

Accept the process

May 16, 2018 6 years ago

We have all had, at some point in our lives, a physics class or an astronomy class. We have all been to a park with our friends, or on the roofs of our houses looking at stars and counting them. And chances are, we've been doing all of this without putting much thinking into it, just doing it for the fun of it. And maybe even sometimes, our heads set the imagination that's trapped inside of it, free and lets it flow. Maybe sometimes that imagination takes us places we've never been before, places that on a normal Tuesday would look far away, even impossible. But if you think about it, if you stop for just one second and think about all of this, about the stars, the sky, your friend laying next to you on that rooftop, the leaves on the trees and the ones on the ground, the little children running around. If you think about all of this and try to find common grounds for this you will find that we are all just one and the same. We are the same as the sky, the stars and the leaves. We all have our own sunrises, our shooting moments, and our autumns. We all start somewhere, only to finish some other place. If there's anything we could learn from nature is that life goes on. You may say that this is a pessimistic way to look at things. But I beg to differ, I beg that for once in our lives we could overlook and ignore the descriptive of good and bad, pessimistic and optimistic, just simply take things for what they actually are and for what nature has made of them. I beg that for once we could accept everything we have been, are and will be. There's a known cycle, of how things start, develop and then end. There's a starting point, an ending one and a process in between. Life goes on, and how wonderful is that! We get the chance to be born into a family, we get the chance of being able to breathe, feel the rain, the sunrays, grow up, grow hair, watch it change colors and then lose it. We get the chance to see our skin as soft as a soap bar then witness it get drained and take up all of life's signs as it stains into darker patches and wrinkles up into soft lines. We watch our children that we love and cherish grow up and learn about life and go through the same process. We get the chance to be part of a world that is as imperfect as we are, as full of doubts sometimes as we are and as hopeful other times as we are. We get the chance to have a voice in that world and to make a difference. We are lucky that we're human and part of this world, that we come from nature and that we are part of a process. What else do we need to happen to us to understand that we are fortunate and that it is up to us and to us only to change the wrong things with the earth? Now instead of grieving the known end of us, the final stage of our lives, take that process and own it. Make that process yours and exist on your own terms. If it is an already settled fact that life goes on then go with it, make it happen. Live as much as possible, live and exist to the fullest you can. Exhaust your life and make yourself crave and work for those cravings. Be the star, the sky and the leaf you are. Shoot through darkness as hard and fast as you can, absorb all the burning afternoon clouds, the cold tears of autumn and the dim of dawn time, be green and flow with the wind, then shrink and turn yellow while your friends turn all sorts of purples and pinks, go all brown and fall to the ground and let it take you in with care. Be what nature has made of you and be proud of it.

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