Path Your Choice

It's been a while since I have written, and as much as I would like to say I was searching for the next story, I was just oblivious. I was concerned with everything around me, and that's what lead to writing this one. The lingering desire for teens to please their parents are coming to an end. The more parents take control of their child, the more the child wants to rebel. When a parent forces a teen to do something, it angers us, teens. I've done my research on what happens to a teenager when they get pushed to do something consistently. The results state that when that teen grows up, that one thing, the parents systematically pressures them to do when their older, they don't do at all. For instance, your parents are consistently on top of you to be a doctor for which they end up getting hard on you with your schoolwork or when your parent is on top of you to wake up for church so you can get the habit of loving the Lord. Still, in reality, you resent going to church when your older or if your parent is on top of you for your basketball or football games and how you must practice day and night to get better, just for you to hate playing the game. Given all this hypocrisy, We teens yearn for the ability to make our own choice — the ability to stand up for what we believe. Our parents remain in the past and all its mistakes, but without errors, we would never learn. We as teens of this generation Z, we must stop listening to other's guts and minds from the generation before us and start listening to our stomachs and thoughts, start to believe in our morals and beliefs. I believe in my morals and the day to come where I can share what i think and not have anybody's opinions affect what I feel. I want parents to know we teens have our views on how we look at certain things or ideas. I don't want your beliefs to affect mines, we teens are the future, and sometimes parents are going to want to help with that future, but you're always not going to be around, which then we created the PATH OF OUR CHOICE.

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Ogdensburg, United States