The Unfortunate Ariel

Ariel quivered as a cool gusty wind flew up against her skirt causing it to fly up. She quickly flattened it as her little brother and sister caught up to her. The 5-year boy just smiled at his sister as he marched by. They were on there way to school, and they were never in much of a rush. They didn't care if they were late, everyone thought they were garbage anyways. Sometimes if they were brave enough they hide behind the trash can. "Ariel," said Jake "Can I hide behind the trash can. Please!? "No, not today," she said. She rose an eyebrow as she came closer to school. Everyone was outside crying. She picked up her sister, Ella and moved over with Jake. "What happened? asked Ariel quietly. " They was a shooting at the school, 5 died and 15 in the hospital. Go home and take Luke, Anna, and your parents somewhere safe. Ariel picked up Ella and looked at Jake. They sprinted home as fast as they could. As soon as they got home they saw blood everywhere. Ariel closed the door and ran upstairs. No one. Came back down and into the kitchen, she saw it. Her parents and brother and had been shot. She fell to her knees and started crying, her brother by her side.

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Writer and Playwright

London, United Kingdom