

My Family

Sep 16, 2019 5 years ago

When I was younger, my parents always taught me the value of family and how important it is. I always just said “yes dad, okay I understand', not completely understanding the value of it until one day when I finally did. Having a family doesn't mean they have to be blood related. I first started to question if family means you have to be blood related when it was my first day in avid class. As soon as I walked in the class the teacher was so sweet and my peers were hilarious. We started doing bonding activities with the whole class, which I found useless and a waste of time, at the moment. As a result, to this, I started to question staying in that class. Coach Rudiger, my avid teacher at the time, had realized my concern and advised me saying to “give it time” because “I won't regret it”, I responded saying “I hope your right”. I never thanked her enough for it. She was always more of a mother to me than she ever was a teacher to me. She was as overprotective of me as a wolf and its cub. I stayed and learned to love and appreciate the little things in life, such as the bonding activities. I look back at my freshman avid class and just think how idiotic I was for even considering dropping out of that class. I loved that class and still do till this day. I still see the same peers each day at school and I'm certain that they showed me something valuable and important in life, even without them knowing it, they filled me with warmth. Those bonding activities, tutorials each 2 days out of the week, Christmas dinner and field trip memories will always hold a specially place in my heart. Whether you're blood related or not, you can always have a family with the people closest to you. My perspective in how I see the world changed because of them; because of them I now know the true feelings and definition of having a family.

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