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Hi! My name is Bhavya Anand and I am in the 8th grade. My dream is to become a great contribution to the world and the environment somehow. I always aspire to make someone smile at least once a day and be the best version of myself that I can be.

Exceeding the Limits
Nov 22, 2019 5 years ago“Great things never come from comfort zones,” Roy T. Bennett once said. Throughout my life, I have always believed that limitations were a man-made concept, since there is never a boundary as to how much we can serve the world and everyone in it, including ourselves. One of my most treasured memories is when I was told to ride a roller coaster at a carnival. As I heard the screaming of all the people on the ride, I immediately decided that I would not ever get on that coaster. However, at some point, I was able to collect my courage and step on the thing that scared me most (since I was young and there were not many things I feared). To this day, I use this memory as a reference in any difficult situation I encounter, as a reminder that if I hadn't gotten on that roller coaster, I would have never had that great experience of feeling the certain rush of adrenaline, which I still use as a standard that “Great things never come from comfort zones.” They come from the striving and determination within all of us. I had visited India a few years back, and one of my most vivid and unforgettable memories was seeing an old man on the street with only one leg and dirty clothes. In pity, I gave him one coin, which was all I had. When I had taken the chance to truly observe my surrounding, however, I had instantly realized that there were so many other people in poverty around, whether they were selling purses or jewelry, I was able to see a certain spark in each of their eyes. As I look back on this moment, I believe that the spark may have been their tenacity to do only so much as to provide food for their loved ones. Yet, everyone on that one street had that spark, and it was then that I knew that there was much more to be done for humanity. This moment showed me that “Great Things” lie in more expansive ideas that just the benefits we expect in return. It is our duty as humans, to look after each other, and create a sort of ripple effect of selflessness. In the future, I can only hope that in this way, everyone in the world is touched with kindness and that we take pride in one another. Most people have learned over the course of time, that the world can only do so much for us, and that we must do the rest. However, many people forget how much the world has done for us to give us a boost in life. Mother nature has provided a place to live, our teachers have taught us so much to the point that we now have a true perspective of life, and our guardians have given us the love we so needed to survive. The one who does good will only wish the best of others and hope that they find a way to better the world. As a student, I may not have enough money to do something as significant as to sponsor a child to be educated or to donate to save our natural resources, but I always seek ways to promote the Earth in simple ways, such as actively participating in Girl Scout for 5 years, where I have led my troop to fulfilling our duties. I have taken part in suicide prevention campaigns, bullying prevention, and have presented a "Teens for Jeans" campaign, fundraising jeans for the homeless youth, raising 410 pairs for jeans. Even performing an act as incomplex as picking up a piece of trash on the floor and putting it in the trashcan contributes to an even greater world for everyone to live in. Our desire and ambition to serve those around us shapes the saying, “It's the thought that counts.” Compassion can inspire in ways that are unimaginable. Just having the aspiration and want to help will not change anything. It is the ability to explore the distance from our “limitations” that creates the birth of “Great Things.” Yet, the prompt remains. “You can write about good life experience, or bad, embarrassing, frightening experience.” In the 13 years I have lived, every second of every day counted. I could never choose one specific experience that resolves my daily motto. It is through each of the highlights in my life which makes me who I am today. It creates for each of us our remembrances of a time when we have been stressed, loved, afraid, or even all of the above. Through every memory in life, we have had to push ourselves off the edge, to becoming a person worth being honored as a leader who took initiative and ultimately changed the world and themselves to surpassing their limits.