For crying..” “Rose it's ok…” He pulled her closer to him. It's okay.