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impossible is possible
bukhara , Uzbekistan
My life in the pandemic
Sep 18, 2021 3 years agothe pandemic has affected the whole world, including me. For the better, of course. The pandemic was an important period for success, personal development, self-awareness and making important decisions for yourself. I tried to participate in various contests during both summers of the pandemic. Also to read books. Because in the winter I only had to read my own reading. It's important to have time to think about myself. I looked for answers to questions like where I made mistakes, what I achieved, what I need to achieve, and what I need to do to do it, and I found it to some degree. I am studying at the medical institute. in the summer of the first pandemic I took 2nd place among the students of the online olympiad in microbiology republic.I was very happy because I took the 4th place a year ago. They also gave him some money. Then I won the 3rd place in the competition for the best social project organized by the regional youth union. They gave me a diploma and an electric stove. Yes, in the summer of the second pandemic, I participated in 100 projects of ideas for Uzbekistan. I am currently in the semifinals. I all this because of the pandemic the readings have been switched to online mode, we have started to use the internet more to read. I associate it with the fact that I have more time left. I realized that I could do a lot of things.