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My name is Ozodbek. My surname is Qudratillayev. I am from Uzbekistan. I was born and grew in Samarkand region. There are three people in our family. I love our family.

Menace of COVID-19
Jul 21, 2022 2 years agoIn March 2020, the tribulation for humanity began. The name of this disaster was COVID-19. At first the virus became widespread in China in late 2019 and spread worldwide in the spring of the following year. COVID-19 did not by pass Uzbekistan. Quarantine was introduced in our country on march 16, 2020, because of that people fell into fear they bought a lot of food. All the people on the street were wearing masks. Online lessons started in schools. The busy streets were empty. People did not meet with relations. If they happened to meet, they would pass without looking at each other because everyone was afraid of catching the virus. I also did not see my friends again, after the spread of the coronavirus. My last meeting with my friends was the day before the quarantine started (March 15). On that day we had a party we did not know it would be quarantine from tomorrow. We spent a lot of money on the party. We enjoyed from the party. The party was going great then we wanted to continue the party until the tomorrow and we did it. I returned home in the morning when I entered the home, my mother did not rebuke me for coming late. Because she was in a hurry somewhere. I asked her where she was going. My mother said that she was going to the market because of the fact that the quarantine had started. Then I realized that I was not going to school and I was happy. I thought the quarantine would last about a month and I started making plans. According to my plan I would go somewhere with my friends every day. But the quarantine started the next day and I did not even think about going anywhere because I had a little horror. At that moment my teacher called my parents and she demanded that I attend online lessons. Then I started to participate online lessons. The virus was increasing more and more. Because of that the victims of the virus were also increasing. The TV shows were also about the virus. They counted how many people had contracted the virus and how many the patients had died. Online lessons ended at the end of May. I was a little upset about it, because I was bored without offline school. Covid-19 did not stop multiplying. It would warry me. The situation did not improve until July, doctors started using the vaccine and some restrictions were removed, it was allowed to go out (only with a mask). Shops were opened. The main thing is that pupils started going to school. Everyone was happy that. We got rid of the coronavirus. I was also very happy not to catch the virus. But that was not all… In the summer of 2021, a new strain of the virus appeared. This time there was not strict quarantine because everyone started vaccinating. No one was afraid of the virus. They walked on the on the street without masks. But the virus suddenly broke out. Unfortunately, virus arrived to my village. Many people began to die from the Covid-19. Two weeks later, what I feared happened. One evening when I went to see my grandparents, they were inflicted with Covid-19. I told my parents about it, when I got home. The next day I started taking a temperature. My parents started to worry about me and the next day they got sick too. We were tested for Covid-19 and found out that we had it. We took medicine. The medicine worked for me quickly. I got better in a week. My father got well soon, but the disease was difficult for my mother. She took a lot of injections, because of that she got well. But we had to stay in quarantine two weeks again. One day, I hear that the virus leaves its complications in the human body. Then I asked my parents what kind of complications they had from the virus. My father said that the virus affected his liver. My mother's legs started to hint after the virus. Neither my liver nor my legs hurt. Then I looked in the mirror and I saw that my hair was gray. When I combed my hair, they started to fall out. When I thought the virus had taken its toll on my hair. Now we have completely recovered from a virus. In my point is that life is dear for everyone. Therefore, they should look after themselves. Quarantine has tested of people's patience and those who endure it are surviving. I have learned a lot, because of Covid-19. I read many books sitting at home. Most importantly, I felt the love of my parents every day. We rarely ate together before we were together during the quarantine.