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My name is Shuwekshya Gautam. I was born on 25th November, 2002 in not so popular but the most beautiful country Nepal. I was born to a middle class family and growing up I have learnt to appreciate what I receive and also to cherish every moment with my family. Being the introvert one in every group I find writing as one of the way to express myself.

Facing Crisis
Jul 28, 2020 4 years agoMany scholars had anticipated this thing to happen but it was unknown that it would happen so soon. Yes a small in fact a very small virus called the corona virus/ Covid-19 has taken over the lives of all the people in the world. It has made people doubt on the medical facilities of even the most developed countries of the world. The virus has taken over the daily lives of people, people have started considering even a small gathering which was such a normal thing for the people being the "Social Animals". Like other people in the world this crisis has also affected my life as a student. I was preparing for my 12th board exam and had just 2 weeks left for the preparation when the government announced the nation wide lock-down and as a result my exams were cancelled. WHO had listed our country as one of the most highly vulnerable one to this crisis as our country is the neighboring country of the origin of this virus "China". When I heard that news I was pretty scared my family and mostly for my grandparents who were living with us. Our government had announced lock-down when the total infected people in our country were only three people and one of them had already recovered so this virus thing was in control in our country for a long time. Like other countries this crisis had also affected my country a lot. Most of the people were jobless which increased the responsibility of the government and our country being a poor one economically, was supporting the citizens by taking grants form other countries. There was acute crisis of the necessities like clinical masks, testing kits and PPEs in our country which surely made the front line workers much more vulnerable. Like most of the people in the world my life was also affected by this crisis. My father being a struggling businessman this crisis had affected us economically . He was always telling us that he could handle it but we knew how hard it was for him. As I was waiting for my exams and all my courses were completed in high school unlike my siblings I had no online classes. As I was not busy unlike other times I decided to work on myself both physically and mentally. I decided to work on my fitness as I had been ignoring it for a long time and it was the best time to improve my immunity level. I used to do meditation early in the morning which could improve my concentration and would do some exercises in the afternoon to keep myself active. I got a chance to discover my interest in gardening as I would get involved in planting flowers and vegetable in the garden with my father. I also engaged myself in something that gives me satisfaction that is painting. I tried different recipes form you tube and impressed my family members with my new discovered talent. As I was working on my development as a better person, my country was also doing a lot better than before. Before this crisis my country depended on other countries for the basic requirements like sanitizers and masks but as the import of good had decreased our country had started producing many things by its own which had made us believe in the power of unity as it was only possible when there was a proper understanding between the government and the citizens of the country. This crisis had made me believe that human beings were actually the social animals and it was the busy lifestyle of the people that was responsible for the increasing space and lack of understanding between the people. I was seeing a great example of the saying that "Team work make the dream work" in my own community as all the people were free form there busy lifestyle they were more concern about the environment they were living in. The people of our community were more interested about making the surrounding beautiful , with the help of the neighbors people were cleaning up the surrounding, planting trees and what not. There was an amazing sense of cooperation and understanding between the people which had never been seen before. Although all the people were free form there busy lifestyle but we could not go places to enjoy or go out for eating and we had to be very careful in every activity that we did outside the house. Social distancing was demanded form us by this virus and being a part of a social community it was hard for all the people to follow this rule in the beginning but it slowly built in us like a habit. The people working for the development of vaccine still say that it will take more time and our country being an underdeveloped one I can surely say that it will take much more time for our country to receive it until then the best alternative for us as a responsible citizen is to control its spreading by following social distancing and proper sanitation. Although this crisis had a huge impact on the whole world surely say that it was an opportunity for each and every people to know that there existence is the most uncertain thing and every person should live there life to the fullest everyday.