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the fact or condition of being addicted to a particular substance or activity.
Never before have I felt anything like it. It haunts my dreams and waking days, invades my thoughts and pulls on my emotions. It runs through my veins like a drug, awakens my senses and causes me to do things that ultimately go against my personality. What could do such a thing you ask? Well, the answer is what you would least expect.
Dog shows.
I look down the metro car and sigh. My ministry team sits on both sides of me, conversing about things amongst themselves. All unimportant to me. I should be preparing and going over my Sunday School lesson, but all I can do is stare blankly down the metro. The rocking of the car under me brings me back to the three months I spent working for a professional dog handling couple before coming here to school in Hungary. I close my eyes again and imagine balancing myself in the crowded RV I spent the majority of my time in, brewing a cup of coffee in the moving vehicle and setting it in the cup holder for my employer. I can see the winding American highway out the front window of the RV and I can't help but smile sadly. What I would give to do it all over again.
Six weeks. I keep reminding myself, that in just a short while I can. My smile widens. I have already decided exactly what I want to do when I get back home. I want a large order of biscuits and gravy from The Dixie Cafe and I want to groom a yorkshire terrier. Anyone's yorkie. Well, any dog actually. As long as I can groom something, I think I'd be happy, just to get my hands on a pin brush and hair dryer again. I sigh again as the metro comes to a stop at Keleti Station and I exit behind with my team. I straighten my back pack and round the corner and get on the escalator. Six weeks.
Just you wait. I'll be back and ready for anything.

Apr 17, 2018 6 years agoaddiction əˈdɪkʃ(ə)n/ noun the fact or condition of being addicted to a particular substance or activity. Never before have I felt anything like it. It haunts my dreams and waking days, invades my thoughts and pulls on my emotions. It runs through my veins like a drug, awakens my senses and causes me to do things that ultimately go against my personality. What could do such a thing you ask? Well, the answer is what you would least expect. Dog shows. I look down the metro car and sigh. My ministry team sits on both sides of me, conversing about things amongst themselves. All unimportant to me. I should be preparing and going over my Sunday School lesson, but all I can do is stare blankly down the metro. The rocking of the car under me brings me back to the three months I spent working for a professional dog handling couple before coming here to school in Hungary. I close my eyes again and imagine balancing myself in the crowded RV I spent the majority of my time in, brewing a cup of coffee in the moving vehicle and setting it in the cup holder for my employer. I can see the winding American highway out the front window of the RV and I can't help but smile sadly. What I would give to do it all over again. Six weeks. I keep reminding myself, that in just a short while I can. My smile widens. I have already decided exactly what I want to do when I get back home. I want a large order of biscuits and gravy from The Dixie Cafe and I want to groom a yorkshire terrier. Anyone's yorkie. Well, any dog actually. As long as I can groom something, I think I'd be happy, just to get my hands on a pin brush and hair dryer again. I sigh again as the metro comes to a stop at Keleti Station and I exit behind with my team. I straighten my back pack and round the corner and get on the escalator. Six weeks. Just you wait. I'll be back and ready for anything. -AJC