When Life hits you so hard!

WHEN LIFE HITS YOU SO HARD! They said time flies so fast when you are happy, but that's not always true. Time flies so freaking fast too when you have loads of work to be done! I have planned to working on my thesis at least 1-hour per day but these couple weeks passed I was so busy that it has been 15 days since my last writing. Life definitely hits me so hard i can barely breath. #Stressful becomes my best friend.😑 Remember when is the last time you were laughing your ass off? I mean I could still laugh with jokes but deep inside my thoughts, there's still plenty of stressful hiding under my brain. All I'm thinking about is work work work work and work. And whenever I have some time off, I just wanna heading to my bed. Forget about shopping, watching a movie or even hang out with friends, I don't have time for those pieces of stuff anymore. If I did, I would dedicate it to be my bedtime. #No time for having fun I have an interesting conversation with friends, we were sitting at the coffee talking about guys and kinds of stuff. And then there's a question asking us who were single that ‘have you seen anyone lately?' and the answer goes to ‘we don't even have enough time to sleep, you can surely forget about finding a boyfriend.' That's right, not anymore. We don't have a boyfriend because we still haven't found the one yet but we were so busy with school and work that relationship lately becomes the second priority of life. And for those my friends who're in a relationship, they find it so hard to schedule the time to hanging out with their guys. But I do like my life this way. Nobody's going to distract me from focusing on my career as a student and a jobber. School and career first, relationship later! #I tend to shut people out. I used to keep my smartphone in my pocket for an hour because I want to concentrate on doing my paper until I realized what if someone tries to contact or call me or if they had an emergency situation and they need my help. But guess what, no one sends me a message if it isn't about work or assignment. Sometimes I hope at the end of the day, I had someone who will text me asking how my day was? But I never care about them so why the hell do they care about me too. I find it so hard to keep in touch with people in my life. I mean I don't know how to make a conversation. It sounds so selfish I know but I do have lots of things to do which is more important than keeping in touch with the person I barely know. Also, I think if I really mean something to them, they will find a way to talk to me. This is probably a life lesson everyone needs to learn. If yours isn't tough like mine, congratulations you still have time to having fun. For me, I didn't prepare myself for this, I never thought my life would be so hard since only the third year of university. But life lesson isn't for you to give up, but for you to stand tall and embrace every obstacle of it.

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