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IIT Roorkee
Philosophy Writer
Roorkee, India
Enthusiastic writer. Writing is just my hobby. I would appreciate if u can connect with mine writing.

Jan 11, 2020 5 years agoSo yet another one! This time there is nothing certain in my mind. So this post can be a bit disconnected and I may switch contexts arbitrarily at times. Pardon me for that! Everything is ordinary this time of the year. College has started, everybody is busy with practicals, tutorials, professor projects, and what not. But I am a bit different(or at least I feel it). A question has been troubling me since I have gained maturity in life. But before getting to that question let me just show you the two opinions that exist in today's world. First one is a popular one. Pursue the field you are passionate about. Hmm, let me think what if someone doesn't know what he is passionate about? Then keep looking for it, right? My father is in great opposition to that theory, which brings me to the second kind of ideology that world has. There is nothing like passion in this world. If you work hard in any field and get a bit of success there you start liking it and that becomes your passion. Ah, a contradiction!! So, which one of these is right then? Actually that is the question I have been pondering for a while now(see I told you I am a bit different). Now a 19 year old thinking on a question like that, maybe is thought insane or probably going in the wrong direction. But here I am all puzzled. Searching on web you would get more positive views on the first argument that there is something like passion in this world. But my father isn't wrong as well. As he has lived his life the other way and I adore him for the person he is. After a lot of thinking I finally arrived at a conclusion that actually these things aren't contradictory. All depends on the mindset of the person. If you think you don't have a passion, it's just something you work upon and you become good at it.. so be it. And if you think that there is a special something for everyone then you are gonna get it sometime in your life out of nowhere. You just strongly have to believe it. Well what kind are you? It's something you have to figure out. But make sure to pick one and BELIEVE !!
Stop Compromising
Nov 28, 2019 5 years agoSo, here I go again. Another post, Another day! But this day's a bit different. I am not depressed but I am not at peace either. Something's bothering me. You'll get to know soon! So, you may consider that you have achieved quite a lot in life but you are still not at peace. You always tend to show others that you are satisfied, fulfilled with your life. But let me tell you one thing, deep down we all have regrets and sorrows. That wish we had as a child to achieve something big has been suppressed by so-called society. We have been taught that we cannot be a superman as it's not realistic. We have been taught not to think about being a billionaire, instead be a normal money-earning machine, because it's not easy to be a billionaire. So, we find a normal job, a life-partner, have kids... Basically settle in life. But deep down its a human tendency to feel the need to be unique, to be different. But the world has trained us to be a normal person. So, first, just take a pause in your life and ask yourself a simple question. Are you happy with your current life? If yes, you need not read the post further. But if you are not this post might help. So, if you are here, I guess you are not completely satisfied with your life. What if each day you woke up to go to work you had something exciting to do. Something that caused the adrenaline rush in your body. Something that may be creating a superman suit or racing cars or flying a rocket. It could be anything you dreamt about. Just start chasing your goals. I cannot guarantee your success. Actually nobody can. But it's better than leading a compromised life. This post though mostly focuses on work-life, but this can be applied to your personal life as well. You can be the best son or daughter. Or a cool and amazing dad. Aur the best neighbor! Just don't compromise on any sphere of your life. Now the next big question arises, what age is it right to start chasing dreams. Or is it too late to start chasing my dreams? Answer to that is just in front of your eyes. Now, you aren't chasing your dream for money, or power, or position. You are chasing them because you don't wanna compromise. You want that exciting feeling in life. So, wherever you are, in a marketing firm, in a tech company, teaching in a school or a waiter. Just stop there for a while and ask can I do any better? Can I give my 100% to my job? Or would I like to change domains and go to an entirely new field? Do I have resources to switch my field? Where can I get those resources from? Seek answers to the above questions. May be many of you don't know what they want to do in life. It's fine. Give your 100% to whatever you are doing and that will give you a hell lot of confidence. When you know that you are the finest salesperson in your company or the finest cook in your city. Just don't compromise on your desires. Let the child within you play.
Acknowledge people that matter
Aug 24, 2019 5 years ago6 years back I was in school. An average C-grade student in a small town. Never interested in or passionate about anything in life. Then one day I came across a guy who said he has made spaceships and done significant research in many fields. But nobody ever saw it. He was popular in our school as a "psycho". But as I was extra-ordinarily innocent, I was the only person who used to trust to his stupid stories. And I spent a lot of time with him understanding how he was doing such great things. That was an introduction for me in the field of academics. I started studying higher mathematics, quantum physics, string theory, and whatnot. That was the beginning of an awesome time I was about to spend with my textbooks. For the next 4 years of my life books were my best friends. I was so involved by studies that I started spending lesser time with my friends and family. Finally got to a prestigious university. Now begins the 2nd phase of my life. I went to college and again retained myself as I was in school. Somebody engrossed in studies. A year passed by. Then I came across a guy who was very popular in our college. Somebody who was liked by everyone. Had a great personality. Fluent in speaking. A person you would like to meet time and again. One day we had a fight over an issue and he said that I was not worth talking to. That day something just clicked me and I understood that I was never an introvert basically. I was a person who loved to interact with others. I had put myself in a shell that I had to devote my entire time to studies and nothing else. But I soon realized that personality development is an important aspect of our life. Being able to talk to people, being able to present yourself in front of others, and having leadership qualities. These aspects are equally important going ahead in life. I worked hard on myself for it. Now I like myself more than I ever used to like myself. So see we all have people in our lives that impact our lives unknowingly. We all have those moments which change our life drastically. It can be anybody, our parents, our teachers, our friends, maybe even strangers. But how many of us really thank people who affect our lives so much. Being a leader does not mean being able to order others, rather it means being able to influence somebody, inspire somebody. We all are role models in somebody else's eyes. We just don't thank each other for being by our side and influencing us in ways we have done! Go and just say "thanks" to people who matter you the most.
Rediscover Yourself
Jul 29, 2019 5 years agoI don't know what it was. But it just happened, all at once and there I was crying an ocean of tears in front of bare walls. I had a lot of hatred for those people, a lot of agonies. Anger was not because they rejected me, but for the fact that they crushed my confidence, they questioned my judgments and revolted against my principles of life. They made me feel worthless and who cannot do good work for the industry. But deep inside I still knew that I was a born leader and an excellent coder indeed. That night I couldn't sleep. I just wondered if what I was doing in my life was worth it? I was chasing a dream that wasn't mine. I was restless not because I was thrown out but because I was trying to become a person that I portrayed to others, not the one I actually was. I was doing stuff just for the sake of doing it. I wanted to quit. But there was a fear deep inside that I had come so far and I couldn't start all over again. Questions like 'What if I failed?', 'What if I regretted my decision?' started pinching me. Soon I figured out that these were all related to the question 'What people would think of me if I failed?'. Because if I was alone and I failed I wouldn't mind failing. I slept... The morning was another day of life. I had to force myself out of the bed as usual with the hope that today, maybe, I will like the work I do. Days passed by... One fine day, I just came across a quote "Failure defeats losers but it inspires winners". That changed my view all of a sudden. One rejection cannot lead me down. I don't want to be a loser. I was NEVER a loser. So I made up my mind to start doing something. So I started listing my goals, the one that directly gives me pleasure. I had a detailed chart of all my personal, professional and health goals jotted on a paper. I always like to jot things for reference. I pasted it on a wall in front of me. The list was huge but it contained all things that give me pleasure so it wouldn't be troublesome to follow it. I started going to the gym, coded regularly, paid full attention to the courses I was doing. And over a period of 1 month, I regained my confidence and I was all fired up to do big and go after my goal passionately. I rediscovered the real me... Sometimes you lose your real self to impress people who are not worth sacrificing for. Never compromise on "THE REAL YOU". So this was my journey of rediscovering myself after 1 rejection which probably was the best that happened in my life. Rejections are a path for selections. Cheers !!