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Born in Fayetteville, North Carolina, Menelik grew up in many homes that would be the reason for his family moving back and forth from from North Carolina to Florida every couple of years. As a kid he always understood the smallest details of things and was able to not only understand his surroundings but break them down to the smallest of their being. As Menelik got older he realized the working of his mind and what he could accomplish if he stabalized it. Menelik believes that if you can understand your thoughts then you can understand others as well. Going into highschool Menelik became very Interested in writing, he had alot of impurities flooding his mind and so much to drain that writing became his scapegoat. Menelik currently attends high school and is working on his writing skills.

Jul 28, 2018 6 years agoTake your own and turn it into something great , no one has to know , just make sure it's first in place. Wake up and smell the air , bring forth your genius , make them all stare. Plan during the day and flourish during the night , open up your mind and let all your wildest thoughts take flight. Take walks and study your scenery from left to right , talk to all the beautiful things in your line of sight. Go out with your friends and have the best time , everyone gets a glass of tea with a piece of lime , raise up your arms and clink every glass , savor the taste it might be your last. Love the people around you even if they're a stranger to you , they're the ones that wish you the best without knowing a clue. Make your energy great , deliver it with a smile , multiply those additions by finishing it off with your best style. Keep the ones that make you warm , distinguish the ones that bring you harm work on every step you take , be your own charm. Make every laugh count , make every idea sing , show everyone the best personality that you can bring. Day turns to night and night turns to day never let yourself stick for the ones that didn't wanna stay. Promise yourself you'll do better even if you fail , keep your words bright , never let them be pale. Be who you are , perfect what you do , show the stars that you can shine bright too. Boy or girl tall or short , don't let society make you , instead shield yourself by building your own social fort. Set big goals but don't let the sky be your limit , instead let your work explode like fireworks and give all their souls a fidget. Take a look at yourself in the mirror from time to time , sometimes all it takes is for your reflection to tell you it's all gonna be fine. Only you can win , they can't play your game , tell 'em to go try something else , maybe walk a new lane. Make your mind a disease but not deadly , Instead make it mentally everlasting that'll have their nerves heavy.