With Me (biopage mini-essay writing contest)

" YOU WILL ALWAYS BE WITH ME" November 6 2001 was the day I had first opened my eyes. It was exciting growing up getting to do little kid things, falling off your bike and having ur mom to come help and say everything is alright and you'll be okay. At age 6 that's when everything started to fall apart my dad had left and it broke my family apart. My mom was struggling because she couldn't do it all on her own, we had moved in and out of houses constantly. Until one day I woke up and a nightmare had fluttered around I had found out my mom was diagnosed with stage 4 melanoma cancer. As years go by my mom was in and out of hospitals and having surgery's after surgery's and so on. I was scared of losing her I didn't know if she was gonna be okay I didn't know if things were gonna be alright. It was really hard trying to find my self I felt like I had lost everything. My life was turned upside down, I started getting mixed in with the wrong people I started acting out drinking and smoking I did things that I am not proud of. I have made so many mistakes along the way I may have not learned from them yet but its okay I'm still growing, learning and trying new things. It is now august 7 2018 and I'm siting here hoping I can break that point and become something one day. I want to wake up one day and tell my mom "I did it". The past couple of years and months I have been so lost, confused, scared, I never had a male figure or father in my life, when my dad left it broke me into pieces he was my bestfriend my other half we did everything together. It took me 1 year and 7 months to finally realize what I was doing when I saw the look in my moms face when she was in the hospital fighting for her life, it killed me I realized I need to change not just for me but for the better of our family. I am now 16 years old and I do an online school I started changing who I was I can finally say I'm back to who I really am and days still are tough but ill get through it. My mom is now 45 years old and she is doing the best she can as a single mom, she has five kids, two twins who are 16 years old an oldest son who is now 22 an older daughter who is 18 and a little boy who is 13 years old there names are Ty, Lauryn, Dylan, Cassandra, and me Mackenzie. Even though I have so many bumps in the road my mom is still staying strong no matter what my mom she has been there and I am thankful I still have her still to this day by my side. I still cant believe that one day she might not be here but its okay I have learned that life can hold so many great moments and those best moments I have had are with my mom. at the end of our journey life is life and I have accepted the fact that things are just what it is or going to be. I know one day my mom may not be her but I do know one thing "you will always be with me".

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