


Cairo, Egypt

I am Mariam Elgazzar an undergraduate student and I am giving you a mere advice from my humble experiences (Don’t compare yourself to anyone and do the right thing) hope you keep it in mind and don’t forget to like and comment my articles 🤍


Is AI a curse or a bless

Jul 31, 2024 6 months ago

With every new human invention to make life easier , new worries arise leaving doubts and fear take place. In April 1986, group of mathematics teachers in Washington were protesting against students use calculators, worrying about destroying students calculation abilities and rust their brains, In the 19th century, during the industrialization revolution in Britain a group of handicraft men smashed machines in factories fearing of being replaced or losing their jobs to machinery.Now in 2024, we no longer have this fear. Teachers encourage the children to use calculators, and most of factories are filled with machines.Despite that, we still have similar fears towards a new technological revolution. Opinions on AI can be divided into 2 teams , one that sees AI as a threat to many jobs and will eventually lead to unemployment and other sees it as unreasonable fear and that there will be still more jobs for human , but both of teams agreed on that AI still have a long way to go till it becomes smart enough to replace man,there are jobs that have to have man element as it needs mental processes. However , an event occurred in 2022 let the 2 teams reconsider their thoughts , it was the start of ChatGPT.surprisingly, ChatGPT took 5 days after release to reach one million user. In order to understand how ChatGPT reached its current qualities, we need to travel time back and ask How does computer understands words? Computer is more or less a machine that performs logical and mathematical processes so ,How does it understand words and reply to us? This type is called language model , All what it does is when you give it a sentence it can predict the next word all it needs is a large collection of words and data whether from books , Wikipedia or other sources and make this language model memorize what comes after each word and that is called training model. After a few months of releasing ChatGPT, students started using it to do their assignment, programmers used it to write codes faster and find bugs in their codes .Not only that , a professor in the university of Wharton gave ChatGPT an MBA exam , it solved and passed it . The fact that language models left the world of computer nerds and became accessible to anyone that not an expert, it is considered a historic moment, but leaving us with an important question,Is the AI a curse or a bless?

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