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Hello everyone.
So here I am finally,
After almost 20 years of my life, I realised that one major aspect which was missing during this entire time , was my interest in writing.
Now I am 22, 2 years of my life has been like a rollercoaster ride. To be honest, my entire life was like it. Which made me learn a lot more than anyone of my age would. And maybe because of all this, I ended up writing and midway found out, what true writing really is. Although, I am still a learner.
I don't just write on specific topics or some specific content, I write what comes to my mind and do it for a lot of reasons but one of the major motive is to help atleast one person for better. If atleast one person would find comfort in reading my writings then, that would be a great achievement for me.
I even have a Instagram account where i post all my writings which helps me keep myself motivated on a daily basis.
I also like to travel to different places, I have already been to lot of places during my engineering days and I am looking forward to explore more of it in the future.
I am a firm believer of "Happiness is a state of mind". I believe happiness doesn't have to involve a particular event or a situation to occur, for us to be happy. All we need is, to appreciate the blessings that we have got in the present and be happy with it. But also at the same time, try our best to achieve the dreams and things we wish to do.
My name is Sheeba Parveen ,
And I will not give up on my dream of writing, traveling, learning and ultimately being happy.

Rise again!
Jun 26, 2020 4 years agoThe sparkling water as it reaches the place, The sky as it plays with all it's colours . Everything stops at that point of time & when you look at it, the moment stops right there. This beauty gets locked in your memory. Further, It gets strong, the feeling of one's life worth gets stronger. And As life goes on , so does This water moves & away it proceeds, The sky returns to its darkness . But it doesn't end there, as there's always a hope to get a chance, to once again visit all this different mesmerising places . Because like life, This blue water, the dark sky & the enthralling nature, this doesn't stop right here in the darkness, it comes back from it to somethng more enticing every single day. .-S✍️