Delivery Cat

Every Thursday, at twelve on the dot, a small calico cat trots about town, carrying a package that is wrapped in fine red ribbon between her teeth. She seems to be friendly enough, even letting people give her a scratch between her ears. But, she's a busy cat, so she doesn't let people pet her for very long. After all, she has a job to do and, rumor has it, she has just given birth to a litter of kittens. No one knows where she comes from, if she has an owner, or to whom she will deliver the next package. All anyone knows is that she shows up at their front door right when they need her. Last week, Tammy's boyfriend, Gerald, broke up with her and in her darkest hours, the cat delivered a box of peanut butter cups to her apartment. The week before, Sharon lost the local church's baking competition but found some conveniently placed sugar cookies. Townspeople should not be worried about the cat's motives. She's a lovely creature and everyone should look forward to a visit from her.

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