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I am a cheerful and energetic person fueling inspiration in life--
First-- I am a diligent self starter, a continuous learner, an avid networker in search of opportunities for growth and development. One thing I firmly believe in, is that in the midst of all our accomplishments, we should always find ways to give back to those less privileged than us.
Second-- There is an essential banality to what I say and write. My stories are deliberate & candid in nature. I choose not to be gullible and Or partizan to injustice of any sorts, especially those arising from racial profiling, social status and power by the corrupt privileged minority.
Third-- I believe that Life is very delicate and should be treated with at most respect.

Jun 12, 2021 3 years agoIn 1986 when President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni took power and became President of the 'Great Republic of Uganda' after ousting a military regime, he committed his entire life to stabilizing the country and restoring its economic status. Uganda has actively been working towards Peace, Security and Regional cooperation. The economy has developed soundly, and the government has since been pursuing development-oriented programs and policies that have led to visible, tangible results such as infrastructural development. Shortly after he came into office, President Museveni spearheaded a mass education campaign promoting a three-pronged AIDS prevention message: abstinence from sexual activity until marriage; monogamy within marriage; and condoms as a last resort. The message became commonly known as ABC: Abstinence, be faithful, use a condom if A and B fail. This message also addressed the high rates of concurrency in Uganda, which refers to the widespread cultural practice of maintaining two or more sexual partners at a time. Mass media campaigns also targeted this practice including the "Zero-Grazing" and "Love Carefully" public health messages in the 1990s. Today, Uganda boasts of a much Healthier, Educated and Empowered population, alongside a fairly stable and growing economy, thanks to the presidential initiatives that have prioritized the curbing of epidemic diseases like Malaria, Polio, HIV/AIDS as well as promotion of the “education for all” programs which have seen many Ugandans especially the underserved being able to afford an education. In the recent past when COVID-19 became a global pandemic and was discovered in Uganda, President Museveni was and is still at the helm of containing its further spread in the country. He put in place a lock down, and guided by scientists, he was able to provide the Country standard operating procedures (SOPs) to minimize infections. Citizens have since been encouraged to get vaccinated (The President and the First Lady taking the lead) and although the country continues to battle a second wave (Covid19), there is awareness on prevention, testing and vaccination. In his manifesto 2021- 2026 ‘SECURING YOUR FUTURE' under the National Resistance Movement (NRM) on “ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT”, The president reassures the Nation and the World that the NRM is committed to ensuring sustainable use of the environment and natural resources which are at the core of sustainable development and are critical for social-economic development, healthy ecosystems and human survival. This is hope, a step towards green recovery and a carbon negative future. The President's passion is to continue supporting the agricultural sector and the growth of food and cash crops such as Coffee, Cotton, Maize, Tea, Cassava, Cocoa, Fruits (Citrus, Mangoes, Pineapples, Apples), Sugarcane production, Rice Production, and Livestock among others is great and will help feed Uganda's population and finance the economy as well. For instance, "The NRM is going to continue supporting UCDA to invest in quality improvement to achieve large coffee beans of screen 18 grade, which can only be achievable if farmers use the right planting materials obtained from nurseries licensed by UCDA, and pick only red ripe coffee…. Our goal is to increase coffee production to 20 million bags by 2025". He said. President Museveni on February 16, 2016 formally launched the Kayoola EV, with a promise to increase funding for Kiira Motors Corporation (KMC). The president said the vehicle, which runs on solar power, was the future of the motor industry in Uganda. “Solar energy is the way of the future – the only challenge is to make it affordable. Now that the roads and other projects have been done, we shall find the funds to [make sure KMC takes off] … We can't fail at this one,” he said. Therefore, having won the majority vote in the recently concluded Presidential elections, President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni remains Uganda's preferred choice of a leader and will enjoy another golden term of office in the year 2021-2026 where he is to offer profound leadership to Ugandans under the Theme: ‘Securing Your Future'. Reference; https://www.nrm.ug/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HIV/AIDS_in_Uganda http://speed.musph.ac.ug/president-museveni-members-of-parliament-bring-leadership-to-the-fight-against-malaria-in-uganda/ https://cedat.mak.ac.ug/news/museveni-launches-kayoola-ev-pledges-more-funding/ https://www.bmz.de/en/countries/uganda https://www.monitor.co.ug/uganda/news/national/commonwealth-lauds-museveni-for-covid-19-response-3325576
Nov 18, 2020 4 years agoIt is beautiful day, a memorable one to you my dear. A reminder of how far you have come in your life and the great things God has done for you. Penninah, it is a more than a year since i met you at your work place, a memory that stuck with me to this very day. Through a flash back, your gesture of kindness and hospitality, touched my heart as you placed a sticker of your smile and warm aura in my mind. I found you so attractive and desired your affection.... only to learn that you were expecting a blessing of a child. Yes, my warmths deemed a little bit until i realized that my touching base with you was divine, natural and beyond attention seeking. A warm ecstatic feeling about you gave me the reassurance, a hope for your love and affection was rekindled, a hope to be part of your blessing Ethan and more importantly a hope to be part of your life. Penninah my beautiful love, today is special, not only to you but to me as well, it is a rare opportunity for me to be chanced to wish you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY. It is an opportunity for you to reflect on life and be thankful. This BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION is special not because it is an addition of another upon your life, but because it is an opportunity for you to look around you and see the good things God has done for you and more importantly his faithfulness upon your own life; --You have to be thankful for the blessing of Ethan and an opportunity for you to whisper to him how happy you are to celebrate your birthday when he is in your life. --You also have to be thankful for having wonderful people around you especially those whom God has place in your life to uplift your spirit when you are down, inspire you, love you and guide you. Knowing you has so far been the most heart warming experience of my life though we have not yet met to share in a moment of Ecstasy, something i am certain will happen. May you live to see more of God's favor upon your life as you age gracefully... Please take note: 1. "Some beautiful paths can't be discovered without getting lost." 2. "There are far better things ahead than the ones we leave behind." 3. "Stay youthful by taking care of your mind, body, and soul." 4. "Be patient and understanding with everyone." 5. "Humble's thoughts are; LIVE to LEARN to LOVE~" You are loved, you are desired, you are my warmest thoughts. -- HAPPY BIRTHDAY --
Nov 16, 2020 4 years agoA #raindrop is all i need to give life to my seeds withering owing to the #ClimateEmergency Remember the fires? the California wildfires the Australia fires... the fires in Argentina... the fires in the Amazon? the fires everywhere...! all an indication, of a burning Universe at the verge of extinction #ClimateActionNow
A little Rain, a little Sunshine--
Sep 19, 2020 4 years agoOnce upon a time, Lucifer was the ‘Ark Angel' supreme to all the others, until his pride sent him out, the loss of his glory never to return. From then onwards, ‘Day' and ‘Night' divorced. The ‘Morning' separated from the ‘Evening', ‘Darkness' from ‘Light'. ‘Coldness' became parallel to ‘warmth' ‘Heaven' separated from the ‘Earth' and to this day ‘Tears' do not see eye to eye with ‘laughter' nor does ‘Love' and 'Hate' which explains the reason as to why ‘Mother' left ‘Father' The very separation of your ‘Parents'. Now with the hand of the clock becoming much louder than ever before, is a clear time-up signal that we won't be together in the next life. One thing is clear, our daughter will always bring us together. And since goodbye is not a desirable gesture, I will simply walk away without a word To continue the ‘Journey' without you.
The salt in the sun~
Sep 18, 2020 4 years agoWith the fading of the music~ and the return of calm, is an opportune moment to touch base with your heart parallel to your thoughts a systemic disagreement the dismemberment of your enthusiasm. With a discord in your humanity, and the loss of grit an emptied conscientious the very loss of meaning with no one is close enough to rescue you from the snares before you as you brace for a pitfall into the galaxy the numbness of your physical being a flashlight into the everlasting as you become aware of a higher power taking over. Your ability to control is disabled as the pills the knives and loneliness become your closest companions demanding your love and affection an immense unity you won't return from the awakening of your loved ones unaware of your struggles a little too late for a remedy the beginning of the end a life cut so short...