Stop Compromising

So, here I go again. Another post, Another day! But this day's a bit different. I am not depressed but I am not at peace either. Something's bothering me. You'll get to know soon! So, you may consider that you have achieved quite a lot in life but you are still not at peace. You always tend to show others that you are satisfied, fulfilled with your life. But let me tell you one thing, deep down we all have regrets and sorrows. That wish we had as a child to achieve something big has been suppressed by so-called society. We have been taught that we cannot be a superman as it's not realistic. We have been taught not to think about being a billionaire, instead be a normal money-earning machine, because it's not easy to be a billionaire. So, we find a normal job, a life-partner, have kids... Basically settle in life. But deep down its a human tendency to feel the need to be unique, to be different. But the world has trained us to be a normal person. So, first, just take a pause in your life and ask yourself a simple question. Are you happy with your current life? If yes, you need not read the post further. But if you are not this post might help. So, if you are here, I guess you are not completely satisfied with your life. What if each day you woke up to go to work you had something exciting to do. Something that caused the adrenaline rush in your body. Something that may be creating a superman suit or racing cars or flying a rocket. It could be anything you dreamt about. Just start chasing your goals. I cannot guarantee your success. Actually nobody can. But it's better than leading a compromised life. This post though mostly focuses on work-life, but this can be applied to your personal life as well. You can be the best son or daughter. Or a cool and amazing dad. Aur the best neighbor! Just don't compromise on any sphere of your life. Now the next big question arises, what age is it right to start chasing dreams. Or is it too late to start chasing my dreams? Answer to that is just in front of your eyes. Now, you aren't chasing your dream for money, or power, or position. You are chasing them because you don't wanna compromise. You want that exciting feeling in life. So, wherever you are, in a marketing firm, in a tech company, teaching in a school or a waiter. Just stop there for a while and ask can I do any better? Can I give my 100% to my job? Or would I like to change domains and go to an entirely new field? Do I have resources to switch my field? Where can I get those resources from? Seek answers to the above questions. May be many of you don't know what they want to do in life. It's fine. Give your 100% to whatever you are doing and that will give you a hell lot of confidence. When you know that you are the finest salesperson in your company or the finest cook in your city. Just don't compromise on your desires. Let the child within you play.

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Always doing things you never would have done...

Dallas, USA