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So, it wasn't until I was past that hump in life when I realized that what I love to do is going to slip me by and I will never even given it a shot. See, I have always been a writer, but the problem with that was I didn't have the time to actually put my whole heart into it. I had other things that were taking up my time, and I never took the time to write. But since life has slowed for me and being a single parent, it's a hard task to do. When you got kids, and my kids are 9, 19 and 25. So, it was a hard task to pull off when especially they were so far apart in age. Don't get me wrong, I would've loved to put off getting married and having a bunch of kids for writing, but my heart followed something or I should say, someone else and there went the writing. I kind of wrote in journals when I was having a rough day or when I was sad, or even when I was so angry and I wanted to scream and pull out my hair; I wrote in journals. It's so much better than freaking out the kids because you had a terrible day. Journals are a great way to start of being a writer. It's kind of like your your own editor and publisher. Now matter what you say in that journal, you can never be wrong with the things you write; it's all about you in that journal. It's a great place to vent and cry and not have anyone know about it. Plus when you have a hard time talking to your partner; journals help like messengers. Write what you want and ask your partner to read and comment on the new entry that you wrote, ask for their advice or opinion, and it helps when you can't say what you want to to that person. You'd be surprised how much that helps; It was a helpful idea when my spouse and I couldn't find the words to say to each other without getting out of hand. It made us sort out things that we couldn't say to each others faces, and it mellowed our anger moments when the kids were around, and they were around all the time. It helps when you are way from home, it helps when you need a friend and your friends aren't available all the time, they're around, but at like 3 am or 4 am, you really shouldn't call up your buddy and ball over the phone or vent at them. They probably won't want to answer the phone after a couple of times doing that to them. I know I would lose my mind if my buddy called me so late and laid it out on me. So, starting out slow is good and getting used to writing in a journal is the best I think in my opinion. You might have all these great ideas for books to write or short stories, but when it actually comes to putting it down on paper or typing it on the screen; it doesn't happen, you freeze up, your mind goes blank, you have nothing to say all of a sudden. It's because your putting too much pressure on yourself and you aren't ready for the big dog park just yet. Don't be disappointed, don't be a quitter; do it slowly, make sure your comfortable talking to yourself before you try to talk to others with your words. Writing can be so much fun, it can lead to amazing things that pay very, very well. If you have the gift and you love what you write, then keep it going, ust don't rush it. You won't get anywhere and its going to bum you out. I've been writing for two decades and look where I am. I am at the beginning only, I lost so much time, I put off my passion and gained other achievements in life. I don't regret a thing, and my kids are crazy at times, but that's my life, and writing about things that I love and the knowledge I have after so long, makes things so much easier for me to write as well. I was limited to what I had to say two decades ago, not now. I have tons to say, tons to through down on the screen or paper and make others feel all those crazy feelings that I did when I wrote it. I want to entertain and let people into my world. Fiction or non- fiction, personal; what ever it may be and how the readers want the stories to go. It's important that you make the time to write, and take the time to have those free moments in a day for yourself not anyone else just you. Having you time, elps in so many ways, it's amazing that being alone with your thoughts never left you alone. Follow your dreams, even if your old like dirt. It's the wisdom and history and all that good stuff that readers want to hear. So, let's get out there and fill these people's lives with our words. You won't ever be sorry, I am not sorry for anything. I love it so far.

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