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R. A. Merida is a new fantasy, action/romance writer, with the first ever work in progress coming to Kindle in November 2020. Always creating stories since she was young, she has finally came into her own writing her first ever novel. The Atlanta skylines giving inspiration to the ever busy mind that is R. A. Merida.

Don't forget
Oct 04, 2019 5 years agoMy dear child, you are the sun the moon, and all of the stars in the sky, don't let anyone make you forget.
The Regretted Decision part 3
Sep 27, 2019 5 years ago“Niki and you still haven't answered my question." a small laugh escaped his lips. "I live with them for the moment, and since you're here I'm assuming she left you in charge?"She nodded staring at him intently as if she was able to read his mind, "Yeah, she'll be back in a week. Then assuming she'll leave again for the wedding." There was a silence as Adrian looked closely at her face,Glancing back towards the TV that was left on she walked into the living room allowing him to come inside taking a seat opposite to her. She didn't know why this guy made her feel this way but he did and that made her very nervous. "Last time I heard you were in New York, when did you come back?” He looked at her and smiled, “Did Nikikins miss me? If you would have told me to come back I would have, you know this.” She couldn't help it. He made her feel so strange and she didn't like it one bit. She scoffed before she responded. "I didn't miss you, honestly I forgot you even existed. What brings you back though?" She said as she crossed her arms and leaned further against the couch getting as comfortable as she can. "Really? Well if I believe you did. I moved back a few weeks ago. Things changed and boom here I am." She looked at him with a weary look. She knew better than to pry but that sad look in his eyes made her weak, weak enough to continue asking what she shouldn't, so she shrugged. "Think what you want, if anything Jan did. You never keep in touch." A guilty look passed his face before changing to a sad smile. “Sorry, I really wanted to keep in touch but it was hard, you know with work and relationships.” A lump stuck in her throat made it difficult for her to respond. She just nodded, glancing back at the movie playing in front of them. “What about you though, you never kept in touch either. So I'm not the only one to blame.” Niki glared at him, “I wasn't able to your right, and for that I'm sorry.” Adrian looked at her and gave her a small smile making Niki blush. "Aunt Niki?" Niki looked over to the opened door of her room, her eyes adjusting to find the kids looking back at her. "Aunt Niki me and Carol are hungry." Carlos said as he looked at Niki with his big brown eyes. Niki got up and yawned. "What time is it?" She looked over at the clock and yawned one more time. She got up and walked into the kitchen setting two bowls of cereal in front of them. Turning back around to start cooking breakfast, Adrian walked in with sleep still on his eyes. "Good Morning, how'd you sleep?" Niki smiled "Morning, good. How bout you?" Adrian nodded "Good thanks, could I get breakfast too?" She smiled nodding while turning back to the stove. Adrian pulled a set next to Carlos and sat down watching Niki as she moved around the kitchen. She looked back at Adrian and smiled" Is scrambled eggs, bacon and pancakes good for you?" "Of course, thanks." Niki nodded placing plates in front of everyone. "Okay, here we go pancakes for the kids and some extra for you." After breakfast everything became normal as if they all lived together for a long time. Weeks went by fast and before she knew it she was on her way to back to Florida. She had forgotten bout Adrian until a few weeks later when he had shown up at her door step. From then on they were inseparable. They always were together, and they truly had fun with each other. Few months passed and a month later Adrian had shown up at her house and proposed to her. She loved him with all her heart, knowing that she smiled accepting the proposal. Tears formed in her eyes and she knew that she had made the right choice. Niki stood in the kitchen making use of a few pans as she cooked dinner that night. Adrian had stepped behind her wrapping his arms around her. "You know, I never thought we would be like this." "What do you mean?" Adrian smiled before responding "I always loved you, ever since before I moved away." Niki looked at him with surprise "Really? Why didn't you tell me?" Adrian smiled hiding his face between the crook of her neck. "I was afraid that you would reject me and never want to see me again." His voice was muffled but she could understand every word he said. Niki chuckled turning her head slightly to give a slight kiss to his forehead. "Silly, I've loved you since then too. You know how bad it hurt when you moved away? I didn't want you to leave me but you did." She turned and looked at Adrian, only to see a sad expression on his face. "Don't worry now, we here. We're together and we're getting married." "Your right, it doesn't matter. You're here with me now." "Definitely, that day back then when you left is just a regretted decision."
The Regretted Decision part 2
Sep 22, 2019 5 years ago“Thanks for coming in such a short notice hun, it was such a last minute meeting Carlos had. If it wasn't for me having to go to New York Fashion Week I would take them with me.” Nikki shook her head, “No it's fine, besides I was just going to go back home earlier. So you saved me.” Janice stood at the door with her straight light brown hair, falling over her shoulders, and her bangs covering her light brown eyes. Her tan skin was the only difference since they were younger. “Why were you going to go back home? Wasn't it you who said you rather gouge your eyes out than to spend vacation with them?” As Niki walked inside, she saw Carol and Carlo watching an animated movie, “Hey, your favorite aunt is here!” Niki walked further inside and straight into the living room where they were watching the TV. Without receiving a glance she sighed, making her way into the kitchen island that separated the living room from the kitchen and dining room. "Thank you so much for doing this." Janice handed her a bottled water to which Niki smiled "It's no problem at all. I didn't have anything else to do." "Well you do, you got your sister's wedding. You should be in Florida by now." a tinge of anxiety grew inside Niki, making her frown. "I see Em told you about her wedding." Janice nodded. "Yea. She had asked for the kids to be the flower girl and ring bearer. I couldn't exactly say no.” "Really? I thought she would ask you to be her godmother of something. I never expected for her to ask me to be one of her maids of honor. We never really got along, so never really crossed my mind. Apparently they have everything and all I need to do is to measure my dress." Janice shook her head. "You're her sister, no matter what your differences are you two will always be sisters. I expected them to tell you sooner, which makes sense since you would've disappeared if you had a heads up. I want to hurry this trip up so I can have enough time to go to the wedding." Niki just stared down at her hand. She knew what was coming next. "Niki--- you're the oldest out of you two, don't you think you should've gotten married before Em?" Niki sighed, forcing a smile. "I don't think that there is someone out there for me. Besides, I was never one to go out and talk to people, you know this. It's understandable why she is ahead in a lot of things. In any case, I don't think age matters when you get married. I don't need anyone anyways. I don't think I'll ever get married, besides I'm glad my sister is getting married. She deserves to be happy." Niki tried to keep her smile but it was slowly fading. Janice smiled getting up in the process. "Alright I get it. Well I should get going if I want to make it back on time. I'll see you in a week, okay?" Niki nodded giving her a quick hug before she walked into the living room to say goodbye to the kids. When she left they all sat down quietly as they continued to watch the movie. Time passed slowly making it difficult to keep focused on the movie, before she knew it was an hour past dinner time. Standing up, she made her way into the kitchen grabbing the essentials to make her specialty, Mac & Cheese. They ate it happily, while they talked some more about the wedding, making them yawn from exhaustion. They walked upstairs to get ready, finding their beds their heads hit the pillow, automatically falling into a deep sleep. Once the kids were safe inside their beds, Niki made her way downstairs. She was about to lie down on the couch again when she heard a key turning the lock on the door.She got up and cautiously walked to open it, surprise taking over her face as she sees a young looking guy with light skin and light brown eyes that were mostly covered by his black medium length hair, his curly locks hiding bits of his eyes. He was tall, which distracted Niki from her current situation at hand. This guy was exactly like Janice, except he was obviously a guy. She felt a strange pull towards him that she decided to ignore. She couldn't stand the awkwardness of the situation. "How may I help you?"She asked trying to stay calm. She was never good with talking to guys and that irritated her. The guy smiled sweetly "My names Adrian, what's yours?”
The Regretted Decision
Sep 22, 2019 5 years agoShe looked up at the dull, dark, gray sky. It still looked calm, fitting how she was feeling completely. Numb, broken, alone despite the people around her. This was her fault though, she had let an opportunity go far away from her grasp. She had it, she lost it then now she craves it, but it's all too late now. It had all started a few months ago, back in the beginning of spring. She had left her house in the morning to go to her best friend's house, Janice, to take care of her kids while she went away on a business trip for the weekend. As she drove down the street she remembered the conversation she had with her mother the night before. They had started out with a normal conversation about how her family back home was doing, not failing to mention that her sister, Emily, was getting married soon and that they wanted her to be the maid of honor. She had agreed, explaining that she would go home for a while that coming week. Feeling the horrible question coming she tried to ease the conversation away but it had been asked since as long as she can remember. "When are you getting married?"Niki sighed. She got tired of having people ask her that all the time. So what if she didn't get married. What if she wanted to be alone? What if she was happy without having someone by her side? Her thoughts were suddenly interrupted by her phone ringing. "Hello?" "Niki? When are you getting here my plane leaves in an hour.” "Oh hello to you too Jani. I'm here so can you please open the door." And she hung up. A few seconds passed when the large mahogany door opened with Janice standing by the entrance of the door. The house looked average on the outside with the white walls and stone foundation, the landscape making it look much more lived in. Nikki walked in glancing around the already familiar home. The high ceiling lights were on allowing a warm undertone cast on her furniture and throughout the house. White walls decorated with pictures of family and friends, making it feel like home, which in a way it should be.
Sep 17, 2019 5 years agoWatch as the winter moon, Brings life to the desolate abyss. Shining like a diamond across vast lands. Watching, protecting those that heed it's call, Like wolves that cry for it's love, attention, Like the girl who longs to be understood by the world, Yet is left alone to fend for herself. Only the moon shines bright enough for her. Takes her darkness away and brings light as bright as the sun, Which could never reach her, no matter how hard she tried. She's a moon child whose roots flow towards the moon, The graceful being that is and that always will be, Watching, protecting, and loving to the very end.