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I am a public elementary school teacher in our country. I am married with 3 kids all boys. In school, I am just an ordinary teacher handling first grade pupils. If there are programs and reports to be submitted, my principal and my master teacher asked me to make the reports that were supposed for them. Mostly the reports were narrative and constructing messages. I do not know the reason why they chose me but maybe they believed in me that I can make it. I am not famous or experienced writer but I had experiences in writing during my college days. I did not graduate a master’s degree or PHD. I cannot also present a certificate of recognition or participation that I am a certified writer in our country. Moreover, English language/subject is neither my first language nor my major subject in my chosen profession. But still I love writing and I believe that my age is not a hindrance to continue of what I had started.

Women's Ministry Journey
Jan 27, 2023 2 years agoHello readers and to all the authors in this page. Let me share with you all my/our experiences in our women's ministry journey. By the way I am a Baptist Christian. We have a community church founded by my late Father and late uncle. Our church consists of members and led by my eldest brother as the Host Pastor. We have the men's group, women's group and young people's group. We all enjoyed our weekly and daily activities. Every Sunday, we come together for our church service and come again in the evening for our prayer meetings. Our young people also gathered for their youth fellowships. There was a smooth sailing and harmonious relationships established between our church and its members until such a time when we found out that there were families starting to betray and dislike us. This was happened when we had a visitor sharing her life testimony about her previous life before she became a Christian. Being the leader of the women's ministry and at the same the assistant of my brother (Pastor) it was our practice to welcoming all the visitors and asking them to give short testimonies especially that this visitor I believed was gifted and talented. In her testimony she told us everything about her good and bad experiences as a single lady. To make her story short, she engaged with men finding her good fortune. But sadly, she didn't get what she wanted until she realized that she was no longer happy with her life. So, she repented and decided to come back to the presence of God whom she found the real happiness. After her testimony, mostly the congregation accepted her because as Christian believers we should follow on what the Lord Jesus had done for us. We believe that she was totally forgiven because God had paid all our sins when he laid His life at the cross. We also followed Jesus teachings about the "Parable of the Prodigal Son" that no matter how the son disobeyed his Father but still his Father loved him so much that he waited his son to come back to his arms. That was our Lord Jesus felt for all of us. Days had passed; I heard some rumors that we have some church members disliked our visitor and the idea of accepting her in the church. One day, a group of women came to our house and began accusing her as a theft. I was surprised upon hearing their accusations and asking them if they have evidences that they can present to us. I advised them to stop their actions because it was not reliable. Since then I started smelling something from them that their attitude was the opposite of being a true believer and follower of Christ. They became judgmental, envious and opposition. Until they stopped their fellowships with us and we found out that they transferred to other religion. The church called them for a meeting but they failed to come. Nobody in the church forced them to come back because it is their right. Our church ministry went through. Women's ministry created a prayer warrior's meeting every night. We also conducted bible studies every Friday and Saturday night of the week. In our prayer warrior's meeting, those oppositions we continue praying for them that they may find happiness and peace each day. Our church present situation now is that we have new members coming from our conducted bible studies. We all enjoy the works of God. We keep on praying to have strength and the courage in sharing the gospel. We went to other places and reaching out those hungry for the words of God. We were so blessed and happy listening to the people's testimony of how happy they were reaching out their homes talking about God and offering prayers for them. We didn't invite them to come to church but they voluntarily came. One day, we were all surprised when we received a letter, a very bad letter from anonymous telling us that we were all traitors and children of the devil. At first we all get mad, but when we asked guidance from God, He revealed us to love our enemies just as we love ourselves too. Those were just persecutions in the life of Christian people. And these persecutions had resulted to more blessings to all. Fortunately, there was a child of God offered for a beautification of the church building and she also invited a get together dinner for all the church members with a surprise distribution of rice packs. This event showed us God's goodness towards His people. We also realized that these bashers were the keys to open the gates of blessings. So from now on, we welcome you "BASHERS" to receive God's bountiful blessings. Hoping here you enjoy reading my story. God bless us all.