

just an average writer?

adelaide, Australia

my names shanara im 16 in four munths i write storys for fun in my free time i like to read webnovels and books i like lisening to audio books i sing and i write songs


Coincidental meeting

Feb 21, 2022 3 years ago

hi im shanara, I'm just your average highschool girl. I never really had very many friends and I would be picked on quite a lot. My life was just any average one of that of a teenage girl. I eventually came across social media and used that as my way of escaping reality. I made online friends and talked to them and didn't really socialize with others I met face to face. One day i had started talking to this guy his name was trey, he was only a few month older the me about 5-6 months older we started chatting everyday and we eventually started getting along really well, he would be the person i go to, to talk to about my day and when id have a bad day he would always make me laugh, him and i eventually became best friends and got to know each other really well. One day i had had a rough day at school and just wanted to get back home and tell trey about it i had just lost someone who i was friends with and rumors were getting spread about me through the school and people would stare at me and laugh, i was never really quit sure what the rumors are and until this day i still have no idea. I had got home from school and plopped down onto my bed and i opened my laptop and googled in the browser “instagram” i had logged into my account and messaged him and told him about my day, he had replied with “i have had a hard day at school as well my girlfriend cheated on me” i felt really bad for him even though i didn't know very much his relationship. Eventually i had headed to bed because i was tired and i had school the next day, later on the next day the day was almost over and i put my stuff in my backpack and got my books and left to head home, as soon as i got home once again i whipped my laptop out just like i had everyday before and one of my friends had put on their story “send c” if u care about me i replied with “C” and got sent a chain where i had to put the same thing on my story and send a photo i had only sent a photo of a character from a game as no one knew what i looked like in real life, after i had put it on my story trey had replied with “C” to my story and i sent himt the same chain thing i was sent and he put it on his story and sent a photo of him to me.. After he had sent the photo i had freaked out because he was a boy i knew at school and hed hang out with my friend group but eventually stopped hanging out with us quit some time ago as i freaked out i typed “OMG YOU GO TO THE EXACT SAME SCHOOL AS ME!” he became shocked at this point in time and said “who are you, what do u mean” i told him “i'm shanra” as he never knew my real name or what i looked like because id go After he had sent the photo i had freaked out because he was a boy i knew at school and hed hang out with my friend group but eventually stopped hanging out with us quit some time ago as i freaked out i typed “OMG YOU GO TO THE EXACT SAME SCHOOL AS ME!” he became shocked at this point in time and said “who are you, what do u mean” i told him “i'm shanra” as he never knew my real name or what i looked like because id go by a game character with the name Shad treys reply to this was “send me a photo of you” and i was still in shock at this time, eventually i sent him a photo and told him who i hung out with. The next while at school I tried to avoid him and not bump into him, But we all know how that had turned out. I bumped into him after taking my friend to the bus stop. After all this he'd call out my name whenever he would see me and I would still continuously try to avoid him but that didn't go as planned. Eventually after me and trey finding out who each other were we decided to start hanging out and his Ex did not like this at all, she didn't like me at all if i'm being honest because she eventually started bullying me shortly after but i decided to just ignore her which would make her furious. Eventually the school yeah came to an end and me and trey were inseparable wed hug a lot and we both knew we felt the exact same way about each other, on the last day off school was the last day we got to see each other, or so i thought one night i was at a friends house and i was just texting trey and he knew i was upset and this was late at night, He had stopped replying to me for awhile and i was sitting in the dark of the night at the park, Suddenly i heard my name called out and i knew the voice all too well, It was trey he had rode his bike from willaston all the way to evanston just to make me feel better, This made me really happy. Eventually after all of this the day after christmas (boxing day) he had asked me out and i had said yes and we started dating each other and ever since the we have been together for almost 2 year hes now turned sixteen and ill be turning sixteen in a few months and the relationship has been amazing since that day all though we argue sometimes but we always work it out with a talk and a hug.

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