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Hi my name is chartline an I’m a 15 year old girl. I started this to get people in my age group to express themselves. People in my age group from 13-18 usually have a hard time getting their ideas or concerns out there and I would love to help with that. That’s why I have on my social media a box where people my age range put there concerns or ideas into for me to share through my writing and it’s a great opportunity to and I’m really thankful.

Path Your Choice
Dec 22, 2019 5 years agoIt's been a while since I have written, and as much as I would like to say I was searching for the next story, I was just oblivious. I was concerned with everything around me, and that's what lead to writing this one. The lingering desire for teens to please their parents are coming to an end. The more parents take control of their child, the more the child wants to rebel. When a parent forces a teen to do something, it angers us, teens. I've done my research on what happens to a teenager when they get pushed to do something consistently. The results state that when that teen grows up, that one thing, the parents systematically pressures them to do when their older, they don't do at all. For instance, your parents are consistently on top of you to be a doctor for which they end up getting hard on you with your schoolwork or when your parent is on top of you to wake up for church so you can get the habit of loving the Lord. Still, in reality, you resent going to church when your older or if your parent is on top of you for your basketball or football games and how you must practice day and night to get better, just for you to hate playing the game. Given all this hypocrisy, We teens yearn for the ability to make our own choice — the ability to stand up for what we believe. Our parents remain in the past and all its mistakes, but without errors, we would never learn. We as teens of this generation Z, we must stop listening to other's guts and minds from the generation before us and start listening to our stomachs and thoughts, start to believe in our morals and beliefs. I believe in my morals and the day to come where I can share what i think and not have anybody's opinions affect what I feel. I want parents to know we teens have our views on how we look at certain things or ideas. I don't want your beliefs to affect mines, we teens are the future, and sometimes parents are going to want to help with that future, but you're always not going to be around, which then we created the PATH OF OUR CHOICE.
The Captivity Of A Soul
Jun 05, 2019 5 years agoFrom the years 2018-2019, adults might think we kids are being spoiled by things such as rap music, gangsters, drugs, and people who influence bad things. Now, this is purposely to view the case of the children and teens getting affected by other bad choices are age group do. When parents see a group of kids getting arrest or killed for an act or deed they had or was involved in, That type of news leaves an effect on not parents but their children. Parents always say, “I'm doing it to protect you,” and there is no fault in that, but when parents take it to the point where their teen can't be a teen, it's not protection it is IMPRISONMENT. The last thing a teen wanted to feel is like their being held in captivity by their blood. As soon as they think that way, they get mad, angry, sad, lonely, and like they did something wrong. That's the worst feeling a teen can feel. When a teen always wants to go out to have fun with his/her friends but can't because their parents feel as if they still need protection. The best thing parents can do is trust and let their children protect themselves for once. Then watch them grow into becoming strong men or women in the future. So with parents who like to keep their child safe, I assure you their always going to be protected. You just got to let them find it by themselves. Don't make your child angry by trying to do what's best for them or because you're scared. Try an leave space for the teens and kids that they are. IMPRISONMENT will get a teen into trouble instead of out of it. IN WHICH THEN THE CAPTIVITY OF A YOUNG SOUL IS LOST.
What's The Real Answer
Jun 04, 2019 5 years agoA beauty of a young girl we elders call our future, the spunk we love to see when a child tells you what they want to acomplish in life. The knowledge they gain over time, just to be swept away. The young beautiful girl goes to kindergarden filled with excitement. Next she goes to first grade filled with enchantment. Next she goes to second filled with curosity. Next she goes into third with adventure. Next she goes into fourth with dreams. Next she goes fifth with schemes. Then to sixth with friends. Off to seventh with legs. Onto eighth with hate. Into ninth with guys. On the egde of tenth. March into eleventh with “HATE THEM”! Then off to twelfth with no diploma nor health. You might wonder how the young girl went from dreams to no diploma. It's what everybody skips during the cycle. Now your probably like I didn't skip nothing, but you're probably wondering how the young girl went from kindergarden with excitement to twelfth grade with no diploma an no health. What 90% of the population can't figure out is what changed these kids from one thing to another? That question follows back to the beginning. The young girl started off with excitement to enchantment. Then, curosity to adventure. Then from dreams to schemes. Then from friends to legs and etc. But you got to take a minute to think, What really changed? The young girl wasn't changing, she was growing. Therefore, you guys are probably wondering how does the young girl grow towards getting no diploma? That's the problem you guys are wondering HOW? But the real problem is WHY! WHY did the young girl go from excited to enchanted? WHY did she go from curosity to adventure? WHY did she go from dreams to schemes? WHY did she go from friends to legs? WHY did she go from hate to guys? WHY did she go from “HATE THEM” to no diploma? WHY is the real answer to all of your questions.