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Hello internet i'm will a blue collar worker and wannabe artist and writer I want to use this site to share some stories I wrote over the years.

The Strangers
Aug 24, 2018 6 years agoSo it starts off in a big shipping warehouse which was a mafia run operation the boss runs all his illegal goods though here drugs, guns, hot cars from a local chop shop. I was a booster and "part time delivery boy" when the regular guy was too drunk and high off his ass to do it. The money was good and being a recent college graduate I needed to feed my self and pay these student loans somehow. With the money I got a custom 07 lancer blue with gold rims, As I head back to the car with goods I get a bad feeling then all of a sudden gunshots I hid side of the lancer which was bullet proof thanks to some friends the chop shop. Cops?! I thought at first...then I peeked out to see it was a women she was shooting and killing everyone with such precision and skill two body shots and then a head shot. When I looked out again and the boss was in front of me trying to shoot her but nothing then his head exploded the blood got all over my face as I was wiping it off everything goes quite when I cleaned it off BAAM just like that her gun was in my face. You're not one of my targets... she said in a soft tone she was tall at least 5'8 pale skin Latina women with crazy long hair like down her back almost touching the ground with odd outfit a black vest with a white dress shirt and pants Roberta?? I said to her, find a better line of work she said and walked off. As I watched her walk away I could feel my body still frozen in place it took me a minute to pull my self together and get the hell outta there. I open the passenger side door jump in close the door slide over to the driver side start the engine and gun it. I start heading for the eastern exit of the warehouse doing sixty miles per hour I hit a small slope caught some air land drift right through the parking lot as I'm driving I see the front gate is still closed fuck it I tell myself and smash right on through. As I drive on to the main road I come to a four way intersection with a stoplight on red I slow done and stopped, Good thing too I needed to catch my breath as I sit there I wonder were did I see her before? I asked my self. Then it hits me like a ton of bricks she was the girl I spoke to at the auto zone parking lot I was there buying a oil filter for my other car a sixty-eight chevy. As I remember I was getting ready to leave I saw this same women siting on a triumph Bonneville next to where I parked as I walked by I said nice bike thanks she replied with a smile. Hey do you know where Cielo nightclub is? I just arrived here and I don't know my way around she said softly. Yeah that is a Colombian joint downtown off sixth street man what a pretty girl I think to myself my name is Will by the way I'm Rosarita but my friends call me Roberta its nice to meet you Will like wise I said. Well I gotta go said Roberta as she hopped back on her bike is there something else? she said I didn't realize I was staring. Yeah I was thinking if you and I could go out for drinks sometime ? I could show you around and stuff, thats sweet she said but I don't plan on staying in town long sorry. No its fine bye she said as she rode off what a girl...... A car horn blows I snap back to reality the light is green and two cars are behind me I start driving man that is crazy goes to show you never know who you might run into out there.
The Red Commander
Aug 19, 2018 6 years agoOkay so this one starts on a cliff side with what seems to be a bunker built in to the side of a mountain with huge blast doors. Outside around the perimeter is a military outpost with the commander over looking everything from a balcony over the blast doors. But something was wrong the base was on alert everyone was scrambling to there post make sure you chain prisoners up in front of us the commander yelled he was wearing a red beret with a long red worn cloak. As the soldiers chained up the prisoners they take up position behind them with two hummers one was mounted with a 50. cal machine gun the other one had a mini gun on it was a Asian girl who had tribal tattoos on her right arm she had brown hair with dark black eyes. We are waiting for a trade off people lets hope with their friends chained up in front of us that will deter them from doing anything stupid said the commander over the intercom and he was right their superior position and fire power if anyone shoots those poor people will be torn to shreds.