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My name is Thea Ryda. I am 19 years old. I was born at Tboung Khmum province. Now, I am scholarship student of American University of Phnom Penh.

My Life at Sunrise Children's Village
May 31, 2018 6 years agoPeople are different. Even they were born from the same family, but they are not the same. The main reasons that make them being different but unique in their own ways are time and experience. Time is always moving. It will never stop, and people will experience more about life as the time passed by. With all those experiences that come along with the moving time, people gradually begin to learn new idea that can help them to adapt in the environment that they are living. My name is Ryda. I am 19 years old which I think is old enough for me to spare my little knowledge and experience to the world. It is my pleasure to talk about my life at Sunrise Children's Village, the orphanage. In 2005 I and my cousins were sent to an orphanage called Sunrise Children's Village. By going there, it doesn't mean that I was an orphan but my parents was super poor. They couldn't afford for my study, clothes and food. I knew they didn't want to send me away, but they had no choice, because I saw they were crying behind the car that I was sitting in. The car that was going to take me away from my hometown. I didn't feel anything at that time. I just wonder why they were crying. On the way to SCV, I was sleeping most of the time. Therefore, I did not have any time to figure out why my parents were crying. When I arrived Sunrise Children's Village (SCV), I was really excited because everything was different from my hometown and it was really fascinating. There was a playground which I had never known that it existed on this earth. The separation between the dining room and bedroom wasn't what I had seen in my village, because we had only one room in our house or cottage. The lights and the fans were all hung from the cell which I found really amazing, because we used only the light from the candle or the light from oil. We didn't have any fans. For rich people in our village, they would use the battery to light their house but not electricity. We didn't have any electricity as in Sunrise. In addition, the television that was colorful, and it can be played with DVD or CD or USB, in Sunrise, was not what was used in my village. In my village, we used the TV that the color was white and black, and it couldn't be seen clearly. Moreover, it couldn't be played with any DVD or CD or USB, yet poor families in our village including mine were not able to buy that black and white TV to watch. But SCV managed to buy that colorful TV which made me think that Sunrise was super rich. Actually, there are many differences between SCV and my hometown, it is like the different between the poor and rich societies. But this are the main points that I noticed when I first arrived there. By staying and studying at Sunrise, I have learned many things such as English, Khmer traditional dance, Khmer general knowledge, sports, and some music instruments. Moreover, I was able to go abroad for two times. For the first time, I was able to go to two countries to perform Khmer traditional dance which included Australia, and Singapore. I couldn't remember much about that trip, because I was young. The main thing that I remembered is that I have done a lot of performance, and I was really happy. The second time, I went to Australia to study tour or study exchange. I could remember many things from this experiences, because I went there on 2014 which was not too long. I was extremely happy and excited with this study tour, because I have been to a lot of places in Sydney such as the zoos, the park, the monument, and the mountain. Nevertheless, I was on the big boat with a really great and fantastic environment. I felt really lucky about that, but I did miss Cambodia so much. In short, with this two experiences I have learned many things about the foreign countries. Also, I have learned that the world is not as small as I thought which can make my knowledge getting broader and wider. In conclusion, I have talked briefly about my life at Sunrise Children's Village. There were a lot of differences between this organization and my hometown, and I was really happy to live in both places. Living in Sunrise, I have learned and experienced many new things that I have never done before. Therefore, I am really thankful to Sunrise.