Being 14 and pregnant

I am going way back March 15,1994 The day I found out I was pregnant I told my best friend that I was always tired and Hungary she said lets go get you a test wow like wait, I only had sex with him one time she said that's all it takes. We dished first period and went to del taco and two lines show up .I was so scared to tell my mother and her telling my dad he already had so much hate towards me .So that night I was going to see him again I was so scared to tell him he was 18 already I was just 14 a kid .so told him he says for me to have a abortion I was so num from everything .That same night I told my mother she said you have to get married I told her no please mom he had already punched me in my back I already had bruises. She took me to his parents and told them she's staying here she pregnant and know he's responsible. And she left me just left that night he beat me and give me my first black eye .I called my mom and told her he hit me made me sleep on the floor she said to bad deal with it when my dad found he called me hore and all I am is a slut .I had no one I was alone for 7years that I was with this man he would come home drunk beat me I always had black eyes .I was not aloud to where dresses and makeup or go anywhere I stayed home with my kid by the time I was 18 I had 4 kids with this man that would beat me everyday choke me till I would black out and I had no one I was alone with my kids .He did the same thing my father did to me call me name and beat me I was the hoe .It took me years to under stand why they hated me so much and was I ever going to find happiness was I not worthy of being loved why did love hurt. Know that I am older and learned to love my self and heal from all the pain words hurt more .I always have been alone no family or friends to talk to so I hope by telling just a little about my story will help other that been there or are in a bad relationship and no were to run to .

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