I've been reflecting a lot lately on how crucial honesty is in relationships, and I've come to realize just how damaging it can be to lead someone on. It's something I've seen and experienced firsthand, and I think it's important to share why this behavior is so harmful and why we should always strive for transparency. It's all too easy to get caught up in the moment and show someone care when deep down, we know we don't have strong feelings for them. Maybe you don't see a future with this person, but you still let them into your life and make them believe that something serious is brewing. This can set them up for a world of emotional pain and confusion. They start to think that there's a real possibility of a future together when, in reality, there isn't. I know it can be tough to face the fact that we aren't on the same page as someone else. It's uncomfortable and often feels like you're about to shatter someone's dreams. But here's the thing: avoiding this conversation only prolongs the inevitable hurt. It's so much better to be honest and clear about your intentions. If you're not ready for a committed relationship, or if your feelings just aren't there, it's essential to communicate that directly and respectfully. I've seen situations where people allow others to spend money on them or show them affection, even though they don't return those feelings. It's easy to think that these actions might not have much of an impact, but they do. The person on the other side might start to develop deeper feelings and hope for a future that isn't real. That's incredibly unfair and can lead to a lot of unnecessary pain. Imagine being in their shoes. How would you feel if someone gave you every indication that they loved you and wanted a future with you, only to find out later that it was all a facade? It's a tough pill to swallow, and it can be emotionally devastating. So, how do we address this issue? It starts with having an honest conversation. Be direct about where you stand, even if it's uncomfortable. Approach the discussion with empathy, acknowledging their feelings and showing respect for their emotions. And most importantly, make sure your actions align with your words. Don't say one thing and do another; that only adds to the confusion and heartache. In the end, leading someone on is not just about avoiding discomfort or confrontation. It's about respecting the other person and valuing their emotional well-being. By being upfront and sincere, we can avoid causing unnecessary hurt and build relationships based on genuine understanding and mutual respect. Let's commit to being honest and transparent, both for our sake and for those who care about us. Author: DMAX SCARLAGE KE Copyright © 2024 #fromtheheartartofkibera #dmaxscarlageke

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