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Hello! My name is Bahromjon. I am 17 years old.

Life during Pandemic
Jul 30, 2022 2 years agoThe pandemic started at the end of the year 2019 caused many changes in the daily lives of peoples all over the world. My motherland, Uzbekistan, was also involved with such new rules and lifestyle. Our compatriots spend their time on different activities, and the country has passed through many adaptations to these situations. I am going to tell you about reformations in my country during the Covid-19 and citizen`s reactions. First of all, the main responsibility of protecting people and preventing outbreak of this dangerous virus was on the shoulders of the government when it was found in Uzbekistan. Our government utilized many strategies to reduce the prevalence of the infection. One of the solutions was, obviously, quarantine, because it was the only way to restrict transmission and spread of the illness. Within the period, citizens were only allowed in order to go shopping, some ceremonies were restricted, for example, it was a requirement for families whose sons or daughters are marrying that the number of guests must be 30 at most. At the beginning, it was too difficult for all, because it was against our traditions, but gradually they started to adapt. It was an unforgettable memory for us. Other kinds of reformations were related to the education system, because pupils and students could not go out or study at school. It was respectful that learners continued with their lessons in spite of online lessons on TV made after the effort of our government. Furthermore, in order to inform students about this harmful virus and its consequences, many online contests were organized: essays, drawings, videos, etc. During attending such competitions, they studied about Covid-19 and it helped to raise awareness of people. In addition, salaries of teachers, doctors and other workers employed by the government were paid whether they are not working as it has been before. After introducing this infection, medical field workers became on trend, because curing patients and preventing breaking out of the virus depended on them. When the first vaccine was produced, our country imported them, and started to vaccinate citizens. Initially, senior citizens of the country have been vaccinated, because they were inclined to be infected with the illness. Later, youngsters and teenagers passed through this step, which is why they also had a high possibility of being infected. Meantime, patients had always been vaccinated simultaneously with olds and youths. Our scientists also tried to make vaccines and study how to treat ills. They did this project and with vaccines, wide-spreading of infection was prevented. The brightest memories in this time was the recovery of patients because their smiles and contentment from life was just unimaginable. They were some of the luckiest people among the world population, this is because a small part of them died in spite of the virus. It was horrible to remember because you cannot contemplate the feeling of families which lost their relatives or family hoods. We could do nothing, only God knows who lives or who does not. We cannot decide on this problem. If I tell you what I did during the quarantine, it was enough time for me to do activities, which I wanted. For example, I studied English online and revised my knowledge in Biology and Chemistry which I learned until then. My hard work helped me later when I decided to try to enter Fergana Presidential School. Another thing worthy to mention is missing my friends and relatives who live in a separate house. In contrast, I made some friends within the period, and they are still too valuable for me. In conclusion, the infection forced all people to reform their lifestyle, adapt new rules, and struggle with dangerous viruses. However, they adapted to this lifestyle, and now everything is OK. Virus is being diminished, and almost all of the infected people are recovering from it.