
Priscilla B.

Writer/Runway Model

Marlboro, United States

My favorite genre is romance and erotica. I've written a few novels so far. I love writing in general! It is no easy task at times.


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The Pleasure's of Prudence

Jun 30, 2020 4 years ago

Prudence trembled with fear. When the clock stroked 10 she knew she couldn't wait any longer. She put on her cloak and walked out into the night. Shouting men and crying women ran raged with fear and anger around her. She kept her head down and kept forward. She had only a few more blocks to go. "Prudence! She heard a familiar female voice calling her name. It was her dear friend Beatrice. Beatrice, who had red curly hair and had been her friend since childhood. "Beatrice, oh am I so glad to see you!" She embraced her friend in a long and loving hug. "Prudence, where are you going at this hour? I thought you were leaving with Roger tonight?" A look of concern crossed her face. "He has not yet returned from Bob's Tavern. I'm headed there now to see what happened to him.... " She looked at her friend now with concern. "What are you doing out so late?" "I went to check on my mother, and found myself staying out later then usual." Beatrice was married to a man named Alonzo and her mother lived alone. "You should really have her move in with you and Alonzo." Prudence had been telling her to do this, but for some reason she would not. "I know. I know. I just haven't been able to convince him yet." "Okay," Prudence said with her hand on Beatrice's arm. "I'm sure it is for the best." Beatrice looked up and smiled. There was a moment of pause between them, and Prudence blushed. She quickly removed her hand. "Oh, I really must go now!" "Of course!" Beatrice kissed her friend on the cheek and hurried off in the other direction. Prudence steadily walked on until she finally made it to the tavern. All the lights were off inside except for a few candles burning. "Hello, is anyone here?" No one replied. She heard some commotion coming from upstairs. She walked up the long dark staircase where she heard noises coming from inside one of the rooms. She got closer only to hear the laughing and sounds of pleasure coming from the inside. She quickly opened the door. There on the bed inside a very naked Roger and woman were sprawled out. "Roger!" Prudence exclaimed. "Oh my god, Prudence!" He replied when he saw her. He pulled himself out of the woman he was with. Prudence walked closer to the bed. "What are you doing? I thought we were supposed to be leaving town tonight." Prudence was very confused. "I know. I'm so sorry. It's just I had to say goodbye to Helga one more time." Helga waved. "Want to join?" She asked. "Helga!" Roger exclaimed. He turned to Prudence. "I'm so sorry Prudence." He started to gather his clothes. We can go now if you want. "No, no, no," That's okay. She looked over Helga's body. She had very large breasts and her legs spread open seemed very inviting to Prudence. She then walked over to Helga and kissed her lips. Helga then began undressing Prudence. Once she was undressed she got on the bed. She began to slip her tongue in and out of Helga. Roger joined them and together they enjoyed each others company. The next day Prudence stood in the kitchen making breakfast for Roger. She stood over the hot stove and sweat dripped down her next and small little droplets fell between her breasts. "Something smells good." He said walking into the kitchen. He walked up behind Prudence and lifted her skirt. He then knelt down and stuck his head between her thighs. As she scrambled the eggs he tickled her inside and rubbed all of her sensitive parts giving her ultimate pleasure. Afterward, they sat together at the table enjoying breakfast and playing footsie. "I have to go see Beatrice today. She thought we were going to leave town last night, and I want to let her know were staying." Prudence stated sitting up and starting to clear off the table. Roger sat up to and wrapped his arms around Prudence's body. "We can still go if you want to," he said kissing her cheek. She pushed him away. "No. I want to stay now. If it gets any worse by weeks end then we will leave." "Alright, whatever you say my love." He went into his room. Prudence knew he would be sleeping the rest of the day. She got on her cloak and a basket full of muffins for Beatrice. "Prudence!" Beatrice exclaimed when she opened the door and saw her friend. She gave her a giant hug and then they went to sit in the parlor. "I brought you some muffins." She handed then to Beatrice. "I don't want your muffins!" Beatrice exclaimed throwing the basket out of the way she hurled herself onto Prudence. "Oh, I've always wanted you!" Beatrice shouted and then began kissing Prudence. Prudence couldn't help, but feel a turned on by this. She kissed Beatrice back. "What about Alonzo?" "He wont be back till night." She then lifted Prudence's skirt and began licking between her thighs. Prudence laid back and felt all the thrusts of her dear friends tongue make her wetter and wetter. The End

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The Working Class

Sep 10, 2019 5 years ago

A couple months ago I started gathering research on whether or not people actually liked the jobs they were working. I only asked people in their 20s because I wanted to understand better if they actually were working their dream jobs yet, or not. My first research subject was a guy who worked at Subway. Did he like his job? Was it his dream job? The answer is no. He was only working their to pay for what he really wanted to do. And that was to work at a hospital. The second worker I asked was a young woman who worked for Wegmans. She didn't seemed thrilled at all to be working there. She did say her bosses were nice, but that's about it. I then asked another young woman at Wegmans. She was only working their to pay for collegee. I really think its kind of sad that your already over 20 and you still arent working where you want. So there you have it. Working for retail or food services as Sandwhich maker, or even a cashier are not dream jobs. Their not even career jobs. They are jobs you get to pay for the job you want. This is how our system is set up and it sucks. So prepaid your children or yourself if your not 20 yet to not have your dream job just yet.

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Dreams Come True

Apr 14, 2019 5 years ago

That's me soaking up the sun on the runway. Dreams do come true. To think I went from being bullied in high school, GED graduate, online student because no one belived in me, or supported me, single mom who was homeless and jobless, to RUNWAY MODEL!!!!!!!!!! I lived by myself all alone. I had the help of one great woman Debra Walls for awhile there. She told me to believe in myslef. And I did. Even after I got pregnant and the scum bag told me to get an abortion just because he was too lazy and stupid to help I never gave up on my dreams. I relied on the goverment (we all know what thats like). I lived in a shelter. I brought my daughter home from the hospital and had to bring her up on my own. Joyfully I did. With the help of some amazing women Stephanie Sosnowski and Kelly Marsh Hidalgo. They helped me because my own family chose to be abusive and disloyal rather then change for if not my sake the sake of their granddaughter. I eventually moved next door to a small 2 bedroom and began working full time. I had to walk 10 plus miles back and forth to the goverments job trading program and Loves daycare because they refused me transport in the middle of August! Id show up sweaty and feeling just awful. Then when someone started stalking me I finally was allowed a van ride. The days were long and hard. But I stayed strong. I was pushed around from job to job and daycare to daycare (Target,Things Remebered, New York & Cpmpany, Bath & Body Works, to name a few). They fired me just because I had the struggle of being a single mom! Day cares were no different. Patty Cake Playhouse almost ended my daughter's life!!!!!!! And I was their employee! Because they payed people off their still in business. I had to quit and when Loves old day care The Morrison Lab School offered her old spot back and a job I couldn't refuse! Only to be told that they messed up my billing with the goverment AND no only that but due to not enough in their budget I was fired!!!! I had to quickly find a new day care and luckily I had just got hired at Dunkin Donuts (Little Brittain Rd, Newburgh, NY). This day care was perfect at first and so was my job. Then the new idiot district manger fucked the whole store up and put the dumbest birch alive as a new manager. She and her team of cunts bullied me to the point of no return. One cunt even threatend to destroy me!!! Her own words!! All I have to say is look at me now birch look at me now. 😊 I had no family support and the dumbest social worker in the world tell me to reconnect with my family. I did and they only abused me more. I lost my job because I called the manager a birch and eventually that whole store crumbled to floor without me. I lost my apartment though and had to live with my abusive family. I had to sleep on an old dirty mattress. I felt like a failure. I had a job though and muddled through life. Id buy toys for Love and spent all the money I earned on just spoiling her and eventually getting us beds because thats all,I could afford. Social services in Kingston was appaling they treated me like garbage. Orange county where I was before fucking billed me saying I had them money for my old apartment. I had to leave furniture, clothes, and,toys costing hundreds of dollars behind! And they still wanted my money! My family continued to be abusive,and it wasnt until I met the love of my life Daniel Collins that life turned around. He belived me and gave me courage to keep being strong. He supported me financially when hannaford in Kingston fired me for being sick! And my parents refused to watch Love and so did all my brothers and sisters and sister in-law too!!!! So finding another job was impossoblie! I wasnt able to afford daycare and the goverment and their retarded rules doesnt pay for daycare unless you already have a job catch 22 much? Like what the fuck. Always with a little help from taxes, and my school loans because I was also working on my masters in psychology at the time I was able to manage so source of income to take care of Love. I even payed to have my baby daddy personal served. He was living it up in his very own hous in Florida!!! Anyways he still show to court. Eventually I had to move in with Dan because my parents and my own little brother (not his fault because he has special needs)were threatening to end Loves life!! So I called cps on them and left. They went on a nice long vacation a month to be exact to California and escaped justice, while I was fighting to survive. Jobless, and technically homeless Dans very loving parents offered Love and me shelter. Dan received a loan from his father to help us move out here. We both work and we work hard. Social services has not been of much help. However, my dreams are coming true despite the odds. I always dreames of working in the Entertainment Industry since I was a little girl. My dream came true. Yours can too just belive in yourself. I support you. You can do it!

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The Princess & The Guy She Thought Was A Prince When I was a little girl I thought the world of my dad. I thought he was the best. He told me I was a princess, and that one day I'd meet a prince. And I believed him. Then I was in middle school and going through puberty I fell in love with a boy named Robbie. I thought he was my prince, and we were going to be married and high school sweethearts. Then I found out what a cheater is. I didn't date him. I don't even think he knew I existed, but when I told my best friend Taylor that I had a crush on him she filled me on his character. She said he was her boyfriend once upon a time, and that he cheated on her by kissing another girl! I wanted to stop liking him right then and there. I wanted to be that strong female character that didn't need to be in love, or have a boyfriend to feel important. Later after much heartbreak, I'd become her, but at the time I still wanted to be Robbie's girlfriend. So the next year when we had classes together, and the year after when we were still in some of the same classes I swooned over him day and night. Eventually, by what seemed like a miracle we got each other's numbers. I stayed up late into the night texting him and proclaiming my love for him. He had a girlfriend though. He told me he wasn't going to break up with her. When I found out I stopped texting him for a while, but then we just started our romantic texting affair up again. To be so young and in love, it's hard to say no to desire and what could be. From the age 12-16, I spent endless nights describing to Robbi how our lives would be if we 're together. But he never told me he loved me, and he told me his mother would never let him be with someone like me. Then as fate would have it I was getting ready for a school dance at my hairdressers. She asked me what lucky guy was taking me and I said, nobody. She asked me if there was anyone on my mind that I might hope would ask me to dance. In the back of my head, the only name I could think of was, “Robbi.” I said his name out loud. His full name. It felt so good to be able to say his name since for so long I felt I had to keep my feelings secret. Taylor had already stopped talking to me by now because of my persistent pursuit to be with him. Everyone who knew about our seemingly secret of texting each other over the years told me not to pursue him. Even guys I thought were Robbie's friends told he wasn't worth it
 Anyways, I told my hairdresser and she enlightened me on basically why he was never going to be the man I wanted. Why he was never going to proclaim his love for me. She told me the story of his mother and father. You see Robbie's parents were divorced. I knew this already, but I never knew why. Once upon a time Robbie's mother and father were school sweethearts. His mother wasn't the overweight women who said didn't want us together. Once she was skinny and one of the most sought after girls in the school. His father married her, and they had twins. Robbie and his sister Elena. Then they had his other sister. But then something awful happened. Robbie's father cheated on his mother! He then left her and never spent another moment with his children. At this moment something just clicked inside me. All the years of trying to get Robbie to love me, but him telling me his mother would never allow it. All the times he told me had a girlfriend. The times he sent me just looks, but never actually spoke to me in public. It all made sense. He was broken inside. His mother was broken inside too and projecting her fear onto him. And in return, he refused to believe in us. It all made sense. It wasn't the fateful answer sent from the universe and told through the voice of my hairdresser that I wanted to hear, but it was the one I needed to hear. I didn't try to pursue Robbie after that. Many years later we reconnected on Facebook and I still haven't told him why I think he never asked me to be his girlfriend. Instead, we just chatted about how far our lives have come. I have a daughter named Love and he's off being a drummer in bands and traveling the world. He's had a lot of chances to declare his love for me, but I don't think he ever was in love with me, to be honest, and I don't think he ever will be. I have someone in my life now he didn't waste one second and still doesn't telling me how much he loves me every single day. He loves my daughter, and he can't wait to be married to me. I know I was young then and so was Robbie, but if he hasn't figured out how great I am by now he never will. And for that reason alone I'm glad we never dated and were not fated for each other forever. I'm at peace knowing that I'm loved and respected every single day. I wish him the best and anyone who finds themselves temporarily attached to him. This story is for all women and young women out there who have loved and lost. For it's better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all. The End

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