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My name is bealem sintayehu I am juniour of hydraulics engineering. Iam good at both sience an d language subjects. I spend my free time by watching movies and writing litratures.

The pandemic
Jul 01, 2021 3 years agoWhen the corona viruse enter in to our country Ethiopia ,ministry of health was started to declare proclaimations and other related inforamations with the pandemic to the community,in so far as beginning from that season until the awareness about the covid 19 reaches effectively to the people.consequently,the quarantine time is applicable in all over my country regions.for this reason,i am also one of them who stayed in earnmark room.most of the time ,it seen as some of people believe that,the corona viruse is not did nothing for the human being rather,exposing people to sophisticated problems.nevertheless,i completely disagree with the arguement. On the one hand,it is true that the viruse losts so many lives and leads to economical,political and social crisiss. i am also a person who faced to this kind of problems.because of this pandemic the quarantine time were very monotounous and boring;it is very difficult to spend time far from working area.specially it is not confusing view that a man who spend time for a long period in job is very stressfull moment.therefore,some of the people were also fighten with depression,obesiry and such deseases.also it was examinant to me by this quarantine. I remember so many my relatives ,friends were infected by this pandemic.for instance,my aunt was slept in hospital፡not only her but also her husband was attacked.because of this their children were leave alone subordinating from their parents.generally,our curiosity to see them free from the desease and again hope to visit them after they exist from the mental institution is a few memorial phenomenon that will not be disappear ever from my mind.finally all the awesome situations happened in my family is enforced us to pass that occasions in promiscous felling. In conversel,i could not forget that earnmark process had it's own positive impacts.as much as it was the conditions requires to pass time being at home for a long period of duration,it permits comnunicating well from my family nembers and also it helps to understand our behaviours better than we were.this condition not to being easly forgotable.apart in my cases opportunities,the one holds a great place,that is፡before a few years ago i was faced to eye pain which is not treated by eye glass.because of this i could not attend my educatuon,then after i had gone to my school in order to fill with drawal paper,however they informed me not to give any kind of service in this year due to the pandemic which is linked to learning and teaching system. as a result i had been ready to discontinued learning alone was practicable for all students vicinity of nine months.now i am rally well and it creates a good chance so as to proceed my class. In conclusion,even if the quarantine life had their own negative impacts it also had a vividly point of view to grasp advanced influences beside the worst period .