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I have done MBA and I am working as an educationist in an international organization.I am multi task oriented person.
A Thrill to Explore
Millions of people across the world are desirous to take a round trip of the whole world once in their life through different means. I have chosen “Writing” as the best medium for my excursion. Introducing myself through my ideas, life experiences, suggestions, critical thoughts, intellectual opinion, and much more, is the main motive of this journey.
My every single piece of writing makes me realize that I’m at a new place with some new motive and challenges. A platform where everyone is warmly welcomed for articulating their ideas and opinion about every single thought shared by others.
The most thrilling journey of my life though just begun, but would never be ended. I have been exploring the people called “Writers”, since the time I read the first editorial, when I was in grade-8, to get the answer of my query: “Who is a writer”? My first published article was the answer of that quest. There is a hidden writer inside every person.
Nothing is impossible unless we are not intended to do that task. Still exploring my writing skills through incessant learning …At this stage, I’m, fervid to write and yearning to be read by others.

To the World’s Best Person
Oct 16, 2018 6 years agoIt took nearly a week for me to grasp the words for depicting my thoughts on the paper. Few things make our life embellished in such a way that we are unable to define them. I realized this fact after getting spliced to the one who becomes my reason for living. This is a relationship called blessing gifted by God enfolded with love, care, understanding and much more. I still memorize the day when I was inquired about my plans for getting married during the initial interview for my current job. I replied hurriedly: “I don't want to be a caged bird with clipped wing”. Today a slight glance on my answer makes me giggle. I still remember the unforgettable golden journey of my life with my soul mate. The scorching Sun of August with 54 degree in Dubai has spruced my life tome with lots of vibrant moments. Each instant was constructing a precious memory filled with his saccharine presence. Within a month we discovered the beauty of the desert land covered with glass scrappers and the marvels of 21st century. I loved the Big Bus ride with its briefing service about the places we were visiting one after other. We decided to take our meal while hunting for the best cuisine after getting exhausted on the first day of our excursion. On the way towards the restaurant, as we entered to the foot wear outlet I asked him unpredictably: “what are we doing here?” As we were planning to take our meal first, he said to get the pursuit sneakers for me, so that tomorrow I will be able to walk properly without any throbbing. How come he knows that I am not contended in these shoes? You make me whole; my heart whispered….It is care with no judgments. We had the best dinning outs right from Palm Atlantics to the cruise dinning's ---.Each cuisine was giving a divine taste because they were amended with the fundamental ingredients of his love and affection. There were two fascinated things I wanted to try at least once in my life, since my child hood: One was to hover like a bird on the sky and other one to swim like blue face angel beneath the sea. I still remember the paragliding at Jumeirah beach. It was my first ride of paragliding with my beloved one. That moment made me speechless because he was adventurous to do those things that I was enthralled for. How come he knows that I was dreaming of all this... I enquired to the God… I felt like whatever I was asking to God it was all diffused in his mind. The more we were flying up the more I was feeling like I am the luckiest wife on this universe, undeniably. Next morning another surprise was ready which he shared while holding my hand: “Let's explore something new!” I asked him surprisingly: “Like what?” He said, “Let's go for swimming”. I was astounded and the only reply which I would be able to give was my tight hug with thankful expression to God. I still remember my first dive while holding his hand and heeding to his instructions in the glinting blue wavy water of the pool. I took a long breath and came out of the water with the feeling of freedom and success while leaving all the fear factors behind. I can't believe I have done it. You drive me mad, I embraced him tightly while yelling with pride and contentment of a dream comes true. A relationship of trust with no ifs and thens. I kept all the precious moments of our trip in my mind to be recalled specially when there are any pros and cons for silly things… A self-reminder when a voice comes from my heart that “I am blessed”. He is the one who adjudicates me more than I evaluate myself. He guides me before I slouch down. He always emboldens my every single effort for doing something new and crazy. He is the one who can read my silence if any discord arises. I adore you and my love for you has grown by leaps and bounds by every passing day. I am chasing to filch the magical words for extracting my feelings towards my partner. Everything gets a side except his love and devotion. Life is beautiful and is the biggest blessing I am rewarded with. Life is not about hunting for Mr. Perfect, It's about enjoying it with the one who makes it perfect! I got mine whom “I love so much” and suggest you to adore yours.
Fervid To Write
Oct 16, 2018 6 years agoIt was a nippy noon of December, while enjoying a sip of coffee; my college crony's joined me in a relishing mood, with obliged for accomplishing A-grade in their last exam of Project Management. One of them responded that we are utterly reliant upon your handouts since the commencement of our session. My mind strands were clutched with the list of questions: will I ever be able to pen down my scrambled thoughts that comes in my mind in every then and now? If so, will it be ever read by anybody? How to define an incredible writer like Mark Twin, William Faulkner and many more? Before they joined me. I asked them, Hey! Could you guys please further elaborate how comes my notes are supporting for your exams preparation? A friend responded actively: my only snag is that, I am envisioned to vibrant my concept about the topic, your self-made notes is the basic concept explanation wrapped with the practical approach while correlating it with the current scenario. I asked him further that why don't you prefer to pay attention towards the lecture instead of choosing those notes? He said to me that: Being a beginner, I am zealous to clear my concept with the easiest way. Does it mean that the way I write, gives you maximum understanding? He retorted with contentment: of course yes. I was trying to make each knot of my confusions to be cleared, which was essentially about how to become a writer??It's all about your creative approach, which will make others' to understand what actually you are trying to convey through the power of your words, I decoded our conversation. The first step is the firmest part for the practical implementation of your ideas. Writing is an art that depicts the idea of a person's surveillance in his adjacent and making others to apprehend the importance of each diminutive factor of the milieu. Another friend preceded the chat: you are a Peregrine, who has the ability to catch the prey through the power of your words once inked on the paper. My mind was still puzzled with: How and from where to start writing? While they were sharing their views. Your each single word portrays your tactic that how you perceive the things in your surroundings and your comebacks towards them. Another opinion shared by a friend. How can I forget the end part of our conversation halted with their worthwhile advice: We are the bibliophiles of your creations and our exam results are the testimony, that you have the weapon to begin & win the war? If we merge these all outlooks at one point, then the conclusion would become: It's all about the construction of thoughts and stances. Whatever you write, always make it expedient for the readers. Explain the things just like the “Nature” definable but, can't be transformed, though articulated in different ways. It has been years that I am bothering my words to be scattered on a paper whenever demanded by the job, writing for me: is a quest with no ends. The words that will brighten up the minds of the readers, I am a kind of person whose life revolves around the self-made statute: observe, learn and instigate ,a process that never stops till the last sniff, right from a vocabulary to solo actions of the surroundings. Oh God what a passion I am grabbed with “writing” the craving, that will never be ended .Its only me and my thoughts and the pen with a hope that one day it will be ever perused by someone.